Properties of the Number 9
The nine planets of our solar system are mentioned in the above link noting that Pluto isn't a planet any more. This was horrifying news back on August 25, 2006, at least to me it was horrifying. Pluto is "MY" planet. I am a Scorpio and Pluto was my reigning planet. My favorite Disney character is Pluto. I was and am still tied into Pluto, but in the interest of accurate science I have accepted Pluto's fate and new classification as a Dwarf Planet. The following link is to a video from the Spitzer Science Center at Caltech that enjoyably explains why Pluto is no longer a planet:
Why Isn't Pluto A Planet Anymore?
Things keep changing, of course, and now there are reports of new planets being discovered that may be able to sustain human life. So while nine may symbolize completion to some, with ever completion there is a new beginning.
This leads me to the real subject of today's post. I have completed one phase of my life and am moving on to another with help from SA and BB. At this very moment or within a few moments, SA and BB are purchasing a new iMac 27" desktop computer and the Final Cut Pro software, Adobe CS5 Production Suite software, Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 software, and the Protection Plan. It is a HUGE step on my part. It is the single largest investment that I have made for my future and BB and SA's futures, too. It took a lot of thought and a GIANT leap of faith, but I've sent them to do their best. If all goes according to plan, we will also receive a FREE printer, if they still have any in stock. I'm still freaking out a bit when I think of the amount of money that I am spending, but it is a wise investment, or so I tell myself. What's done is done, and as a result, I will own a wonderful new computer with all the software and licenses that I need right now to really get going on finishing the Log House project and any other projects that I choose to put together in the future. There are more "gadgets" to purchase like an external hard drive and a break-out box, and I will be ordering those shortly. We will have an office equipped with the latest in video editing and document creation software in a computer that has 1T (1 terabyte) of internal hard drive memory. I am holding my technological geeky self in check right now. This is a HUGE New Beginning. I have completed my days working on PCs with questionable functionality that are prone to virus attacks and stalking programs. One of the beauties of MACs is that Apple is highly security conscious; thus, MACs rarely get viruses. So off I go into the world of proprietary software and heightened security that are both a part of being a MAC user.

I will keep this laptop around for those times when BB and SA are editing, and I want or need to get on a computer. Still, BB has a MacBook Pro, so maybe in the future I will cut my ties with PCs all together. Besides, the PC that I'm working on doesn't have the Microsoft Office Suite, and even though it has the FREE Open Office software; I haven't figured out how to use it completely or how to send documents that other computers can open. Looks like I'm about to become a MACwoman.
So that's it for the ninth post before the end of this blog "as we know it." If all goes well, tomorrow's post will be written from my new computer. It's all about Completion and a New Beginning today.
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