Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What a Rush!

My intention is to make this brief because I have much to do and less and less time to do it in. It is time for lists. Lots of lists for myself and for those I love. Goodness.

My morning has been filled with a fluffy of phone calls. So many people to call to gather information from just so I can leave town for a few days. That's all just fine by me. It does bring home the fact that I live a very interconnected life and like it that way. I'm happy to report that almost all the necessary information has been gathered, schedules made and everyone I love understands and will be just fine.

Besides phone calls, emails and Facebook communiques have proven to be very helpful. We live in an amazing age.

I imagine my posts will be brief for the next few days. I have so much to do at school and to get ready to leave. Once I've left, I plan on enjoying the company of my family and friends. It's been a long time since I was last in my hometown, so this trip, while short and intense, will provide an opportunity to reconnect with so many while doing what I can to lend some support.

One of my conversations today involved that age old truism about tragedies bringing families together, sometimes for the first time in years. It's a bittersweet reality that we humans live with. The more I think about funerals and their importance the more I've come to the conclusion that they are very important for the living. It is a time to gather together to remember and hopefully build and strengthen relationships. I even think it is just the thing that the dearly departed would want.

Coming together in through tragedy also brings forward the fact that sometimes it's just not about me or us or you; it's about them. Focusing on doing the right thing for the sake of someone who is hurting far worse than you are, or I am; makes the doing more poignant and hopefully provides the motivation and strength necessary to get through personal fears, quirks, and whatever else may crop up as a result of the shock of the tragic event. My focus is on our friend's wife, children and family along with visiting with my own family however briefly. Certainly, I want to have a bit of time for myself to get together with people that I haven't seen in years, and I hope that will happen. If things are too chaotic, though ... well, I plan on going with the flow.

One important thing to note about today: I have put to rest the whole subject that caused my universe to shift last week. It is done. I have gone through the entire process, made my decision, accepted my humanity, informed my loved ones of my process and decisions and can now move forward more freely with nothing hanging over my head. INHALE & SIGH. As always, I am eternally grateful to my children and the many professionals who continue to help us all.

NOTE: I am human. Sometimes my reactions to events surprise me, and I criticize myself harshly for not reacting in the "right" way right away. I also talk too much when I am nervous and scared. My self-confidence can easily be shattered by the wrong people at the wrong time. I am getting a bit better every day. An important part of repairing my shattered self-image is accepting my mistakes and short-comings while acknowledging my accomplishments; both past and present. This latest shift in the universe has taught me many, many, very, very, good things. I plan on using all of them for a much better future. Thank God for all the support and understanding I received. I will be grateful for the rest of my life.

OK, I must now stop procrastinating and nursing my agitated nerves and sorrowful soul. It is time to step away from the computer and my Internet family. It is time to do - many, many things.

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Break

It just occurred to me that I will be out and about until around 9:30pm, so I thought I'd take a moment to get this posted.

All is going well with our Digital Sound Project. Seems our group is filled with responsible, talented people. That's such a relief. I've been hearing horror stories about other groups in class. Very happy not to be a part of that drama.

Other than that, I'm just doing my homework and taking care of myself. It's really a boring post, but sometimes boring is just the way to go.

I'll be back sometime tomorrow. We'll see what happens in the meantime.

Take care!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rest in Peace - You Are Free

I'm Free
by Linda Jo Jackson

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free
I'm following the path God has laid you see.
I took His hand when I heard him call
I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day
To laugh, to love, to work, to play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way
I found that peace at the close of day.

If my parting has left a void
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss
Oh yes, these things I too will miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full, I savored much
Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all too brief
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your hearts and peace to thee
God wanted me now; He set me free.

I found out this afternoon that an old friend of the family's died this morning, and the above poem is what I imagine he might say to his family and friends. I could be wrong. I graduated with one of his daughters and spent a good amount of time at the family's house. I got to know her parents, her sisters and her brothers a bit, too. They are a good family.

Our old family friend was a good man. I remember him as being kind and jovial most of the time. For what it's worth, I thought he was a good dad.

My family has a strange connection with his family. Both families lived in a very small town in Minnesota before moving to the same town in Wisconsin. We didn't live in the Minnesota town at the same time, though. The town in Minnesota had only 301 people in it, so to have ended up in our small Wisconsin town of a bit over 8,000 people seemed rather strange to me. It created a bond between our two families that I feel to this day.

Besides, his family has always been nice. You know I put a great deal of importance on being nice. Well, not only are they nice; they're funny, too. ... and kind, hard-working, thoughtful, talented, and, and, and ... all the good things that people should be.

I'm sad that our friend died, but he was suffering; so I guess it is better for him. It is hard for everyone else.

If I can make it to the funeral, I will go. If I go to the funeral, I will drive up that morning and return that night. I will see my family and some friends, give my condolences, and return to my home and my life as quickly as possible. I have found this to be the best course for me when attending funerals in my home town. Something about the extreme emotion of it all gets me, and I need to return to my "safe place" where my children are as soon as possible. I am not as strong as I once was, I guess. We'll see how it all goes.

All that stuff about not feeling sad and all that, well it's pretty hard. I know it's selfish, but it just takes a while to filter through the emotions. I am glad that he is not suffering any more. I just wish he hadn't had to suffer at all was still alive. That's not so profound, is it.

Rest in Peace, Sir. You are sorely missed.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Very Busy Productive Day

Well, I left the house around 9am this morning and have been going steady ever since. It's been a very good day, but I'm dehydrated and a bit nauseous; so I'm going to get something to drink and head to bed.

It was all about doing a project for Digital Sound for our final. We're doing a radio segment on getting together for coffee. It's called, "Coffee Connection." It was fun. I like my group. We're headed out tomorrow to do more interviews.

Other than that, not much going on.

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Simply Boring Day

Well, it's the day after Thanksgiving and not much has happened. I made a scarf from start to finish in about four hours. It's for my Scriptwriting instructor as part of my portfolio.

"????," you say.

Well, we have to turn in 45 pages of written material. I think it's 45 pages of written material. I'm still trying to figure the whole thing out... anyway, some people have included CDs and stuff with their portfolios. I knit and crochet. In any case, I'm doing a bang up job of procrastinating my homework.

That will change tomorrow morning when I pick up equipment at the train station in a genuine drop and run. It's off from there to pick-up BB, GL and my partner. Once I have all the troops, we head over to a great little cafe for coffee and rolls. We're doing a story on coffee and socializing. It's a fifteen minute radio news segment in the "This American Life" genre. There will be lots more involved tomorrow for school.

My night is booked, too. I really should've rearranged my schedule for tomorrow night, but I didn't. Guess I'll go do some school work now, so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow night.

I'm kinda edgy and silly feeling right now. I've got a spot of rash for every day that I haven't smoked. I'm going to have to do something about this. I'm going through hydrocortisone cream like crazy. I've got a few ideas that include talking to the pharmacist, returning the patches that I have, and ?????. Until I figure it out, I keep putting on patches, not smoking and dealing with the slightly bothersome side effects. whoop.

OK, off to look for a job, to fill out an application for the local hardware store and to read some scripts - AND - Watch some "Perry Mason"!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Coma

I fear that I will be in a turkey coma after dinner, so I better post now.

We're about an hour from Thanksgiving dinner. The table is set. The pumpkin pies may be done baking as I type. The potatoes are cooking. The sweet potatoes and green beans are mixed and in the frig waiting to go in the mic and then oven. All the dishes are washed.

BB and I are wiped out. We haven't been sleeping very well these days. Don't know why. We've been vegging to movies today.

I put "Home for the Holidays" in at 6am and started getting the bird ready. When that was done, we put in "The Fantastic Mr. Fox." "Sherlock Holmes just finished, and BB just put in "The Hangover."

I'm going to go stare at the boob tube until we have to jump into action in about half an hour.

Have a wonderful evening. If you decide to go shopping on Black Friday, be careful, please. ... and Thank you for reading my blog.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanks Giving

Twas the eve before Thanksgiving
And in our apartment
Every creature was silent
The picture of contentment

That's it.

