Do you ever get so preoccupied by events in your life that it permeates into your work, or prevents you from doing your work all together? Just wondering.
My Grandma Norlander said that having a job when she was going through difficult times was great because for eight hours a day she didn't have to think about her life. She was a strong proponent of working. I'm with her.
I've been pretty lucky lately to have gotten as much work (housework, job search, and homework) done as I have. In fact, I'm quite proud of myself. It has been a saving grace.
Just wanted to be clear that I'm tired of being falsely accused of being something that I am not - and - "suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." I'm hoping that some day I will be more like the people who don't take it as personally as I do. You know, the people who get mad and don't get sad. You know, the people who do something about it because they are able to use their pain and frustration to motivate themselves. I want to be one of the people who make a positive difference in this world when it comes to cruelty, bigotry, and ignorance. I am working on it every day. It hurts. It hurts a lot. I just wanted to get that out. It is possible to be positive and strong in the face of adversity, right Nelson? Right, Martin? Right, Oh Suffragettes? Right, Eleanor? Right all my heroes and heroines? I'd like to be my own heroine. I'd like to be my children's heroine. I'd like the mean people to make a loud popping sound.
sigh.... I really need to get back to bed. The fever is building and the aches are stronger. Once glass of water, my pj's, and some old-time re-runs on the tube - Here I come.
I will not fail my children or grandchildren, nor the rest of those who may need a bit of help in hard times. Time to take care of myself, so I can continue the hard work of taking care of everyone else who needs me right now.
Grace in the face of adversity is a quality that I am working on. I'm a little rough and raw on this one, but with effort things will improve.
The trials and inequities that some others suffer are so much greater than what I am going through. There are so many going through tough times right now. I really need to put things into perspective. I need to keep busy doing good deeds to pass the days of longing. My pain is nothing in comparison to the pain others feel, and I know this.
"The Lord is my shepherd......"
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
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