Friday, May 14, 2010


Three job interviews down. Kitchen cleaned. "The Fabulous Baker Boys" and "The Blind Side" watched. Even did a bit of knitting this week. Shoulder SORE! Still NEED to do FAFSA tonight or tomorrow because the deadline is May 15th.

I've had "The Blind Side" looping since I put it into the DVD player too late last night. I finished watching it as the sun rose and the birds chirped led by the Cardinal. Oops.

All responsibilities met. Time to sleep.

Sweet dreams and all my best. More later.

Oh, and just for the record; Sammy, our female cat, is sprawled out by my feet. She's gotten quite fond of the heat from the laptop and me, I guess. She's also become much more verbal. Bless her. To think, she dang-near died when she was first adopted. Now she is a living, breathing pillow who just wants to be loved. She's so funny when she gets to playin' with something. She is the definition of "rolly-poley." I always wanted a Calico Cat. I once heard that all Calico cats are female. Wonder if that's true.

Oh, and my son has been researching gardening techniques. :D He's excited. Wow!


1 comment:

  1. TWO (2) FAFSA's filed on May 15th before The Preakness Stakes is run while watching the pre-race mini-doc on Calvin Borel, Super Saver, et. al. :D