Yesterday's post mentioned a shift in the universe. Well, let's face it. The universe shifts every day. It's not like it was a North Korea and South Korea firefight. It was a shocking and unexpected communication from someone I never thought I'd really hear from again.

Thing is that this person now feels that they need my help. After years of misdeeds, they have come asking for my help. Unfortunately for them, they've asked the wrong person. It's not for me to give. In this case, I'm not the proper person to ask.

It took me a while to filter through all the emotions and thoughts to arrive at this conclusion. With this in mind, I want to thank the following people:

Every good person who has ever taken the time to listen and impart some bit of knowledge and compassion to me and mine.

It is Thanksgiving in the USA. It's a wonderful holiday with a complex history. I remember it as a moment in time when people from very different backgrounds gathered together to give thanks. It was one moment in time when all was right with a part of the world.

It was not without its tension and mishaps, but people came together in the spirit of unity and celebration in spite of their outward awkwardnesses and differences. As we've learned, the invited guests brought most of the food since the hosts didn't quite understand how many people they were truly inviting to the harvest feast, and because it was a part of the guests' cultural and spiritual beliefs to help when needed. In fact, we've learned that without the guests' help there would not have been a harvest feast at all because the hosts didn't know what they were really getting into when they moved to this country. The invited guests were willing to help; and thus, many survived to celebration the bounty. We've learned that in the following years the hosts were less than grateful and seemed to forget the generosity and kindness of their guests even wishing ill upon them. The guests were figuratively and literally stabbed in the back by their former hosts.

This is not the Thanksgiving that I celebrate. I celebrate the moment when all was right with the world and remember how it went wrong because I do not want to repeat history.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year because it is important to give thanks and remember that tolerance and kindness are really more important than becoming just like your enemy. Thanksgiving is a holiday that holds great lessons and direction for me. It is a constant reminder of how I want to live my life, and how I wish everyone would live their lives.

I am not Christian. My spiritual beliefs are more closely aligned with the American Indian beliefs, as I understand them. I do relate to both, though. I'm just trying to do it all a bit better. Don't we all try to do it a bit better? Unfortunately, the answer is, "No."

This Thanksgiving,

I am thankful for all the people who do try to to it better.

I am thankful for the many professionals who help people become healthier, happier, stronger people.

I am thankful for so many people, places, things, creatures, memories, beliefs, and skills.

I am thankful for love and commitment.

I am thankful for insight and strength.

I am thankful that I have lived long enough to grow up and understand so much more than I understood way back when.

I am thankful that I can accept so much and so many.

I am thankful that I am learning about boundaries and am better able to establish them.

I am thankful that I am able to ask for help and give help when asked.

I am thankful that I am lucky because I learned from and am learning from some of the best people in the world.

I am thankful that the small miracles of life are not such small miracles; and that, I am able to recognize them.

I am thankful for the peace that follows turmoil because clarity has been found.

Thank you, Life. For all the shit you've thrown at me and mine, you've thrown more feasts. It is truly a matter of clear-headed perspective, after all. A natural consequence of feasts is shit, and it is important to remember that shit is sometimes used as fertilizer to grow the food for the feast. It is important to take the shit that is thrown at us and simply use it as the fertilizer that helps us grow into better people; better than we ever imagined that we would be.

It is the Cycle of Life. The good. The bad. Keeping the baby and throwing out the bathwater - on the plants; so that, they will grow and continue feeding the babies.

Simple acceptance of life is much easier with a thankful spirit. It makes life fun and fulfilling. Thanksgiving is all about fun, full, and filling.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving, Everyone, even if you're not living in the USA, a citizen of USA, or ever been to the USA. What the heck. Let's celebrate diversity and multiculturalism the way it's meant to be celebrated.

Another Shift in the Universe

All I can say right now is that something just happened that is too complex to completely comprehend right now. It is the reason that I am late posting. It is neither bad nor good. It is just something personal and monumental. I'll have to get back to everyone after I've thought this one through a bit more.

Take care.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Another Late Great Post

Well, another productive day with lots of accomplishments. Getting kinda boring, huh. :D Ah, my goal in life - BORING.

Was late getting off to class today, and it proved to be fortuatus because one of my Digital Sound group members called and asked me for a ride to school. Yay! I was able to do a good deed. I love doing good deeds.

We arrived at class about a half hour late and got straight to work on our project with the third group member. We decided to head to the library because the room was a bit loud. While we were there, we got all the details hammered out. It was a great session. From show structure to post-production scheduling and more, we knocked it out in about an hour.

When we went back to class, we were told that we could leave if we were done. I took a moment to talk to my instructor about a few emails that I'd sent him. We had a great talk. He really got me thinking about 3D Modeling. The more I get to know my instructor, the more I like him.

Finally, I headed out of class around 1pm. I blasted out the door and headed home to see my Grandgirls. Oh, What JOY!

I got to spend about 45 minutes with Big Girl and Little One. We played with puzzles and more. I got to measure both of them for knitting and crocheting projects. Big Girl was so funny. We sang. She measured MeeMa. GL, Aubrey and I measured Little One. Big Girl gave me her order for projects; a scarf and a blanket. We looked at some yarn, and she picked the kind she liked.

Little One was talkative today and much more comfortable around me. She's standing on her own, now. She was really pretty interactive with me. She's still most comfortable around her mom. That makes me happy. That's how it should be. Big Girl is most comfortable around her mom, too.

It's still hard saying good-bye. We're working through it, though. I know it's harder on GL and Big Girl.

I wish I had a magic wand to make it all better. I wish I had an answer that would solve everything. There are so many things that I wish for. In lieu of wishes, I'm doing what I can in a practical way to learn how to better support both of them.

I have to say that it's easier with Big Girl simply because she's little. As long as I reassure her and keep it positive, she's willing to follow.

GL is in a world of hurt and only time will heal her pain, or at least I hope that time will heal her pain. I'm hoping that everything works out in the best possible way for GL, Big Girl and Little One. Whatever the future holds, I remain proud of GL, BB, Big Girl and Little One. They are the stars of my life. It just seems to me that the Universe will recognize what should be done and come through. At least I wish it would.

I keep reminding myself that it's a long journey. I keep reminding myself that there are other forces and other people at work on behalf of my family. I keep reminding myself to do my homework and work search and all the practical activities of my life. Seems like I'm reminding myself of a lot these days. It's all good, though. I'm reminding myself about what I really like to do, and how I really like to live. Can't really say that I'm very hopeful about anything; or that, I have any real clue about my future; but I'm plugging away each day thinking that maybe an answer is just around the next corner or two. We'll see. Maybe I've found the answer already and don't know it.

I know that I finished my homework tonight on deadline. Well, kind of on deadline. I was so sick all week that I forgot about my Digital Sound assignment. I'll take the one grade drop on it. I was so surprised today when my instructor asked for it that I laughed and announced that I completely blew it. What's a person to do under such circumstances. He was nice enough to give me until the end of today to hand it in. I got it in.

So, that's about it. A very full day. Oh, and I bought more yarn ... and cooked dinner in no time flat - fajitas, refried beans and Spanish rice.

That's all for now. See you later today.

Too Busy to Post

Yep - I got busy on Sunday, so no post. Sorry.

Cleaning and disinfecting the house for Monday. Going well. Doing Laundry. Watching "Prison Break." Doing homework and looking for work. All the usual mundane stuff that just takes time.

I'm still not smoking. This morning was intense. I didn't put my patch on til around 12pm. Kinda slept in a bit. Man, my body went into a burning, itchy, tingly weirdness for about an hour and a half. It let up a bit after that, but I still felt weird til about 3pm. I figure I'm detoxing big time.

I've got three big welts on my arms from where I put the patches on the first three days. I switched to putting them on my chest, applied hydrocortisone cream immediately after taking them off, and now rash or itching. Ta Da!

