Yesterday was another full day filled with surprises, ups, downs and pain. It was a complete day meaning that my mind, body and spirit all experienced one or more of the changes. Pretty typical.
A few breakthroughs were made:
1. I did a pretty good job of removing myself from other people's problems and letting them handle them.
It was a bad day for GL. When this happens, many times she takes it out on me; mainly verbally. I was able to keep calm and offer positive advice even though this annoyed her even more. Since we weren't together physically, and I was driving to appointments; I turned on the radio and sang. I consciously made myself enjoy my life. It took a little effort, but the music helped. Music always helps.
2. I recognized the serendipity of life through a surprise in scheduling.
Seems GL didn't get her Unemployment check, so she decided to go to the Unemployment Office which is in one of the buildings at my school campus. There I was running late as usual for my appointment with my instructor, and GL & Company would be up there when I was. I had to smile. Here I'd been kind of upset that I'd miss seeing everyone because I had to pick up video equipment. Lo and behold, they were brought to me. I got to see everyone up at my school. It was a nice surprise for at least four out of five and maybe all five. It did make me chuckle.
3. I experienced a positive outcome to a potential problem.
When I arrived with Big Girl at my instructor's office, he wasn't there. I was a bit late, but I thought he'd be there. Well, Big Girl and I walked around looking for solutions. I found another instructor who gave me two phone numbers to call. I talked with the department secretary who said that she would call his personal line and let him know that I was outside his office. I remained calm and focused on finding a solution throughout the ordeal. Before a resolution was found; GL, BB, and Little One showed up. Big Girl went with them, and I stayed behind to see what would happen. No sooner had GL & Company exited the building than I turned around to see my instructor coming down the hallway.
I was so happy to see him that I literally bounced and said, "Oh! You have to meet my family, my reason for living, what makes me tick."
He wasn't interested, but I made him look at GL & Company as they walked down the sidewalk to BB's car. He said, "That's a busy scene."
"Yeah," I said, "and she was just at Unemployment, so it was real busy."
He just shook his head. He thought he told the class to pick up equipment between twelve and one, but I remember him saying before noon on Thursday. I told him that I could be wrong and didn't mention the number of times that I had told him that I'd be there around 9:30am, if I needed equipment. I try to give people some wiggle room in unexpected and potentially unpleasant situations.
The good news is that he showed up for some unknown reason and did get the equipment that I needed. We had a good talk, too. Seems he started out in Public Access in Atlanta, so he worked with 3/4" equipment and recognizes the revolution that the new digital equipment has created. It's amazing, really. The mere difference in size is enough to make me skip out to my car carrying the camera and tripod. The 3/4" equipment required to do the same things would weigh me down like an overburdened pack mule.
I think I experienced this outcome because I remained calm and positive. I also think that the phone calls helped. I also think that even if my instructor hadn't showed up that remaining calm and positive was much more pleasant than getting all upset. :P
4. I had some quality time with GL & Company back at home.
By the time I got home from school and the other couple of errands I had to run, I was starving and a sweaty mess. I blasted in the door with the video equipment and dove for some food. It was lunchtime. Big Girl was painting at the kitchen table. Little One was sitting in "her" high chair which is the same one that my mom sat in as a baby; that's four generations, people. Little One was ready to eat. GL was cooking and getting food ready for her daughters. BB was on his computer. I decided to try some Almond Dream on my cereal instead of milk. Big Girl decided to try it, too. I have to give her a lot of credit. She really does try new foods pretty easily. Well, we both like Almond Dream very much, both on our cereal and to drink. Yippee!
After I'd told a story, I took a shower and wasn't a stinky, sweaty mess any more. Big Girl had to smell me to be sure.
I also got everyone to play a game of Candyland while Little One took her nap. Big Girl won! We didn't let her win. She won all by herself! GL finished last, and BB and I could only laugh because it sums up her recent luck so well. I don't think she was entirely pleased, but oh well. If you can't laugh, then what the hell are you going to do?
I had to go back to consciously enjoying my life and removing myself from a situation by the end of the visit because GL got upset with me again. I just annoy the crap out of her most of the time, so I'm just keeping my distance these days. You know how it is, right? If your life is for shit, it's hard to see someone else's life going well; crabs in a basket and all that. Well, I was kind of the same when I was GL's age, but now I'm older and wiser and enjoying it. GL will figure it out, or she won't. It's not my problem. I know she loves me, and she knows that I love her. I just am unwilling to be unhappy anymore, especially when I have no control over what happens in her life; and I have my life to enjoy and figure out. C'est la vie.
5. I started working with my subject on the routine that I'm going to videotape today.
We talked about three important shots. I have to figure out the rest of them before this afternoon. I think she likes the idea of it. We'll see how she likes the actuality of it. I did my best to explain that shooting a story means doing things over and over; and that, it can become boring and "not fun." She's still game, so off I go to shoot my homework project today.
If this doesn't work out, I have a Plan B. I'm going to shoot my cats' routines. They eat, sleep, play, attack each other, sleep, clean themselves, sleep, get petted, sleep, hang out in the bathroom, sleep, and tell me what to do every day. I think this piece could be amusing.
6. I checked into taking riding lessons once or twice a month for a while.
I miss being on a horse. It's great exercise and the movement is good for my back and legs. I heard someone talking about how hard riding a horse is on a person's back, and I kept my mouth shut. It wasn't the right venue to interject my knowledge, but I wish that I had. You see, if a person is riding a horse properly, there is no jarring of their back because the person is supporting themselves with their legs. There is something called Posting that people do when they ride that counteracts a horse's cantering. Walking, cantering, and galloping are not hard on my back, at least. Anyway, I inquired about riding lessons at the Hippotherapy facility and am waiting to hear back. They have a new horse named, Apollo, who is part Belgian Work Horse and Quarter Horse. He's beautiful and definitely big enough to handle my weight.
7. Thursday night is TV Night
I came home, ate some dinner, and went to bed because my back was burning with pain. Thursday is TV night for me. I watch "The Big Bang Theory", "Shit My Dad Says", "CSI", and "The Mentalist." I fell asleep before "The Mentalist" ended and woke up this morning at 5:30am. This is why I didn't blog last night.
Well, that's it for yesterday except for losing the computer that I've been working on. I'm typing this on my mom's old laptop. It's working OK. It just doesn't have Word on it, so I can't write papers on it. It's a bit slow and has a bunch of crap on it that I would like to get cleared off, and I've been told that there are a bunch of guys in a study hall at school who do this for people; so there's another solution found.
Here's to finding solutions for all your challenges and remaining calm while you do it. Here's to a good day for everyone. I imagine that I'll be back tonight because, as we all know, I am now one post behind. Take care!
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
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