So there I was driving around in circles trying to get back to what might have been but didn't really look like the proper parking area. I talked to a parking lot attendant who was very helpful. I got chased down by a guy asking if I was "going to the show." I told him that I wasn't and rolled up my passenger window. I, finally, talked to Bob.
Ah, Bob. Beautiful, kind, welcoming Bob. Thank you, thank you, thank you for welcoming me so warmly.
"Are you one of my drivers?"
"Hi. I'm Bob."
"Hi. I'm Michelle," I said and stuck out my right hand for a hand shake. Bob looked at it quizzically and extended his left hand. We shook. It was a very nice hand shake. Not proper at all.
"OK. Well, here. Just a minute," he continued and left to ask the person parking in front of me if they were with the movie. The blue car left, and he told me to park right in front of the police car.
With that done, I packed up my belongings and started to exit. Bob met me at my window and handed me a piece of typing paper that had "letters and numbers" on it indicating that I was Driver #4 for the movie. I stuck it on my dash and placed another piece of typing paper that BB had made for me with my name and phone number on it.
"What do you think?" I grimaced at Bob, "Should I really put this in my window?"
"No," he answered, "Then everybody could have it."
"Yeah, that's what I kinda thought," I continued, "My son made it for me, but well, I'm a single lady down here, and.... Anyway, so I should take all my stuff down to Extras Holding? 4707, right?"
"Yes. You're a bit early ..."
"YAY!" I interjected.
Bob chuckled, "You can keep your keys. Usually we'd have you leave them, but he's right here," he nodded towards the policeman standing by his police car"
"Sounds good."
Bob smiled, and I got my suitcase out of the trunk. All the while, I babbled about my son. Bob asked questions, and I answered.
"Tyler is down there, and he'll get you checked in," Bob instructed me when I was ready to go, "Be careful crossing the street."
I smiled, "I think I'll be polite and ...," I headed towards the crosswalk with great luggage.
Yes, my luggage ensemble needs to be mentioned. Besides the leather production bag that Dad had given me years ago, I also had the rolling suitcase with extending handle that doubled as a bag you could hang your clothes in which I had carefully done according to outfit. Dad gave this to BB years ago, too. YAY DAD! THANK YOU! "I LOOKED MARVELOOOOS, or at least I was comfortable in my schlubby outfit.
My hair had dried a bit on the way down, so I was hopeful that the block and a half walk wouldn't undo it completely. As I walked to the corner, I looked to my left and saw the trucks and crew. I turned to my right to cross North Broadway, and headed to Extras Holding. I did my best to be as graceful as I could be toting my wares.
When I arrived at Extras Holding, I navigated past some guys hooking up what looked like temporary air conditioning and through the door. There were people already inside, and I walked right by Tyler in a daze.
"You're checking in?" Tyler asked.
I turned around and got my paperwork and instructions from him. He mentioned that I was a bit early, too.
"Yay Me!" I thought and smiled a big goofy smile. I parked myself at the first table and got started to fill out the paperwork. I didn't want to sit in the front, but it was convenient. I thought it might be cooler, too. It was warm inside.
While I got myself situated, I looked around the room. There was a one table with people around it who seemed to know each other or at least had done this before. The red-haired lady was called to the mirror by a man in a white shirt and shorts. He was the make-up and hair artist. They talked while he got her ready for her role.
More people came in, and I decided that if I was going to hide in a corner, the back corner by the bathroom and bubbler was the place to be. It was open, so I gathered my things and moved quickly.
I set up in my corner and took out the paperwork, again. More people came in. Tyler made more announcements. The make-up and hair artist finished a simple, yet wonderful do for the lady, and called for his next victim; a pretty brunette.
A young, dark-brown haired, red glasses wearing woman entered and called for our attention, "Hi. I'm from Wardrobe. We'd like you to put on your best outfit and come have us check it."
I thought about the weather and the suitcase and the timing and picked. I opened up my suitcase and grabbed my brown hoodie and went to stand in line.
When I got to the front, the same woman, with the wonderful graduated bob, had been joined by another woman who was a bit taller, had her hair pulled back, and was wearing one of the world's best white shirts. Directing them was a gentleman in equally cool clothes giving his opinions on each outfit.
"She's great!," he exclaimed about the woman in front of me, "She should be inside."
