Sorry for the late post. Technically, it's been 48 hours since I last sat down to write anything here. Back Pain. It's hard to write with back pain.
Yesterday was a bit stressful, but my bro saved me and mine. YAY BRO! I'm so grateful that crew and cast are going to be staying at his home while away finishing up their location shots.
Can't really believe that the first week of production is done; and that, we're barreling into the second week starting this morning at around 7:30. The first week went very well here at the house. Can't believe the house is still clean after having so many people in it for a week. Here's to an excellent crew and cast for picking up after themselves and making my experience so wonderful.
Our home was used for kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, basement and front door scenes. It took five days to get all the shots here. The days were not long, either. Great planning by SA. Days usually start around 9am and end around 4pm with a break for lunch. After the day's shooting is done, SA & BB settle in to capture the footage and back it up, so their days are a bit longer. Still, it's been a very nice shooting schedule, so far.
Today's shoot at a local deli will be short; only about three hours. The only equipment being used is the camera and the tripod. The bonus is that we will be getting food from the deli for lunch. The sandwiches from the deli are awesome. Yum.
I'm going to cut it short since I'm still a bit nauseous. Back pain does that, you know. Besides, I need to get some more sleep to prepare for today's shoot.
Here we go Week 2!
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