Well, I've almost completed PART FOUR of Extra! Extra! Read All About It! I've taken a new approach to this one and am writing a bit at a time. Seems to be working. It's not too long, yet. Not planning on making it too long.
I also know where Gadyen and the Princess are headed, but one thing at a time, you know.
As far as my day, well; you know how I tell everyone to write their Representatives and The White House? My day started with a call in response to a letter I wrote to The White House. Not bad, huh. It was a touching call. Of course, I had to explain that while I may have appeared to be suicidal, I am not suicidal. (sigh) Note to self: FIND A NEW PHRASE TO EXPLAIN THE DEPTHS OF MY DESPAIR. People are HIGHLY SENSITIVE to the phrase, "I feel like killing myself." Any suggestions, People? I just don't know how to explain how I feel when I get as down as I do sometimes. It's taken years for me to reassure my family that I WILL NEVER commit suicide, but that I need to express how I feel. I do feel like killing myself sometimes. I just won't do it and have to wait a bit for the feeling to subside enough for me to go forward. To me this has become a way of life. Not that I like it, but I've learned to adjust to it. It's a genuine pain in the ass and takes away alot of energy for forward momentum, but I'm getting better at handling these feelings more quickly. For Christ's sake, if a person looks at the surface events in my life; it can appear pretty sucky. Certainly my feelings are valid on some levels. What always gets me going again are two thoughts:
1. There are so many who have it so much worse than me.
2. I am loved by many and love many.
So there it is; I definitely have a file or two somewhere at the Federal GovernMENTAL level. LOLOLOLOLOLOL Sorry. Just couldn't help myself. What do you expect of a Scorpio Theatre Major? Death Defying Drama! LOLOL
Still, it is kinda nice to know that The White House is contracted with various local Mental Health Agencies charged with contacting people who write and seem suicidal. .... and you thought they didn't care. Pooh on you!
OK, so tomorrow's going to be a HUGE day of racing at Le Tour. It's a Sprinters Stage. Thor Hushovd, at 138 points, is only seven points ahead of Alejandro Petacchi in the Green Jersey Competition. Robbie McEwen is standing at 116 points. Mark Cavendish, the fastest man on a bicycle, has 97 points. Petacchi has been amazing. He's 36 years old and killing it in the sprints. Thor is hanging very well, as proven by his lead; but he is out sprinted most times by most sprinters. Thor's a big man for a Sprinter, so it is understandable. He's been improving his mountain climbing skills, so he's truly become a more well-rounded racer which is what is required to win the "Most Consistent Rider" or Maillot Vert Competition.
I'm off to sleep, so I can enjoy tomorrow's stage and actually get some more stuff done around here tomorrow. I've been ignoring the state of my home and opting to apply for more jobs. Did three applications today, and will do more tomorrow, too. I just need to get a grip on the monster that has taken over my abode. There's ca-ca everywhere, and this is not acceptable anymore!
Take care, All. Remember, you are loved; and that, should you feel like killing yourselves - DON'T! Call a family member or friend and talk. Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline @ 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). Shoot, if you have my number, call me 24/7/365.
OK, now get a good night's sleep and remember that tomorrow is a new day with all kinds of surprises. Focus on the small, happy things to start with and go from there. You know, I'm talking to myself, too, right? I'm really curious about my file. I wonder what it says. LOL Sweet dreams all!
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
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