"You can zip that up," the first woman said to me as I approached wearing my Steve Kerr t-shirt under my hoodie.
"Yes," the gentleman said focusing on me, now, "You're a driver?"
"Yes. Don't even worry" I responded, "I've got a brown t-shirt."
"Yes. They may pull you out," he agreed while both women nodded beside him.
I went back to my things and got my brown t-shirt and waited for the bathroom to open up.
After I'd gotten approved by wardrobe, I had to bug them one more time to see if I could wear my sunglasses on top of my head.
"Sunglasses, OK?"
The introductory woman shook her head and announced to the room, "It's a night shoot, so no sunglasses."
Glad I could help. I went back to my corner and wiped the waterfall of sweat that was running down my face. My hair was completely soaked. It wasn't unbearably hot, but there I was with my white towel vigorously drying my whole head off. I got out a water bottle and headed up towards the A/C unit without my hoodie or much hope of drying my hair, but at least I'd cool off a bit.
I'm going to interject here, since I may not remember at the end of all of this that looking back; I would've gotten on my brown t-shirt, added my lavender shawl/scarf and purple headband instead of just going with the brown hoodie. Still, for wanting to hang in the car, not wanting to get picked, and definitely wanting to stay as cool as possible; my choice turned out pretty good. At least Wardrobe approved it. Don't know if they would've approved the other - CAUSE I DIDN'T ASK because I was a bit OVERWHELMED.
Soon Tyler was talking again, "We're going to take you over to eat. It should be pretty good. Just a few rules. Do not speak unless spoken to. If someone speaks to you, just say, 'Hi.' Just line up and someone will walk you over to ... Is anyone here Buddhist?"
I perked up and my thoughts raced, "Buddhist? Did he ask if anyone was Buddhist. There is a Buddhist Temple around here. They must have rented it. Cool. I'm not really Buddhist, but I like Buddhist...."
I joined the line and started talking to a lady behind me. She had never been an Extra before either. She works for the City. She has something to do with cleaning up hazardous waste on City property. Very cool Her handbag was made out of recycled tires. Nice lady. She held my spot while I followed a woman to the bathroom.
When I got back we were led to the Buddhist Temple. As we approached we could hear drumming. Really good drumming. There were small windows on the side of the Temple, and a drumming rehearsal or lesson was taking place. As we walked around the corner, we saw a grill outside. We were told to wait a moment. When we entered we were informed that the buffet line was for us.
"If this is what the Extras get..., " I thought and grabbed a plate. First there was mashed sweet potatoes followed by rice with bit of veggie. I passed those two up and went for the sauteed carrots and other root vegetables. I think I had some turnips or parsnips and maybe even some rutabaga, but I'm not sure. It just looked so good that I had to try it. After the veggies came the beef, chicken and fish. FISH! I loaded my plate with fish. Piled it on. I grabbed an apple from in front of the fish and continued on to the salad bar. SPINACH! I just wanted Baby Spinach, so I loaded up on that, too. I looked for the cucumbers that I'd seen a young man restocking. They were at the end of the line. I hoped there'd be some left by the time I got there. They looked to be the same as my grandma's. You know, the vinegar and sugar kind. Well, I'm very happy to report that there were still cucs left when I got to them. I piled those on my plate, too.
Walking back to a table, I looked for the drink station. I set my plate down next to a woman I would end up talking to later and headed to get a lemonade. All the while this is going on there was a guy in a black shirt and jeans walking around talking. He was just sort of throwing out a general question or two about having fun. Nobody talked to him. He gave up and headed out the door. With him gone, we could really hear the Buddhist drumming and conch shell. It sounded so good.
The man sitting in front of me started to chuckle, "Look at everybody bobbing their heads."
I nodded at him, looked at the older woman who had been sharing the A/C with me earlier bobbing her head, smiled and continued to eat while bobbing my head.
"Heaven!" I thought, "Welcome to your first Extras experience."
I thought no more. I ate and enjoyed the sights and sounds. I relaxed. I reminisced about how relieved I was when BB returned from his first day of his internship on "The Beast" when he told me not to worry because he got fed on set. There I was enjoying a grand feast, and I didn't have to think. I just relived a few happy memories and gobbled down my food aware of my pacing so as not to give myself indigestion, yet get out of there in a timely fashion allowing for a gander at the drummers before I left.
With apple and lemonade in hand, I headed back to Extras Holding.
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
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