The rest of my body is totally out of whack, too. Between the infection in my gum, the antibiotics and pain pills and my various reactions to quitting smoking and the antibiotics - WHOA! I mean - Talk about a System Flare Up. I think I got it under control today using mostly conventional medicine. I'm now adding my alternative medicine

Besides that, I'm crazy for water. All I want to do is drink water. I've never craved water like this before. I'll go with it because it will help flush out my system.

I did a bit of grocery shopping late tonight. I got a bunch of healthy food. I mean, I got what my body wanted. Again, totally weird. Well, let's put it this way; not my usual sugar and salt and starch diet. I got dried fruits, almonds, apples and Greek yogurt. I like all these foods. I just haven't been buying them much. I also got some Acidophilus milk to help get my bacteria levels back in balance.

OK. That's it. I really haven't craved a cigarette today. I've been too overwhelmed with my biological warfare. Seems to have calmed down enough for me to focus on getting some stuff done and some supplies in the house. The timer just went off, so I'm off to get another load of laundry out of the dryer.

See you late tomorrow. I plan on leaving early and coming home late.

As always, I miss my grandgirls and am doing my best to keep busy and do good stuff while I wait to see them again. Here's to many, many happy years ahead. Just have to get through this time. I keep reminding myself that it's a long journey; pacing and stamina are more important than immediate gratification. I just remember how much I loved spending time with my grandparents even though I didn't get to see them often. It's quality, not quantity - right? Please say it is...

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I had a bit of an AHA Moment this morning. It's really nothing profound. It's just that I figured out that there seems to be a lot of back and forth from the same people saying the same things. Back and Forth. Back and Forth. My AHA Moment was that I need to study alternative options for communication and economic development. Like I said, it's not that profound.

Seems obvious to me that most of the conversations and debates that I engage in don't really get anywhere. A lot of people seem more interested in showing off their intellect than solving challenges. Rather than communicating in easily understood words focused on finding a middle ground, many people like to use big words that alienate people and supposedly prove their superior intellect. I guess this is to show that their position is the right position. I could be wrong. It could be that there are just a bunch of people in the world who are very mad, don't agree, and just want to argue. It's probably both of those options and a few more.

My point is simple. Having watched "Harmony" last night, I am impressed with something that I've never heard of before. It is called, "Bio-Mimicry." Seems like such a wonderfully, holistic, and healing approach to sustainability; both economic and ecological. To achieve the successes that were highlighted people had to learn new skills and learn how to communicate in a new way. It's taken many of the people years to achieve their successes, but they can be held up as role models for everyone. Using Conflict Resolution practices, loggers and ecologists found a middle ground that will sustain both the logging businesses and the temperate rain forests in British Columbia. By switching to organic farming, farmers all over the world are improving their chances of sustaining a profitable, earth-friendly business largely because they do not have to buy hybrid seeds and chemicals. Saving the polar bears is not just about saving a majestic animal for the animal's sake; it is also about potentially finding a cure for human diabetes. The idea of "Harmony" is the simplest of its definitions; harmony among all things because all things are interconnected.

"Harmony" is an hour long movie showcasing organic farmers, ecologists, and business people who are creating a new model for our planet. It was made by HRH Prince Charles.

I've always liked Prince Charles because of his interest in and concern for our planet. He was a bit of a rebel in his day and continues to be one. You wouldn't really suspect it by looking at him. Besides, he's the dastardly prince who cheated on his lovely Princess Diana, right? Well, like all humans, he appears to be more than that. He inspired me before, and he's inspiring me again.

I'm going to do some more research and studying on Bio-Mimicry. I'm going to do some more crocheting. I'm also going to do my homework, clean the house, look for work, and get some paperwork taken care of.

While I'm doing all of that, I'm going to also be thinking about how much I want to volunteer with NAMI. A few red flags went up, so I have to evaluate the situation. I need to access my circumstances and decide how I can best help this wonderful organization. You see, I do need to get a job, so over-extending myself with NAMI would be a bad thing. I am seeking balance. To achieve balance, I will have to set clear boundaries.

I'm into Day 4 of not smoking. I've developed rashes where I had the patches. We'll see if the hydrocortisone cream works. I'm prepared to endure 2 1/2 months of rashes to quit smoking. It's not that bad, and I really don't have any cravings. My lungs are feeling pretty good, too.

My tooth/gum infection seems to be getting better. The antibiotics are wreaking havoc on my system, though. There's a bump on the lower left side of my gum. I'm thinking this may be an abscess. I'm still visualizing, meditating and praying that it all goes away with the antibiotics. Haven't had to take an pain meds yet today. I guess things are improving there, too.

Looks like I've got a busy day ahead of me, so this is it for today's post. I'll be back tomorrow with more mundane and boring news; or at least that is the goal.

Take care and good luck in all that you do!

12:04am - Saturday Morning

I was singularly uninspired on Friday, November 19th. I did a good deed. I had a good talk. I did some grocery shopping. I didn't buy more yarn. I didn't buy anything frivolous. I discussed volunteering with NAMI. I did some homework. I applied for jobs. I crocheted. I had that great banana/vanilla pudding/vanilla wafer desert because BB made it. Tooth pain and swelling seem to be down. Have taken meds regularily. Am still visualizing, praying, meditating on a happy, healthy tooth. Day Three of not smoking is done. I am now going to bed.

I will try to figure out something to write about tomorrow or rather later today.

Might write about Prince Charles and "Harmony." Might not.

Now my ears are hurting. Time for bed.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ouch! - But still not smoking!

So today I went to the County Health Department Dentist to see if he could make me feel any better. He didn't. He scared me. He wasn't clean shaven. His solution to my problem would have been to pull my tooth. He didn't feel confident that he could do a root canal on it because the nerve is so calcified.

I am not ready to lose a tooth. I can't afford a "flipper" to replace it. I can't afford a root canal. I'm screwed.

The County Dentist agreed to give me some antibiotics, pain meds, and referrals to two private dental practices. I paid $44 for the visit and high-tailed it out of there.

First stop was Walgreen's, where I was told I would receive a discount on my prescriptions. It would have been about $20 for the drugs, but I opted to go to Target. I didn't go to Target right away, though.

I went to see my usual dentist to tell him what had happened. I had a copy of my X-ray, so Dr. Tom looked at it. He confirmed what the County Dentist said almost verbatim, so I know the guy's not a quack. Thing is, I still can't afford the root canal, and Dr. Tom seemed unwilling to work with me on the price. Times are tough all over. Dr. Tom suggested that I go to an area Dental College and see if they will do the work for me at a good price.

So I called the Dental School, but there's a whole process that will have to be started tomorrow morning between 8:30am and 9:30am. We'll have to see what happens.

My plan is to try to save the tooth because I just can't handle starting on a journey that I've been expecting to happen, but not quite this soon; becoming a toothless, white-trash wonder.

I've known that this was a probable eventuality for me considering my financial circumstances and insurances' reluctance to cover dentures, etc. Well, I was thinking maybe by the time I was in my middle sixties. I was not thinking that I would be facing this decision at 51. I'm seriously bummed.

It's vanity, though. It's just vanity. Or is it? How can I work in an office with missing teeth? Who will hire me? They won't hire me now, so what makes me think that anyone will hire me if what looks I have are spoiled by missing teeth? Makes me want to cry again.

So that's that. I've got antibiotics and pain meds from Target. I've done some long over-due grocery shopping, and now I'm blogging about my experience. BB has offered to go in halvsies on my replacement tooth. Yes, that made me laugh and cry all at once. It's called a "flipper." Whatever.

This is my first day of not smoking in quite a while, and I'm handling this day pretty well, actually. Have only wanted a cigarette twice that I can recall. Kind of a knee jerk thing when I was sitting at the computer. Other than that, the patch is working very well.

The patch is working so well today and worked so well yesterday that I went ahead and bought the whole series of patches for quitting. I've got six weeks worth of the first level and then one box each of levels two and three. All in all, the patches cost 1/3 the price of the number of cigarettes that would get me through the same time period. Besides, they were on sale at $15 off each box, so Whoo-Hoo! I'm set.

So, I'm going to pray, visualize, and meditate on my tooth. With the help of "the powers that be", I'm going to focus on healing my tooth; so that, I don't have to have all this dental work done now. We'll see what happens.

