Apparently there is an energy sucking vortex hoovering around our area. I was informed that this must be the case because my son's girlfriend was also wiped out today. It's really quite normal for my son and I to be lazy slugs, but his girlfriend is usually full of energy and constantly on the go. I guess I'll have to accept her summation because I am just a sitting shell of goo, right now.
In spite of our lack of energy, motivation and desire; my son and I accomplished a few major tasks. For one thing, I was offered breakfast in bed. Who can say, "No", to breakfast in bed? Well, I forced myself to remain in bed just to receive it. I blew it, tho'. I had some question pop into my head, walked into the kitchen and discovered my son putting jam on my toast. Ahhh. I took my breakfast back to my bed and thoroughly enjoyed it. I think this made my son very happy.
After we ate our breakfasts in our beds, my son had to run an errand. While he was away, I looked for work. I found something interesting that scares me to death. I think I'll do it. It falls into the category of "lifetime goals", so away I go to test my limits and comfort zone. I'm keeping it a secret for now because if I spill the beans I'll lose all my nerve.
When my son got home from his errand, we continued cleaning the kitchen including washing the floor and getting a new litter box for our beloved kitties. It's an amazing event in our household.
Considering the world events these days this seems so very small, but since I have no control over any of the world events; I'll stand by this small event as a major accomplishment.
After years of bickering over housework, my son and I are finally on the same team. It's happened. I was ready to lose my mind if he didn't "make a loud popping sound", and I am so happy to report that I think we've turned a major corner. My soul is reborn as a result of learning to work together in a humorous, productive way. I gave up control of the litter box issue and sent him to the store to pick out the litter box of his dreams. Yes, my son has been dreaming of a particular style of litter box for years, and I have consistently thwarted his efforts. Today I let go and let him. He picked a very nice looking one with a cover.
So while we washed our lunch dishes, standing on the clean floor with the new litter box in its place: we waited to see if either one of our cats would approach and use the new contraption. It didn't take long for our alpha male, Ziggy, to crawl into the box. He circled and scratched. He got out. We stood very, very still barely turning our heads to sneak a peek. We quite literally held our collective breaths. Cats can be persnickety creatures willing to lay the blame squarely at your feet for anything they damn-well please. Since we have been properly trained by our feline friends, we know this and combat it with sly wit and cunning. Wisely, we collapsed our auras and created our "Cone of Silence" under our "Cloaks of Invisibility" while Ziggy was perusing his new bathroom facilities. Then it happened! Ziggy stood in the "doorway" of the new litter box, balanced all four paws on the ledge and did what he had to do. Ziggy has strange bathroom habits. He is also a voracious burier. This is what prompted my son to get the covered box. Ziggy just throws litter all over the place in his efforts to bury whatever he's done. Well, after dear Ziggy had buried what he needed to, he took off at a full gallop to other parts of the house. This might have been a Victory Lap. I'm not sure.
So while the world is falling apart all around us, I am writing about being lazy, cleaning the kitchen and feline fastidiousness. What can I say? It was a strange day in our strange little vortex of banality.
Here's to tomorrow. Take great care. Don't despair. Somehow we're going to make it through all this, too. I'm off to do a bit of meditating; and then, it will be time for Craig Ferguson. I love his theme song; "... you can always sleep through work tomorrow! Hey! Hey! It's OK. Tomorrow's just your future Yesterday!"
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
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