She never moved very far away.
She dreamed of days together
and mourned too many days apart.
She struggled.
She sat, and she thought.
She remained in the same house.
She focused on good times
and tried to forget the bad.
She survived.
She stood, and she moved.
She cleaned her whole house again.
She remembered joyous laughter
and waited for it to return.
She succeeded.
She sat, and she sighed.
She revelled in her sanctuary.
She felt the warmth and peace
and longed to share it again.
She succumbed
to the pain
and the tears
and the anguish
and the exhaustion
and the disappointment
and the energy it took
to stay positive
and patient
and strong
and supportive
and understanding
and hopeful
She stood, and she knew.
She walked to the old stereo.
She played her favorite song
and danced the demons out.
She surmounted.
She sat, and she gasped.
She sprawled in her chair.
She inhaled gobs of air
and waited to dance again.
She strived
to be alive.

Photo: Scales of Dance Logo taken by Sandro Miller.
The Scales of Dance motto is, "Live to Dance. Dance to Live."
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