I'm also going to seriously start praying, visualizing, and meditating on some other much more important things in my life. I like the not smoking thing. It seems like just one more step on my path towards a better life. We'll see if I'm right. I choose to believe that I am. My life and my childrens' lives are all about weathering the storm and pulling through these days. We are stronger than we know. It's still quite a trial. I have to choose to believe that we will all pull through it. I have to believe that justice will prevail. If I don't believe these things, what's the point of going on? The heartbreak would and will be almost too much to bear.

For now, though; what I really know is that I don't want to be a toothless wonder. I mean, I like the character in the movie, but I don't want to become Toothless. Besides, Toothless had retractable teeth. I don't think that's what I would have.

That's it, Folks. I'm going to bed to rest. "Big Bang Theory" is on!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hanging In There

Well, I've slept for most of the day. Still feeling sick, but the pain in my jaw seems to be decreasing.

Tomorrow is the Great American Smokeout. I'm going for it. Actually, I'm wearing a patch right now. I had one cigarette left this morning, so I smoked that and put on a patch rather than go out for one more pack before "Quit Day." My goal is to go the whole day without a cigarette tomorrow. After that, we'll see what happens.

I hope I feel better tomorrow. I've missed all my evening classes this week. I've slept the majority of three days. I feel skanky and sluggish. sigh

Guess I'm still sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am looking forward to the Great American Smokeout tomorrow, though.

UPDATE: I feel great! My blog has made "We Feel Fine" by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kavmer. Look up "We Feel Fine" on Google or something. It's an amazing web-based art project that was started in 2005. Wow!

How do I know? Well this lovely little blog has all kinds of tracking tools that I check, and I saw that "We Feel Fine" was on my site "Now." Really pretty cool.

You can also see a presentation by Jonathan Harris on TED. That's where I first hear of him and his artwork. Totally awesome!

Ok, back to bed with me.

Sick & Tired

I'm sure John Lennon wasn't the first to say, "Life is what happens when you're busy making plans." He did say something like that, didn't he?

In any case, for all my planning for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and tomorrow; I've been thwarted by some sort of infection. Something with my mouth and gums is creating so much pain that it is difficult for me to think. Dang.

I'll be ending this now and getting back in bed. Lots of teeth brushing and ointment applying along with a bit of Tylenol PM. I only take one of those Tylenol PM pills because they are strong. First time I can remember taking less than the recommended dosage for any over-the-counter med.

Thought I'd get this posted because I didn't post anything today. I could've posted something about how sick I am of defending my life, my choices, and how I'm done doing all of that; but I'm in too much God Damned pain.

Thank God for my sis and BB. I got two very good venting sessions in today. I am so glad. They were both perfect with their responses. Someday I will write the tirade I spoke today. It was good. It released a lot of built up anger and resentment.

Basically, Fuck Anyone and Everyone who dares to question my character, my choices, and what I've done to help them. I'm so sick of helping people and being put down for my efforts or having my mistakes thrown up in my face instead of the more numerous positive actions I've performed on their behalf. Biggest bunch of bullshit I've had to put up with in my life. There's just no pleasing some people, so Fuck 'Em. I'm done. They can live their lives and leave me out of it. I will survive just fine. In fact, I'll be better of financially by not continuing to help the ingrates. Oh yeah. I'm mad. It's time for the silent treatment; won't pick up the phone or return calls. Turn around it fair play, and I'm getting pretty good at it. Treat me like shit? Have fun when it flies back in your face, Mo' Fo'.

Right now, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, though. To bed with me. I'm off to take that Tylenol PM and dream sweet dreams.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Grateful and Proud.

It's been a very productive day. I'm proud of my children. I'm proud of me, too.

We're a pretty amazing family. Here's to the future we all deserve.

My house is basically clean. My homework is organized and on time. I persevered through my illness and pain to get a ton of stuff done. I'm kinda proud. I'm also proud that I went to the drug store and got a few supplies to aid my recovery.

GL is amazingly strong. She is handling her life so well. She got a ton of stuff done today, too. I'm so proud of her, and grateful that I get to witness her strength and resolve. She's quite the woman.

BB is amazingly supportive. He really stepped up today by making lunch, helping with the house, and being a great uncle. Yep. I'm proud of him and grateful, too. I mean, he cooked for us today. Need I say more.

Today, we worked together and supported each other just like I always imagined that we would.... like we have so many other times in our past. I am so grateful ... and proud.

Another tidbit about today is that my sis just switched her phone service to the same carrier that I use. We had such a good talk tonight. I'm so glad I found her. I still get this shit eating grin all over my face whenever I think about her. sigh ... My sis is a fighter; a survivor. I have learned so much from her, and I know the feeling is mutual. Yep. I'm proud of her, too, and grateful, of course.

I haven't been feeling well for a couple of days, so this is it for tonight. Lots of pain, fever and headache, too. I can't even begin to think what I'll do if this doesn't pass pretty quickly. I can't even begin to think what I'll do if I need to see a doctor, so it's to bed with me. Guess I'll take some more meds and get some more rest.

Here's to waking up healthy. I'd be so grateful ... but, well, proud? Nah. Just grateful.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Plan

The time is set. My day is scheduled. There is a plan in place. If I follow the plan, I will get my homework done for Monday and get a good start on what is needed for Wednesday. I will also do at least two good deeds.

The weakest part of the plan surrounds housework. The thought of it tires me. My body slumps, but grows tense all at the same time. I push back a bit from my keyboard. Ah, the signs of resistance. I think I may need therapy on this one, again. It really is silly.

So anyway, if all goes according to plan, I will have done a good chunk of my homework, helped someone I love, and cleaned up our house a bit.

Better throw in some healthy eating there somewhere, I guess. I had fish, couscous, green beans and corn last night. I love fish and veggies. The couscous was OK, too.

Today, I will focus on accomplishing my goals according to a prescribed, pretty well thought out plan. I am practicing for Thursday, November 18th.

On Thursday, November 18, 2010, the American Cancer Society is again sponsoring the Great American Smokeout. I am going to do it this year and see where it takes me. I have been doing bits of planning based on research for a couple of months now.

I've found AA meetings that are smoke-free. I don't consider myself an alcoholic, but meetings are used by many to quit drugs, too; so I'm going to use these meetings to quit cigarettes. I was surprised when I found an organization that has smoke-free AA meetings. The one thing that I've found with AA meetings is that most people smoke. Not exactly the atmosphere to tackle my particular addiction. Kinda like having an AA meeting in a bar. So having found this location so very close to my home, I'm going to do the 90 in 90 thing. That's what they advise alcoholics and addicts to do when they are first quitting; 90 meetings in 90 days.

Today I will stock the house with yummy good food. Veggies, fruit and fish. If I'm not smoking, I can afford fish. Fish is my favorite protein. I will also stock string cheese, almonds and sugar-free jello. I will have to stay away from chocolate because my addiction to chocolate is just as bad, if not worse, than my addiction to cigarettes. I have tons of herbal tea, too. Caffeine does not help me quit smoking.

Tomorrow, I will continue to enjoy my coffee and cigarettes. The next day will be the same. I will probably run out of cigarettes on Tuesday and am still deciding if I'll go ahead and quit on Wednesday or buy another pack and quit on Thursday.

Today, tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday I will consider buying the patch. It worked well before; even though, I didn't use it according to the instructions. This is probably why I developed rashes and had wild dreams. The patch is to be taken off at night. I am a tricky, sick addict who has sabotaged my quitting in the past. I take responsibility for my actions and will not repeat them this time.

There will be no grace period of eating whatever I wish while I quit smoking. This is how I have gained so much weight. It is directly linked to the many times that I have quit smoking and started back up again. At least this time, I will not repeat the mistake of indulging my pouting child with sweets.

I will also use the computer for job searches, homework, and writing this blog. I may or may not play Sudoku and Cubis. We'll see. The bottom line is that I will use the computer as a tool and not as a distraction.

