Didn't really expect to be posting something tonight or any night for that matter, but seeing as I've popped by to peek; what the hell.
Interestingly, my "Two-Page Rashamon Paper" post is receiving a good bit of attention. I hereby give anyone who wants to use it for some school project complete permission to do so. It's actually nine pages long because I found it impossible to discuss four elements of Kurisawa's directing in that film in two pages. Seriously. Oh, and I'm pretty sure my instructor never read it and lost it along with all the other Rashamon Papers that were handed in... AND HE gave ME a B in the course. As Red Foreman would say, "Dumbass."
I'm so glad I've switched to Paralegal Studies. The best part of the DMD track at CLC is the iMacs; I've got one at home now. Fuckin' $2,700 worth of pure joy. Yippee! Unfortunately, not all courses related to Paralegal Studies work with iMacs, so I'm just going to have invest in a PC, too. Gee darn. So I'll be pretty well trained in both formats. That's gotta help, right?
Here's to the future which is already in progress as is evidenced (oooo - legal term) by the fact that I have already started studying for Intro to Paralegal Studies. I am ending here because tomorrow will start around 5am and end around 11pm. Man, I hope I can do this. We'll see how things go tomorrow, and based on these events I will know more - duh.
OK. To bed with me. To bed with you. Have a wonderful Monday, August 22, 2011. Don't know when the urge will strike me again, so until that time let's all just do our best in a compassionate, kind, understanding, and rather intelligent way. Remember to eat well, exercise, and sleep. Take a deep breath and calmly respond to anything which makes you uncomfortable or seems questionable. Have courage and keep plugging away. What more can I say? - Oh! I know! Good night!