When you are kind to someone in trouble,
you hope they'll remember and be kind to someone else,
and it'll become like a wildfire.
- Whoopi Goldberg
I woke up struggling today. Exhaustion, frustration and fear overcame me. The pain of the last few months pressed down on me. My only recourse was to go back to sleep. I realized the cause of my emotional and physical turmoil, so I did what I needed to alleviate it.
I woke up on the hour for the next five hours. Each time I awoke, I noticed that the pain was diminishing. At 10:30am, I got out of bed and started my day.
I found the following link on "Putting Others First." It helped me put things in perspective. That warm glow I've come to know and love started to grow. The fear started to go away.
http://www.stgeorgegreenville.org/TenPointProgram/Putting%20Others%20First.html - you'll have to copy & paste to see it.
While this site is about leading an Orthodox Life (whatever that means) and heavily Christian-based; it did help set my mind and heart straight.
After reading the above bit, I chose the following link - Quotes on Volunteerism:
http://www.journeyofhearts.org/kirstimd/volquotes.htm - again, copy & paste the address
There are some tremendous quotes from tremendous people about the true nature of love and giving. They helped me move forward even more.
So, I'll leave you all with these things today as I go on with my day focused on putting others needs ahead of my own in a healthy, helpful way. I'll be continually reminding myself about balancing my needs with the needs of others; so that, I can do what needs to be done in the best possible way. I'm finding the nuances of life are even more challenging now than they were just a few short months ago and that rising to meet these challenges is making me a better person who finds delight in flexing new and long-forgotten muscles.
Take care. Much Love. Peace. I'm off for a bike ride, some homework, drinking water, and improving my diet - BECAUSE - I deserve my own kindness as much as others do.
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
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