Then there will be the exercise. Honestly haven't wrapped my brain around that one, yet; so I'll be formalizing a plan in the coming days.

So there are a few of my plans for the week. I have stated them without going into a total panic attack. Now I will leave and fill my brain with other thoughts.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

One of the Best Movies Ever Made!

So I've been taking care of business and looping "How To Train Your Dragon" all day. Seriously, I've looked for work and done homework while listening and taking a break to watch bits and pieces.

I love everything about "How To Train Your Dragon." There are so many messages and lessons embedded in this gem of movie making. The animation is beautiful and dramatic. The characters are lovable and engaging. The writing is so tight. The pacing is right on. The soundtrack supports the action and emotion of each scene including the end credits with "Sticks & Stones" by Jonsi. Of course, I'm hooked on it because it's about Vikings and Dragons, too. Seriously, what's not to like? Besides, Hiccup reminds me so much of BB that it's uncanny. Astrid reminds me of SA and GL, but seeing as Hiccup and Astrid aren't brother and sister; I tend to think of SA more. That's rather uncanny, too. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Every movie hits a person in a unique way from "Yuck!" to "Brilliant!" because of many factors. If the movie happens to contain a message or messages of some sort, then hopefully the messages get through.

For me, the messages contained in "How To Train Your Dragon" have to do with being yourself, parent/child relationships, war, thriving with disabilities, love, innocence, passion, humor, learning, loyalty, diversity, adapting, teamwork, leadership, creativity, creating a new and better future, and cats. They're all there. It's truly inspiring.

Amazing what a Children's Movie can accomplish when done right. If you haven't seen "How To Train Your Dragon", yet; take some time and plop down for a couple of hours. You may not come away as enthralled as I am, but it will still be worth your while.

I long ago added "How To Train Your Dragon to my list of All-Time Favorite Movies along with "Mary Poppins", "Home For The Holidays", "Love Actually" and "The Insider." There are more on that list, but I'll leave it at that for now.

A Cinematographer I knew a long time ago once said to me, "I'm not saving the world."

"You've saved my world multiple times," I replied.

Here's to the Transformational Power of the Arts! May we all work to keep Art Education alive in our school systems and in our homes.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Read an article today on the Huffington Post website about proposed changes to Medicare, Social Security, and other governmental programs that help those in need. Cuts are being proposed to these programs. At the same time measures are proposed that would continue to protect the wealthy and powerful.

When I wrote of sacrifice yesterday, I was speaking about ALL citizens sacrificing. Seems the Lower and Middle Classes know how to sacrifice. I'm asking the Upper Class to step up to the plate; or rather, away from it.

Not long ago, there was a campaign fundraiser in my area. Plates at the fundraiser sold for $30,000. The room was filled. Did I hear this correctly? It wasn't $3,000/plate, right? We have people in our country willing to pay that much money to get their candidate elected, but we can't end the Bush tax cuts and keep programs for the needy in place?

What to do? What to do?

Is it time to take to the streets? I'm sending this blog post to the White House and all my representatives, but that just doesn't seem to be enough. I need to meet an organizer and an advocate. I'm stumped.

Everywhere around me people are having a tough time of it. Personal and professional lives are in turmoil, and we keep getting the same message no matter who is in office; protect the wealthy.

Why do we protect the wealthy? Apparently, it's because the wealthy will create jobs and seem to be smarter than those who have less money.

Has Capitalism come round to be a beast of oppression? What was once thought to be an avenue to freedom and opportunity may now be the very instrument of our demise? I think of the old saying, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." We can apply the same premise to Capitalism, I guess. "Capitalism doesn't hurt people. People hurt people."

It's not just Capitalism, though. As a country we have been dumbed down, beat down and are just plain down in the dumps. Well, most of us, anyway. I know that I could be far more active in my education concerning our government and all the policies. So I'll make an effort and keep thinking. My action will be to copy this to everyone I mentioned above.

Is this our American way of life, now? Languish while the Upper Class and Politicians take care of themselves basically on our dime. It's very similar to enabling an addict, don't you think? Seems it's time to stop the vicious cycle. I'm thinking a National Twelve Step Program may be in order. Hmmmm.

OK, that's my focus for a good part of today. Any other ideas out there? Rational ideas, please ... unless they're too funny not to share. Laughter is the best medicine and all that. Besides behind every good piece of humor is a grain of truth. We might hit on something!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Consciously Letting Go

Surviving hardship, disappointment, and pain is difficult for everyone. The following prayers have helped many.

I have always believed in a Higher Power, but I can't say that my understanding is the same as everyone else's. I guess nobody can. My definition has more to do with a perceived connection between all things. I also confess that my belief in a Higher Power is a coping mechanism. Thing is, I've been on the receiving end of so many "coincidental" answers to my concerns that I continue to believe in a Universal Connection.

While I continue to let go of my past and my children, I find comfort in many ways. One way is to read and often repeat the following AA Version of the Serenity Prayer. Another way I cope is to repeat, "The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want." I liken both experiences to repeating, "I'm OK", over and over again while going through a Haunted House.

I am letting go of my adult children. I am letting them figure out their lives. It is so difficult. I am choosing to believe that no matter what happens that it is right for me to let go and let them. My parents have done that for me. Their parents did it for them. Besides, after a while, it all just becomes too exhausting.

I'm off to finish my crocheting and homework. I've applied for work today and written one rather long post about two of my four grandpas. I've spent enough time on the computer for one day. I'm off to be creative and concentrate on sending loving energy to the world; my children included.

I have faith that my children will figure out their lives with help from other people besides me. Of course, I am available should they need my help. They know that. I know it, too.

I'm still feeling like Mr. Rogers; I am remembering my life between 25 and 28. A lot of things changed. I had help from my parents and many friends. It was very hard. I survived. I know it was very hard on my parents, too. Guess it's time I acknowledged that and followed their wonderful examples. Still - Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow. Ow. Ow. OW! Growing pains suck.

(This officially gets me caught up for November)

Enjoy the prayers!

The Full Original Copy of the Serenity Prayer
by Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)

God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.


Serenity Prayer
(AA Version)

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

(Although known most widely in its abbreviated form above,
the entire prayer reads as follows:)

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.


... and if this doesn't do it for you, well there's nothing like a good, stupid comedy to help you escape for a while - or - how about a musical? Walk, Anyone? Remember ...


11/11 - Veteran's Day

Woke up this morning thinking about one of my grandpas. Technically speaking, I have four grandpas. The one I was thinking about was a stellar man. He remains an inspiration.

In any case, I woke up with a vivid memory of my grandmother receiving a flag at his funeral and couldn't figure out why. I called Dad and found out that my grandpa was a veteran. I never knew this before. I'd always thought that he didn't serve during WWII. Silly me.

I've tried for the last hour to find out something about his Military Record on-line, but have failed. I did find out his date of birth and confirmed the date he died. My aunt had told me that he died on her thirtieth birthday.

Dad thinks that his step-dad, my grandpa, served in Italy. He's pretty sure of it. I may have to do some research on this one. I'm sure that there's a way to obtain his Military Records; at least what branch he served in and such.

I can't begin to tell you what a wonderful grandpa he was. He's the one who taught me about Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle when I was around six or seven. He always had a place for me on his lap. He always had time for me. He was kind and gentle and wise. He worked for Hamm's Beer as a truck driver for many years, and as a result, most of the family received some sort of Hamm's Beer gift at one time or another.

I was gifted with a Hamm's Beer, stuffed bear that had a radio inside. It was about two feet tall and sat up. It's arms formed a circle that were perfect for putting around my neck. I'd walk around with the bear hanging on me listening to the radio. Being a child and seeing as this was a toy, I loved it to death. I think it finally died in "The Great Flood" that filled our basement when I was in my early teens. I lost the pink poodle that my aunt gave me in that flood, too. It was a tragic event.

I still have three things from my grandpa; a Kennedy, velvet wall hanging that hung in the basement guest room along with many Hamm's Beer signs and two milk glass coffee cups with pheasants on them. I have been meaning to get the wall hanging framed for years. It is still in very good condition. I still use the coffee cups. Sometimes I put votives inside them. They have such a warm, loving glow when they are used as candle holders.

