Thursday, July 1, 2010

Update - Senator Dick Durbin's Response

I've been writing Part Three of "Extra! Extra! Read All About It!", but it is not ready, yet. I took yesterday off since I've double posted for a few days. In the meantime, below is Senator Dick Durbin's response to my original e-mail. He/his staff took longer to reply, but it is more to point. Still, so many words to say so little. It is educational, though.

July 1, 2010

[NAME & ADDRESS - omitted for blog purposes]

Dear Ms. _______:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the extension of unemployment benefits. I appreciate hearing from you and share your frustration that this has not yet been resolved.

Unemployment benefits are generally available for up to 26 weeks. Over the past year, in the face of a deep recession, Congress worked with President Obama to temporarily expand the program, bringing the maximum coverage to 99 weeks. Because this expansion has been provided only on a temporary basis, Congress has needed to extend the coverage each time benefits expire. The most recent extension expired June 2, 2010, and the Minority has repeatedly blocked our attempts to renew it.

I am deeply troubled that certain members of the Senate Minority have objected to extending these critically important benefits, forcing thousands of individuals to lose unemployment benefits for days or weeks.

At the same time, a growing number of individuals are exhausting the maximum 99 weeks of unemployment benefits available to them. Many are now advocating making unemployment benefits available beyond the current 99 weeks.

The intense focus on the federal budget deficit and opposition from certain Senators is making it increasingly difficult to maintain the current level of benefits, much less increase the number of weeks of coverage.

Unemployment insurance is a critical safety net for our nation's workers. In these difficult economic times, our first priority must be to help Americans return to work, while ensuring that the unemployed receive assistance to help make ends meet while they look for a new job. I will keep your support for unemployment insurance in mind as I keep pressing the Minority to let us extend unemployment insurance and other programs to assist the unemployed.

Thank you again for contacting me. Please feel free to keep in touch.


Richard J. Durbin
United States Senator


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