Eleven is a power number in Numerology. I'm one of those people who notice when it's 11:11 on the clock especially if I'm waking up, going to bed, or something striking has happened. There are some who prescribe to making wishes when they see 11:11. The eleventh day of the eleventh month is when we honor veterans in this country because the Armistice between The Allies and Germany (World War I) was signed on November 11th at 11:11. The "war to end all wars" wasn't really; so much for the power of 11:11. In some ways this may be comforting if a person considers that the whole "end of our world" thing that's suppose to happen on December 21, 2012 is to happen at, you guessed it, 11:11. In binary code 1111 represents the number 15 which just another bit of trivial information unless you're into that kind of thing.
It's the last bit of that paragraph that leads me to the rest of my blog today; technology. Well, the last bit and the residue from watching "The Social Network."
Here's the deal. I spend way too much unproductive time on my computer. I do this while smoking. I do this at the expense of my health. I ignore other activities that need my attention and efforts. While I'm not saying that writing this blog is completely unproductive, sometimes it is. Facebook is definitely a "Time Suck." Computer games while mentally challenging produce no money nor any real benefits, so they fall into the "Time Suck" category, too. All three activities are forms of escape for me with my blog being at lest somewhat productive because it at least I'm writing something every day. I consider both Facebook and the computer games I play to be a form of Mental Masturbation. The computer games are pure escape and a way for me to "be by myself in a meditative state", or so I tell myself; which is a load of bullshit. While it is great to keep up with friends from days past and places far away, Facebook is losing its appeal for me. I keep thinking, "There was a time before Facebook."
After watching the FICTIONALIZED story of Mark Zuckerburg's rise to billionaire status last night, I was struck by many things; but one of the most notable was that "This thing is addicting" and "A drug dealer couldn't give away free drugs at this rate." Aaron Sorkin is a brilliant writer. Those two lines are among many, many gems in "The Social Network." They are cutting like diamonds.
For a person who struggles with addiction issues personally and through a long family history, I have to wonder if Facebook is adding to the quality of my life or if it is taking away much of my life; or I should say, "Is my choice to spend so much time on Facebook ....." I acknowledge that I spend too much time on Facebook; and that, it really isn't adding to my productivity. This leads me to thoughts about what choice to make for my future which I'm still mulling over. At the least, I will be modifying and reducing the time I am on Facebook. At the most, I will be closing my account and leaving Facebook. I'm still thinking.
Another part of the movie that caught my ear was that there was a "coolness factor" that involved NOT having advertising on Facebook in the beginning. Well, that's changed. In fact, many of the posts I see, including mine, are some sort of self promotion. It is a "FREE" venue for self promotion, now. Shoot, the Dalai Lama even has a Facebook page, or at least his representatives are keeping one for him reporting his activities. Does the Pope have a Facebook page? I think the "coolness factor" has disappeared. At least it has for me.
It has given rise to immediate reporting of events and news articles and lent itself to information sharing that has played a part in history as evidensed by the amount of news I've gathered through Facebook about the Wisconsin protests for example. Facebook is a tool for "mass marketers" simply because of the number of people who are members. Facebook is a tool. Remember that derogatory comment from days gone past? Being a "tool" was not a good thing and probably still isn't. Again, I think and continue to re-evaluate.
I have to mention that I've had a tumultuous relationship with Facebook. I've added and dropped friends. My Blocked List is longer than my Friends list now. This tells me a lot. I am not "Friends" with my best friend in the area, nor am I friends with my children, other members of my immediate family, and a whole slew of other people with whom I have "real" relationships.
Speaking of which, Big Girl and Little One just arrived. We're headed to the Children's Museum! What a great surprise! Off to live my REAL LIFE!
Thus endeth the eleventh post until The End.
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
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