It's not the things that are important, though. My grandpa left me with a way to behave and approach life. It's hard to explain how simple, thoughtful, kind integrity can have such an impact on someone. When I am down or troubled, I often think of my grandpa and how he would've handled the situation. If I am lucky and behave as I imagine he would the results are at least calming and reassuring. I may not receive the results that I am looking for, but at least I know that I've acted in a manner befitting my ancestry. This alone makes me happy and proud. It inspires me to continue to behave in the same manner in the future.

I've heard many stories from my dad and grandma about my grandpa. One of the stories I heard was that my grandpa and grandma only had one really big fight. The reason for this is because my grandpa told my grandma that he would never have another fight like that one again, and they didn't. I can just see him quietly telling her this in a firm voice. What a relief to know that a nice man can set a standard in such a respectful way. What a relief to know that as a couple, my grandparents decided to live their lives together in peace.

I am lucky to have had the grandparents that I have. I use the present tense because while they have all passed, they live on in me. It's taken me many years to mature enough to begin to embody their fine qualities, and I am grateful that I am embarking on what I consider to be my finest adventure: being nice, yet firm. I have excellent teachers, and I strive to make them proud.

So today, I honor two grandfathers who were veterans. I may discover that another grandfather or two were veterans, but for today; I will remember my wonderful grandpa who not only fought for his country but also saved one side of my family, and my unknown grandpa who wasn't as lucky in his lifetime and died, in part, due to his involvement in WWII.

I will remember that being human means that we succeed and fail; and that, lessons are learned in both instances. It's just so much nicer to learn lessons from people who have succeeded than from those who have failed. There is an uplifting emotional charge as opposed to the downward turn that my emotions take.

It's just sad sometimes, but then again, I have to remind myself that my unknown grandpa probably wouldn't want me to be sad. I imagine that he would want me to really go for the brass ring he missed. He was an incredible artist.

I've seen his drawings in letters from the Pacific to my father. They are filled with funny cartoons and perfect print for young son to remember him by.

I am continually surprised that BB's drawing style is so similar to my grandpa's drawing style. I am especially surprised because to the best of my knowledge, BB has never seen the drawings.

I put them in a scrapbook for my dad many Christmases ago, but now the scrapbook is missing. I look for it every time I go back to see my parents, but I haven't found it yet. I haven't given up hope, though.

So today, I'm putting one aspect of my life in perspective. I've always said that I didn't want to make a living as an artist primarily because of my biological grandfather's tragic demise. It was scary to think of all the artists who have had less than desirable lives and deaths because of their excesses. It's even scarier to have a real life example in my own family. It's enough to turn away from such a life. Now that I have matured I have refined my thinking. I'll take the artistic part and leave the excesses.

This is the lesson I was missing. This is the lesson my life-saving grandpa showed me in his simple, kind way because he was also artistic. He worked with wood and had an occasional beer. He did smoke quite a bit and died of lung cancer, so I'll work on that one, too. Still, he was artistic and seemed to have a handle of being a family man and creating wonderful things with wood. He had it in perspective.

This decision will integrate my familial experience with both of my paternal grandpas. With my new life choice, I can continue to be the person that I am meant to be while being a credit to my ancestors; the "good" and the "bad" alike. I can put conflict to rest in one area of my life by taking action. It will still remain scary, but I'm not facing bullets, now am I.

Here's to the many veterans who gave their lives in just and unjust wars whether they died in the ditches and battlefields or after they returned home. May we continue to learn from all of them; so that, we can create a world without war. May we remember the human toll that war takes on all of us.

Let us also take action to help our veterans and their families as more soldiers return from war and more die. We have lots of work to do as a nation to insure that future generations live the fullest life possible. We have a lot of work to do to insure that civilians and veterans live a good life.

Remember, war can be loosely defined to include many tragedies that occur all across the USA every day. While we specifically remember veterans of war today, let us not forget the toll that violence takes on us all. There are people living in the USA who experience more PTSD than people living in Baghdad. I would like to see our country make a commitment to "being nice, yet firm." We have generations of violence and abuse to undo.

If we are willing to send men and women off to foreign countries to fight for our freedom, let's give up the freedom to commit violent acts; be they subtle or overt. If our soldiers are doing their part for us, let's do our part for them and commit to creating a country worth fighting for. If our soldiers are willing to give their lives, let's be willing to give our lives, too.

We all need to work together to find the solutions to the challenges that face us. The fighting must stop, and we must focus on what is more important; our survival as a nation. We need to focus on making sure that people have enough to eat, somewhere safe to sleep, health care services that truly incorporate all aspects of an individual's health, and a job for everyone that is capable of working. Our seniors deserve to be cared for as do those with disabilities. We have a lot of figuring to do, and it's time we really get to work and make even more sacrifices; so that, we all can lead the best lives possible. We need to focus on solutions and compromise. We need to reach a detente and move forward; so that, when our loved ones return from Hell we can provide a bit of Heaven on Earth. I have confidence that if we set our minds to it, we can survive every kind of war imaginable and prevent future wars from happening. All of us need to remember that ...

United we stand. Divided we fall.

I love you, Grandpas! Rest in Peace. You live on in me and mine. A truce has been called, and I am no longer at war with myself because I honor both of you. Your lives were not lived in vain. Your love and lessons live on in so many. We'll take all the good, learn from the bad, and commit to creating a better world for everyone. Lofty goals can be achieved through hard-work, persistence and commitment in the name of love. ... and yes, artists can and do make a difference.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Waited Soooo Long ....

Well, yesterday I didn't have much to write about early on, so I waited ... too long, it turns out. Here I am now, and I will be one post behind for a while because today is very busy. There will not be time for two posts today, and this post will be short.

Yesterday, I "stood at the ready" for my Internship, but was not needed. As a result, I decided to crochet for most of the day. I could've done some homework, but I decided to do it this afternoon instead.

Crocheting went amazingly well. I am almost finished with my project thanks to chunky yarn and a HUGE crochet hook. My project is getting good reviews from BB, too. I'm hoping to have it wrapped up by Friday.

Other than that, well, it was the day after my birthday. Seeing as how my birthday was so up and down, I decided to take a bit of a breather from my constant activities to refresh my mind, body and spirit. It seems to have worked.

The healing started on Monday night at DVS Group with a guided imagery session from a CD by Belleruth Naparstek. It was just what I ordered; or rather, pleaded for. I wanted the pain to stop! Ms. Naparstek has a whole line of books and guided imagery CDs that address a whole series of issues and ailments. The CD we listened to was about healing from trauma. A nice bit of work was done in a gentle, focused way. My pain disappeared. I was also reminded of how well guided imagery used to work for me so many years ago. I used to do it one to three times a week when I lived in California and was studying Laying On of Hands Healing and Trance Channeling. I refer to those years lovingly as my "Shirley MacLaine Years." I reaped a lot of benefits from those years which is good because the negative aspects are pretty bad. The experiences I had in California have reinforced my resolve and commitment to "throwing out the bathwater and not the baby."

Anyway, having successfully put myself back together yesterday, I went to my NAMI class with treats in hand. It was a very good class, and I am farther along on my knitting project, too. We only have one more class. Our last class is a party. Hmmmm. Do I go? It is at a very good restaurant and will cost less than twenty dollars. I'll probably go.

After class, I had a wonderful talk with an old friend. It was so wonderful that I used the opportunity to go for a walk around the block. I haven't been walking like I need to and had come up with YET ANOTHER idea on how to achieve my goal; take all the good people who care about me along with me in my mind and heart. It occurred to me in NAMI class. One of my biggest issues is being alone. While I can tell myself that I am not alone because of all the people who care about me, I still struggle with the internal mindset. It is a strange feeling to be sitting in a crowd feeling all alone, isn't it. Well, I'd decided that by taking my good people with me on my walks, I might have more success and enjoy the whole experience more. Last night's walk was done while on the phone with my old friend, so this was a boon. Besides, her whole thing is fitness, so she was delighted when I told her that I had just completed my walk with her help; and that, she hadn't even realized it! Yeah Us!

