If you'll forgive me, I'm going to take a powder tonight. There are things to do, and I'm tired.
I'll leave you with this one thought - I just heard a report on the 9pm news about our gubenatorial race. Apparently, a commercial for the Democratic candidate that brought to light an euthenasia bill that the Republican candidate introduced allowing vets to kill more than one dog at a time in a gas chamber has gone viral.
It's official, folks - This race has gone to the dogs.
OH! ... and the other day all of our mail was campaign literature. Glossy, two-sided, color sheets filled our box in duplicate and sometimes triplicate. While I know the mailman should just deliver one to each house...
COME ON, CANDIDATES - SAVE A TREE! Do you really think that anyone reads that crap?! Do you really think it makes any difference to anyone? Quite frankly, there's not really anything that any politician can say these days to make anyone interested in whatever it is that they have to say ... EXCEPT MAYBE ... The Issues?! What a frickin' concept!
I'm so sick and tired of all the attack ads. I'm so sick and tired of politicians, period - from every single party everywhere. I'm disgusted that people who are "applying for a job" that entails LEADING our country don't have the slightest clue as to how to discuss anything. There is no genuine sincerity anymore. It's all spin. Do this. Wear that. ... and what Jack-Ass came up with the hand gestures? L A M E!
Here's another concept - If you're trying to be one of our leaders, why not lead the way with your ethics, behavior, intelligence, and campaign ads - to start with - then roll up your sleeves and work with as many people as possible to SOLVE OUR COUNTRY'S CHALLENGES!
I remember a song from long ago, "Cooperation Makes It Happen." It is a children's song.
I would like our country's leaders to stop acting like children. I would like our whole country to stop acting like children. There are rules of engagement, People. There are methods of Problem Solving. There is work to be done.
EVERYONE! Yes - The Whole Frickin' Country - Stop Your Bitching and Learn to Work Together! POLITICIANS! You Too! You make more money than many of us will see in a lifetime. You proclaim yourselves LEADERS. L E A D! Do You Know How to Lead, or Do You Only Know How to Spin a Message to Get Your Job?
Dear Politicians,
Please lead by example and really start working to solve some of our problems because the American public doesn't really like any of you, in case your handlers hadn't told you. We tend to vote for the lesser evil. Yep. You all suck big, hairy balls. Yea, All of You....
OK, NOW It's Time for Me to Go to Bed ----- but one more thing ------ For my sweeping, untrue statements as far as every single politician sucking --- it's over the top and for dramatic effect ----- JUST LIKE THOSE GOD DAMNED ATTACK ADS! I'm sorry. I like to think of myself as a middle-of-the-road, journalistic, pragmatic, observer in political matters; but even the mose level-headed has their limits, I guess.
... and to all the children of all the Politicians ----> I'm particularly sorry. It used to hurt when people wrote nasty things about my dad when I was a kid, so I know just a tiny bit of what you might be thinking. I don't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm just tired of the silly games that the adults are playing.... in almost every area of my life. You know how it is. Sometimes a good rant is just the thing to set things straight, or at least it feels good to get things out in the open.
OK Kids, Play Nicely.
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
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