Well, here I am after over an hour of private writing with a brief update.
I presented my script in a group of four. Note to self: Be more gracious when being critiqued. Too much caffeine and nerves do not make a good combination when receiving critiques. I did apologize for being so "bitchy", though, and everyone told me not to worry about it. It was minor stuff, really.
All in all, my script was very well received. I mean, it surprised me to my core. They were laughing. I made people laugh through my writing. You have no idea how important this is to me. Really, you don't.
I've been wanting to write comedy ever since I left Players Workshop after our class show at Second City. The tape may still exist somewhere. I hope it does. I'd like to see the Tienanmen Square Dance again. Yes, our show was presented just after the events at Tienanmen Square. I worked so hard to make the Square Dance authentic. My classmates strongly objected, but I persisted saying, "We're doing this on the off chance that there is just one person in the crowd who actually Square Dances. We're doing this right." They gave in, and we presented our piece in soldier and student costumes. At the end of the dance, the students were killed by the soldiers. Our show reflected the dark days we were experiencing at the time; it was filled with dark comedy - biting comedy.
I'd also like to see our opening number, "Sioux City", which was set to the tune of "Oklahoma" and was about the Sioux City airplane crash. Like I said, we presented a biting comedic show.
In any case, I've finally written something that made people laugh - AGAIN! Wow. It was relatively easy, too. Wow! I just used the story to present scenes of the main characters imaginings while he is in an MRI machine and experiencing extreme claustrophobia. Jim DeCamp, the author, did the real work. I just took his words and made a script. It was very enjoyable especially since people laughed.
Besides, I used a technique that they hadn't considered; Fantasy. I read ahead in my book and discovered how to format what I wanted to write. That's a big part of learning any new writing style; discovering the rules of presentation. I did find what I needed, and the end result allowed my creativity to flow.
I really didn't know that my years of experience working in television, theatre, and film would lend itself so thoroughly to writing this little script. I'm so guilty of not appreciating my own talents and skills. Too many years of being beat down by those who do not understand or share my chosen self-expression, I guess. What a boon this was. I sincerely had no idea I had this in me. Quite the confidence builder, huh.
Oh, and we were asked about our process when writing. My process went something like this -
Receive Assignment.
Procrastinate deciding that crocheting a scarf is more important.
Procrastinate Some More and continue crocheting a scarf.
Freak Out.
Really Freak Out because Real Life is interfering with My Ability to Focus.
Read Short Stories.
Totally Freak Out because I DON'T GET THEM AT ALL.
Curse the Instructor.
Admonish Self for Cursing Instructor because She's Entirely Too Nice and Encouraging.
Procrastinate and do some knitting.
Sit Down and Write on the Day the Assignment is Due.
Consult the Book Multiple Times.
Do a Bit-O-Research. NOTE: Gene Cernan was the Last Man to Walk on the Moon.
Plug Away.
Continue to Plug Away feeling like I'm Plagiarizing the Author's Story - but it is an Adaptation, so that's kinda what I'm supposed to do, Right?
Ease Into Writing.
Take Words from Story Write Script.
Feel it Fall Into Place.
Finish Script with An Hour to Spare.
Print Script.
Place in Folder.
Type up Introduction Survey.
Print Introduction Survey.
Place in Folder.
E-mail Both to Instructor.
Take Script and Introduction Survey to Class.
Present Script.
Receive Critique - Poorly - Vow to do Better Next Time.
Make People Laugh.
Receive Multiple Compliments.
Our next assignment is to write a proposal for the story we want to write. I am twisting again. I've got a week to unravel the thoughts and put something down. I need to decide if I'm presenting a Television or Film script and how long the script is. I need to decide on my story. Twisting in the wind, here.... and Enjoying It?! Good Loard. This is Thrilling.
OK, must get on with my day's activities. Have a good one, Everyone. I'll be back!
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
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