That leads me today. It is 9:31am, and it is time for me to get ready for my day. Big meeting today with studying and school afterwards. It will be about fourteen hours of non-stop activity and thinking. Can't see as how I'll be interested in or have the energy for posting again tonight. Besides, my goal when leaving class on Wednesday nights is to make it home in time for "Perry Mason."

Take care of yourselves, Everyone.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Well, it's that time of year again. It is my birthday. I am officially fifty-one years old.

Since I didn't start this blog until April of this year, I haven't written a full year's worth of posts. This means that I will continue to write every day until April 7, 2011. I don't know what will happen after that. I can't remember if I said that my goal was to write something every day for a year. Course, there's a lot I don't remember these days.

It is my birthday, and I will be going to class, coming home, and going to group. It's a busy, beautiful day. I still haven't really picked out my "birthday suit", but I will shower. :D

I'm leaving early for class; so that, I can stop and get treats for my class. What to get? What to get? I'll figure out something. I just like the idea of bringing a treat for my class again after so many years.

Home will be fun because I will see BB, GL, and The Grandgirls. This is something too special for words. I've bought the cake, ice cream, the stuff for lunch, and a "How to Train Your Dragon" DVD for Big Girl. Since Little One didn't make it last week, she's still got a few presents waiting for her. It should be a very nice hour or so of celebrating. Oh! ... and I don't really know what kind of cake I bought for me. I know that it's Kosher and has blue decorations because blue is Big Girl's favorite color, but I'm really not sure what kind of cake is under the frosting. I'm definitely sure that it's not lutefisk, though. I think it's half yellow and half chocolate, but we'll see. :D

Group tonight will be good. I'm thinking about what I can bring for my fellow participants. Maybe left over birthday cake - so I don't eat the whole thing.

Well, the stove timer is going off which means that it is time for me to get going. Have a wonderful day, Readers! Take a moment to send some good, loving energy to all the people in the world who need it - like Everybody. Here's to all the world's challenges being met and overcome. That truly is the only present I really want.

Take care and much love to you all!

Well, it is twenty to three and two-thirds of my birthday plans have been accomplished. I've been to school (provided treats to my classmates) and have celebrated my birthday with my grandgirls and children. Neither grandgirl wanted to leave today. Oh the tugs on the heartstrings - all of ours. Since the birthday cake didn't get cut into, I'm taking it to class tomorrow night. I figured that I'd bring left overs from my birthday for snacks, so I might as well bring it. I've got mini-cupcakes for group tonight.

Lesson today, so far, keep moving forward through all the little disappointments. Work to get what you need. Ask respectfully. People understand and will help. People do have faith in me and mine. Grief is hard to work through, but well, you know. It's my B-Day! I'm going to the beach today, too! First just a little lay down time to kinda gather myself.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Glorious End

How I love the end of Daylight Savings Time. I feel so good with my extra hour of sleep. I don't mind that it will be dark earlier either. Having been a night owl for most of my life, I like the darkness.

I'm even looking forward to the snow. I love the visual contrast between the snow and the barren trees. I like how snow sparkles in the moon light.

For now, though, I will enjoy the Fall. It is crisp and colorful.

I'm off to finish up the never-ending Digital Sound project today. It's not going to sound as good as I wish it would, but at least I'm getting the technical skills down a bit. Very intensive project that has kicked my butt for too long. It's time to but it to bed and move on.

After finishing Digital Sound, if time permits, I will be doing my three critiques for Scriptwriting. My goal is to get all of my homework done today; so that, I can devote the attention needed to my Project Manager duties for the rest of the week.

Besides everything else, I still have DVS Group on Monday night and NAMI Class on Tuesday night. I'd like to hit Al-Anon Meetings on Wednesday and Friday morning, too. Friday afternoon, I'm back to the Hippotherapy facility, too. These are all my self-help activities. They all happen to be free, too.

My life continues to be busy, and I know that I've filled my days and nights with activity in an effort to continue to deal with my grief. This Thanksgiving will mark the one year anniversary of spending my first Thanksgiving with GL and her husband at their home; the one and only time I went there for a meal or holiday. I think I will be spending it alone. GL will not be spending it with me, and I've encouraged BB to spend it with SA and her family if he's invited. I will be fine alone. I have many things to do. I could also just be a bum all day long. I could also go work at a shelter or "soup kitchen" for the day; something I've always wanted to do.

I'm looking ahead to Christmas, and realize that it will be frugal and loving. The only presents I foresee giving to anyone will be to my "grandgirls" (just had that word pop out of my mouth yesterday, and I like it). I'm looking at my cash flow to see if I can give a bit to my parents and children. It's going to be tight.

I've been pretty obsessed with the end of my Extended Benefits through Unemployment lately. Extended Benefits end on December 4th for my state. This means that if I don't find some sort of steady work, I will be without any income right before Christmas. I've been sitting on my Financial Aid rather than buying that Mac I've been dreaming of. I know how to live frugally.

Maybe over Winter Break I'll attempt to quit smoking again. I'm an addict and quitting is incredibly hard. It's the money more than the health. I pretty much figure that I'll be dying of lung cancer at this point. I'm going to die earlier than expected I think. It's just a thought that has been going through my brain lately. Just the stress and grief of the whole life situation. I can't focus on that, though. Just have to keep moving forward and doing the best that I can.

Smoking is one of two of my last vices. My other vice is sweets. Smoking and eating sweets seem to go hand-in-hand, so guess I'll set a Quit Date and lock myself up in a padded cell somewhere. Argh. This would probably be the best Christmas present that I could give to my family, so maybe that thought will keep me going. Oh Just - SHIT! I'll spare you any more dribble on that subject.

I've come to realize that it's harder than I thought to make positive changes while so tired, stressed, and down-hearted. People do it all the time, though; so I'm still plugging away. Man, I fail a lot. I guess I succeed a lot, too. Think it's time to pull out a few of the old standards regarding Positive Thinking. Norman Vincent Peale, here I come.

I've also got my St. Jude candle burning. While I'm not Catholic, ever since I lived in LA, I have bought the glass candles with various Saints, Jesus, and the Virgin Mother. I love candles and having a place in my home that reminds me to focus on being faithful and good. I have a lovely, brass, hanging candle holder in my kitchen that I bought from a Hindu store a few years ago. I try to keep a candle lit in it at all times. It started out as a candle in honor of our troops, but has simply turned into a candle in honor of humanity. My St. Jude candle is lit in honor of continuing to focus on receiving the help I need. It is also lit for those I love who need help, too. I do receive quite a few answers to my prayers and meditations. I am lucky that way. Life could be so much worse.

OK, enough rambling for this morning. It is time to get going. Taking action is a great cure for the blues. I'm not so down today. Like I said, "I love the end of Daylight Savings Time." Of course, this bit of my personality flies in the face of so many which makes me a bit nervous. I don't mean to be contrary. There are just so many areas where I know that I don't fit in. I'm still searching for that community of people who are like me. I wonder if I'll ever be lucky enough to find them ... and even luckier to work with them.

I've decided that I'm a creative person, so now I have to figure out how to make a living as a creative person when over half of my life is over. Grandma Moses. That's who I think of when I think that thought. Here's to Grandma Moses and so many others who found something wonderful in life during their second half.

Man, I miss my grandgirls. OK! ENOUGH! Time to go make everyone proud of me - and reduce my stress level. Later!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


This post will be short. I just want to recommend that people check out NPR (National Public Radio). I'm listening to a live stream from WBEZ right now. "Sound Experience" is on. "This American Life" will be on at noon.

"Sound Experience" is all about music. The last time I heard it, an engineer/producer was being interviewed. Today it was a band out of California. After the interview, reviews of new CDs were done.

BIG NEWS! Brian Ferry has a NEW Solo Album! It's good, too!

"This American Life" is now playing, so I have to go pay attention. This week's subject is Toxic Assets. This is my homework assignment for Digital Sound.

