Not much to say really. I went to work this morning, stopped by Toys R Us and the grocery store afterwards, came home, unloaded groceries, made a surprise for Big Girl and Little one on the frig with letter and number magnets, drank a lot of raspberry lemonade, finally laid down and watched "Red." That's just about everything.
Think I'll head back to bed and watch "The Social Network" and "Despicable Me." My left foot hurts pretty badly. If I rest now, I can be up early in the morning to clean and get ready for another visit with Big Girl and Little One.
Sounds good to me. Sounds great to me.
So endeth the 13th post til the end. Thirteen (13), my kids lucky number. God Bless my kids and their kids and their loves. I am a better person because of my kids, or so I tell myself. Guess I'll believe it and see what the power of grandchildren does. So far, grandchildren are proving to have the same affect on me; I am a better person than I was even yesterday. Of course, I choose to continue to improve myself; the children and grandchildren are just a happy excuse. I think I've discovered a bit of my core; my purpose in life. Not so unique, huh.
Sweet Dreams, All. We're down to "The Dirty Dozen", now. The Baker's Dozen is done. Remember, Jesus forgave Judas. Thirteen isn't such a bad lucky number if you remember that it's all about forgiveness, huh. Go forgive someone; why not start with yourself.
Norwegian on the go
2 years ago
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