Saturday, December 11, 2010


Well, I'm feeling much better. No more chest pains or light-headedness. Yeah! It really was a struggle to take a day off yesterday. I couldn't do it completely. I ended up applying for six jobs and am headed off to apply for more today.

Dad and I had a talk about my Digital Sound piece and reports that Congress is going to approve thirteen more weeks of Unemployment Benefits. I got to thank him for allowing me to interview him about his coffee group and for the info about Unemployment, even though I don't know if it will help me. Ah, the wranglings of our government.

Tidbit: Did you know that both the French and American Revolutions are reported to have started in Coffee Houses? Hmmmmm.

I watched "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" again yesterday. What a great movie. Any movie that can still make me burst out laughing and shed a tear is something pretty special. Thank God for DVD Special Features, too. Got to see interviews with Steve Martin, John Candy, and John Hughes. I learned a bit about John Hughes' writing style. I like it. He would get a basic script down in anywhere from two to five days, then he'd do 25-30 rewrites. Good to know. Some of his movies are still my favorites, like "The Breakfast Club."

So see. While I was being horizontal or very, very still at the computer; I was being productive. Really.

I got up this morning and cleaned the kitchen and living room for the most part. The dishwasher just finished washing the first load of dishes. Gees. Not blaming BB for the kitchen, really. He's been keeping up on the housework while I've been blasting away on my final projects. It does get a bit difficult to continually do the mundane tasks in life. Besides, he's been working on "Portrait" for SA; his next project, "Misfire"; and "Applesauce." I completely understand that priorities have to be set; and that, some things will fall by the wayside as a result. At least we're on the same page when it comes to all of that. We can improve, but we're better than we were for a few years there.

So now that I've cleaned up a bit, it's time to focus on my Scriptwriting Portfolio. Basically, I've got a letter to the instructor to write and a bunch of printing to do along with a Table of Contents and a few Introductory pages. Not a big deal. I need to turn in 45 pages of written work that reflects my progress in the class. Well dang, if I turn in my original script and the rewrites that's 31 pages right there. I'm thinking of turning in a few of my blog posts since Scriptwriting has made it in here on a pretty regular basis, too. I can also turn in some of my notes because that definitely shows my improvement with that process. Then there's the adaptation script that I did that was well received. Bingo, People!

It will be nice to get that done because I have an appointment with the Housing Authority on Tuesday that I also need to prepare for. You know, People, if you've never accepted Government Aid, you have now idea the amount of paperwork that's involved. I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that people who accept assistance do have to do something for it. Mostly, people who accept assistance give up much of their privacy since they are required to report things that no average citizen would be asked to report like if they received money for their birthdays or holidays. Did you know that when I first received my Voucher that my Student Loan money was counted as Income? That rule changed the year I graduated from college. There's all kinds of quirky rules that are in place to insure that the people getting assistance pay their fair share. I know that there are people who abuse the system, but they are the minority; and people need to quit carping about it like it's the rule and not the exception. OK, that diatribe is over.

I also have two knitting and crocheting projects that I would like to have finished by Wednesday. Can't wait til the 16th because then I'm going to be a knitting and crocheting machine. I have so many projects to get done by Christmas. Of course the grandgirls come first, and I'm using a smaller size yarn for their projects; and this means that it takes longer to produce something than when I use the Chunky yarn. Goodness, so much to do; so little time.

On that note - C YA!

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