Check out NPR! There are many, many great shows that can be streamed LIVE right on your computer. "Prairie Home Companion", Anyone?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Heidi Harvey - Childhood Friend Does Well

Today, Dad told me that a childhood friend of mine has won an award for her Pro Bono work as an attorney. Kudos to Heidi Harvey! She always was a phenomenal female. Course, she was also my best friend's older sister, so I've known of her strength for years. I couldn't be happier if I tried.

Here's to Heidi Harvey, a true story of a small town girl done good. Keep up the great work, Heidi. You're all that and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. :D

Here's the link to Heidi's Profile:


... and from me to you - Thank your becoming an inspirational leader who has devoted so much of your time to helping those who need someone good like you to help them.

My mind is flooded with memories of the years we spent hanging out when Gretchen was my best friend. We had a lot of fun in such an eclectic and wholesome environment. Folks, there's no one on the face of the Earth that experienced life like Heidi, Gretchen and me. From riding horses to pretending to be The Andrews Sisters to playing on the train tracks to reading Shakespeare and more - our childhood time together is quite hard to explain to many; but perfectly understandable to me. It's kinda "Stand By Me" mixed with "Little Women", or something like that.

I always figured Heidi would go on to do well. She's exceeded my expectations!

Heidi, wherever you are tonight and for the rest of your days; Take care and all my best to you and yours! OH! ... and when I get my screenplay done, can we talk about Intellectual Property Law? ;)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Goodness, I'm tired. I put in a full day yesterday. It was good.

After running an important errand, I went to my bank to get loan information. I'd like to finance getting a Mac. The info at the bank wasn't promising. I'd need a Co-Signer who's been employed for two years. The interest rate was a lot higher than I expected, too. Still, it is good to be informed and educated. I can now look at other options.

From the bank, I went to school. I had an appointment with my instructor at noon, but he didn't make it. That was OK. I was planning on staying there to work, anyway.

I worked on Digital Sound from about 12:30pm until 4:30pm. I successfully saved my project and will be returning to meet with my instructor at 5pm today. After our meeting, I will be staying to work on my project until the library closes. I can focus and work up there.

At 7pm, I had Scriptwriting. My script was workshopped last night. Man, how I was dreading the workshopping.

It turned out pretty much as expected. During the "What Works" portion, two positive things were said; then the "What Didn't Work" elements came streaming in. It was an interesting process for me. It was a slap in the face when only two good things were said before people really took off on what they didn't like. Things got better, though. After people had a chance to say most of what they didn't like, they revisited what they did like. Of course, this put me back together a bit. I wrote six pages of notes. I also sent "Thank You" emails to my classmates and instructor. While only a bit painful, it was a great learning experience that has given me clarity and direction. It really has. I can go into details in a later post, but for now - the important things are strong and the thing that I wasn't attached to and didn't think would work is gone - NOW. :D

.... So I think I started this post this morning and got sidetracked reading the notes on my script. Glad it got saved as a draft.

When I left today at about 11:30am and got home from school at around 10:30pm. Even longer day tomorrow. I hope I finish this project soon because I have a ton of other things to do. Oh, and the project is my Digital Sound assignment. I'm borrowing the instructor's SoundTrack Pro 2 book until Monday. I'm sure it will help.

OK, I'm off to bed. Up at 5:30am tomorrow. Take care, All.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Letter to Senator-Elect Mark Kirk

Dear Senator-Elect Kirk,

I am disappointed that you won tonight. During the years that I met you, you showed yourself to be a lying, scheming, arrogant man. I have not respected you since those years. You now represent me in the Senate. I am not affluent, nor are many of the people who live in your former Congressional district. You have been flippant in your comments about those you represent. Your voting record has never reflected my viewpoint. With all of that said, here are my issues:

1. In one month, if I still don't find a job; I will have no income. Do you know anyone who would be willing to hire me? I am articulate, educated, over fifty years old and fat. Ageism is alive and well in our country, as are many other bigoted views. What do you plan on doing about that?

2. I haven't had health insurance since January 2009, nor have I seen a doctor. County Health services have been cut. Do you have a plan to provide health care to American citizens who do not have minor children?

3. Campaign Finance and Content Reform. This past campaign was a disgrace. Character Assassination Ads are NOT worth the over three billion dollars that were spent on them this past campaign season. All I can think of when I see these ads is, "What if all this money was used to help the people who really need the help?" I am thoroughly disgusted with almost every politician nation-wide.

4. Please stop talking out of both sides of your mouth. You know what you lie about. Stop it.

5. I expect you to vote "NO" if the issue of raises ever comes up in the Senate. Remember, you are our employee. We pay for you to represent us. If it were up to me, I would've fired you as a Congressman.

6. I would like you to work with Senator Durbin to introduce legislation that address paying back the money that was "borrowed" from Social Security. See, you have messes that you didn't create to clean up, too.

7. I also expect you to work with President Obama, someone I also met numerous times and ended up respecting.

8. Please stop the smug dialogue, and work for the people you represent. Times are tough out here. We deserve someone who has the intelligence to put his constituents needs above his own political and personal needs. This is the job you just won. We expect you to do your best for us. You have six years of job security which is more than a lot of us can say. Get to work.

9. God forbid, you align yourself with Sarah Palin. For God's Sake, please be smarter than that.

I do not look forward to your term in office. I will be participating in our governmental process by sending occasional emails. I do expect you to represent all the people of this state and not just the affluent.

Michelle A. Ofstun

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Digital Sound Assignment

Well, I've worked for about seven hours on my Digital Sound assignment and lost it all twice now. Argh.

I'm sure you can understand when I don't really post anything else today.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Two-Edged Sword

Today has been very productive. It has also been emotionally and intellectually exhausting.

Digital Sound went well except that all the work I did last Monday and since didn't get saved properly, so I'm starting from scratch. Schnikies! Oh well.

I took my first quiz and know I got two wrong. Schnikies, AGAIN!

Seeing BB, GL and Big Girl was great! Little One has an ear infection, so she wasn't able to come to play. Big Girl wasn't happy to leave my house and me. :( Terrible two-edged sword; she loves me and it was just sad to see her sad. I'm trying to think what I can do for her for next week.... I'll think of something. We had so much fun. She said, "Cool" when she opened up her shiny, blue soccer ball. She liked her puzzles, too. I didn't give her the Play Dough Fun Factory, yet.

You know I've mentioned that I do get quite a few prayers answered. Well today as soon as I'd parked my car in my driveway, Big Girl came running up to me with her arms outstretched! She gave me such a big hug. This is a prayer answered. You see, I've never been one to be loud when greeting children. I don't want to impose on them or frighten them. I prefer to do things my grandma's way; let them come to me. I was beginning to wonder if Big Girl would ever run up to me with a big hug. It's a selfish prayer, I know. Just feeling a bit needy, I guess. Well, in any case, today I realized another dream come true.

After BB, GL, and Big Girl left; I ate some meat loaf and corn bread. I did a bit of work; responded to messages and emails. After that, I had to lay down. I was exhausted.

Finally, I got up and went to my Domestic Abuse Survivors Group. It was good for me.

Now I am home and ready for bed. Perry Mason will be on soon. I'm going to grab my drawing pad and markers and finally figure out the designs of my next three crocheting projects. Maybe I'll knit a little scarf for Big Girl for next week.

Oh, and next week when I see Big Girl and Little One; it will be my birthday. I really want to take Big Girl to the Hippotherapy Facility for a pony ride as a birthday present to me. I've heard that she's a bit afraid of horses, so this might be a good thing for her. Maybe it would be good for her to see MeeMa riding a horse. Maybe I'll take a lesson on my birthday. I'll have to see.

Tomorrow, I'm planning on heading to school to get a whole bunch of work done. My goal is to get as much work done as possible on Tuesday; so that, when I meet with my Digital Sound instructor on Wednesday I'll have something substantial to show him. I suppose if all goes well, I'll just stay up there until Scriptwriting. I really like being up at school. It energizes me. I can focus up there.

OK, off with me. Take care, All.