There are three songs titled, "Sunday Morning"; one by The Velvet Underground, one by No Doubt, and one by Maroon 5. I like them all. Each has a different twist. You can certainly check them all out on YouTube.
Thus ends the Trivia portion of today's post.
It's Sunday morning, and I'm feeling fine. I have a lot to do today, so this will be quick and rather boring.
It is my last day off before starting school on Tuesday. If all goes well, I will see "the troops" tomorrow.
I'm considering adding an Intro to Business class to my schedule. Guess I'll have to make up my mind pretty quickly on that one. I'm also in the middle of deciding if it would be a good class to take online, or if it would be better to sit in a classroom. Decisions, decisions.
Other than that, today I take more pictures of the things that I've knitted and crocheted with thoughts of a possible side business. At least I'll document what I've created, so far. I'm still working on Big Girl's scarf, too.
Housework and rest is the plan for the rest of the day. I've got about five loads of laundry to fold and a bit of picking up to do. Not bad.
The rest is actually important today because I think I've strained my right eye with all the computer time. It's feeling better after two nights of quality sleep. I'm going to see what a nap does to it. Besides, I read an article that sleep is good for memory and creativity. Gee darn. :D
OK, that's it for this bit of boring. Merry Mundane Musings My Magical Mystifiers.
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
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