I just got off the phone with my daughter after a morning of researching "Letting Go of Adult Children." Sometimes life is very serendipitous.
In case the "linkie thingie" at the top of my post doesn't work, I've found a wonderful blog, Zen In The Art of Living Bipolar, http://bpwellness.blogspot.com .
Even if you don't know anyone who is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, I recommend this blog.
To recap my amazing week:
1. Saw my granddaughters on Monday after too many months apart.
2. Excelled in Digital Sound on Monday.
3. Found a safe place where I know I will be helped in my Domestic Abuse Survivors group on Monday.
4. Learned wonderful communication techniques in my NAMI Family-to-Family class on Tuesday night.
5. On Tuesday night, I was surprised by a request to be Project Manager by a woman whom I respect and who has transformed my life on multiple occasions. (I believe that I have used "whom" and "who" correctly in that sentence.)
6. Accepted Project Manager Position on Tuesday night.
7. Helped someone I love on Wednesday morning.
8. Attended my first Creative Meeting in over seven years on Wednesday afternoon.
9. Received another amazing phone call from my boss that has helped me in more ways than anyone knows.
10. Attended Scriptwriting class and workshopped one of the best short film scripts that I've ever read which included defending my viewpoint to the entire class.
11. Successfully handled technical computer/email issues on Thursday resulting in a successful transmission of notes from the meeting and multiple emails.
12. Received a return phone call from my Digital Sound instructor that included an unsolicited Extension offer, understanding and encouragement.
13. Accepted the Extension offer, understanding and encouragement.
14. Thursday night, I posted 16 pages of my script for workshopping next week in Scriptwriting class. (May I add, "YIKES!"? Yes, I'm scared.)
15. Thursday night I also had a wonderful talk/venting session with SA that lifted my spirits, and hopefully hers, too. (BB mostly listened.)
16. Friday morning I followed up with a team member about emails and worked with her to solve IT problems. :D
17. Friday I also made my first mistake in my Project Manager position and owned it honestly and professionally, apologized and promised that I will improve. (This isn't difficult for me, but it certainly isn't fun to disappoint someone who has shown such faith in me and invested so much time encouraging me. I attribute this mistake to nerves and over-enthusiasm focused on NOT making a mistake. Live and learn - and incorporate the learning into future success.)
18. I wrote another page and a half of my script and made corrections on my script on Friday night, too.
19. Friday night also saw the start of another crochet project for an upcoming birthday. (I'm flying on this one. Could have it done in a matter of days!)
20. Did research on Saturday morning about "letting go" and bipolar disorder.
21. Received amazing hour and a half phone call from my amazing daughter followed by a few brief scheduling calls from her. (Yes, I do get my prayers answered! I am also confident that she is capable of handling her life because she is a wonderfully strong, insightful, loving, intelligent and sincere person.)
22. Received a return phone call from one of my favorite people and had a long over-due catch up session.
23. It is now Saturday afternoon, and I'm headed to the showers and to do a few hours work on my Digital Sound homework.
One last thing before I go. Even though BB is only mentioned briefly in this post, I need to make it officially known that he helps me so much in so many ways. I am so lucky to have such a compassionate, insightful, patient, communicative, intelligent, creative, hard-working, and loving son.
People, it's been an amazing week. I am now focused on SUSTAINING Our Successes.
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
Looks like I still haven't mastered the linking thing, so please copy and paste the htt://bpwellness.blogspot.com link and enjoy.