Well, it's around 9:30pm on Saturday, April 2, 2011. I've had another full day.
The editing started on my Flaneur piece today. It was frustrating because I haven't done the reading I should have done; so guess what I'm off to do as soon as I post this.
I also needed to get music for the piece, so I headed to the library and got a box set of George Winston CDs that have almost all the songs that peaked my interest. I found "Forest", too; so now I have all the songs that I thought might work. Decisions, decisions.
I also thought I could use some still photos to add to the piece, so I headed to the stable to take a few "artsy-fartsy" shots. It was fun. It was good to be around the horses. The back end of the stable was silent, so I quieted myself and wandered freely taking shots of eyes, ears, hooves, hay, stalls, ribbons, grooming equipment, and more. It was a very nice hour.

I even had one horse bang on his stall after I left him. I seem to catch his eye every time that I'm there, so maybe he recognizes me. I went back to his stall and he put his head beside the bars and showed me where he wanted me to scratch; right behind his left ear. He's a beautiful white and black horse, and I don't know his name. That made me feel pretty good.
I've learned many things during my time at the stable and hippotherapy center. I think I'm learning to spot "wounded" people and not take so many things personally. I'm so used to putting the blame on myself that I forget that sometimes things just come out the way they do because the messenger is "damaged" in some way. I'm learning to step back and take a deep breath then refocus to doing what I can to calm the people who exhibit this behavior.

This is also good when dealing with horses, especially the high-strung variety. The stable is a very good place for me, and I'm going back tomorrow after church. I'm hoping that the lighting will be better; and that I can get more stills and video. From there, I'll be headed home to throw things together the best that I can.
BB helped me load the images on the computer, and now I have to edit them. I'll be using iPhoto for the first time. It looks pretty simple. There are some good shots, but I'm largely disappointed in what I got because they are blurry. I wouldn't use a flash in the stable, and half the lights were off. We'll see what I can conjure up.
I had a very enjoyable evening with friends. Dinner was great, and I got my first dose of The Princess Encyclopedia. Who knew there was so much info on all the Disney Princesses. I was also lifted up as usual. I always leave feeling so energized. I keep trying to remember when I first met these friends, and I think it's been almost a year. It's been a good year.
So now I am home. I want to go to bed and read. Going to grab a large glass of water and go for it.
Thus ends the sixth post before the end. Today I focused on learning to quiet myself, not whine, see what I can do for others, and handle my own worries myself. I'm continuing to confirm that low blood sugar really does change the way I view the world for the worse, of course. Here's to conquering my stubbornness and eating good, healthy, fresh food at regular intervals.
I was a bit of a pain in the arse for BB, but sometimes I get overwhelmed with all this new computer stuff; it's easier to ask him that try to find the info online or in a book. Yeah, I'm finally admitting that I'm a bit lazy, too. I've got to work on that one. Lazy leads to depressed, disappointed, and demented. How's that for a theory?
Oops. Went to look at a possible picture for this blog, and got caught up editing the pics. It's two hours later. I better get to bed.
One thing that I've confirmed that I know about myself over the last year is that I have a hard time getting started, but once I get started, I have a hard time quitting; I get completely lost in creative projects.
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