Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day 11-11-11

It's a special day, 11-11-11. It's Veteran's Day 2011. It's a day to remember and go forward with the knowledge.

Today, I will be telling stories to my children about our ancestors and a few others who have served. We will be spending the day together doing a mundane task. While my children may not express it, I will overtly point out how wonderful it is to be together today. We are lucky. We are surviving. I believe this is possible, in part, because of the many veterans who have influenced me over the years.

My Grandpa Norlander married into a ready-made family; my grandma had two children, my dad and aunt. He rose to the challenges and is recognized as our brilliant patriarch. He was kind, hard-working, humble, intelligent, loving, and never raised his voice. He had to quit school when he was in the eighth grade because his dad died, yet he was the one who taught me about Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. He read my dad's college philosophy books and passed on his passion for the subject to me. This usually occurred while he was working in his basement wood shop, a tiny room where he would make moldings and other small decorative items for his home. He went on to build his own cabin. The things I remember most about my Grandpa Smith are; sitting on his lap with his arms around me, laying in the hammock with him while he read to me or we took a nap, and tagging along with him like an obedient puppy. I adored the man. He was always kind and always made me feel special. He died when he was 50 years old from something called "exploding cancer." I have outlived him, and hope to be considered as good as he was.

My dad's dad, Palmer Ofstun, also served. He was stationed in the Pacific during WWII. His story is a tragedy. He died when my dad was nine or eleven due to injuries he sustained during the war and his alcoholism. He was a brilliant artist; I've seen the many drawings he did for his son in letters he sent while serving his country. His letters to his son and his wife (my grandma) tell a sad tale of a man who is separated from his family and knows that he's losing his wife. The stories of how much grief he caused my grandma are many, but long ago I forgave him is bad behavior; replacing any anger with sympathy for a man who couldn't survive the many bad decisions he made combined with the effect that serving had on him. His tale is a cautionary one, and I remember him fondly; knowing that he would want his heirs to do better. I try to be good for him, too.

Palmer's dad, Eric, was a brilliant great-grandpa. I made up a story when I was young that he had returned to Norway to fight with the resistance. I'm pretty sure that he didn't, but it made for some great stories; I think he might have enjoyed them. He painted beautiful pictures of his homeland. I've wondered what happened to them over the years, and have never found out. He was a kind, sweet man who had a tinge of sadness in his eyes. I loved and respected him for being kind, gentle, strong, and committed to passing on his love of Norway to me. Again, I am better for having known him even if he didn't actually fight in any war. He fought the war at home by doing what he could to make up for his son's mistakes. I know what it feels like to be in that position, now. Great-Grandpa Eric showed me the way.

My mom's dad, like my dad's dad, had a tragic life. I don't know if he served or not. I know he saw me once when I was two-years-old. He died shortly afterwards. Once upon a time I ran across a negative of him sitting in his pajamas looking so forlorn. The image is seared in my brain. The stories that I've heard are of an alcoholic, who was preyed upon by the men in his town, losing everything to gambling and drink; his wife, children, home and business. He is recognized as being intelligent and sensitive when he was sober, but he couldn't overcome his illness. It was years later when I was sitting in a UW-Madison Nutrition class that I discovered the reason behind so much of his behavior. It's one of those moments that takes on an other-earthly aura. A sentence in my book, literally, lit up, "Pernicious anemia combined with alcohol creates insanity." I highlighted it and ear-marked the page. After I rushed to my apartment, I called my mom and let her know that Grandma was right; the reason for Grandpa Tollakson's erratic behavior were because he was sick. Nobody ever realized what that he had a chemical imbalance that created the woes in his life and the lives of his family. I love the man. His life has taught me there are those who will take advantage of the weakest with no regard for the safety and sanctity of the families involved. He lived to voice his regrets, and I try to avoid his mistakes and become someone he would enjoy and be proud of.

My Grandpa Corbin married my mom's mom when he was 42-years-old, and she was a 52-year-old widow. Mom had to talk her into marrying him because of the age difference. They were married for over 35 years. I know I saw pictures of Grandpa Corbin smartly dressed in his military uniform. He was a loving, doting grandpa who could "talk your ear off and carry it down the road with him." I used to go with him in the early mornings when he set out to do a few plumbing jobs; and then, stop for coffee with his friends. We spent days together while he went from one job to the next. Every location was grand; schools, homes, farms. Schools were fun because the janitors would open up the gyms and let me play while Grandpa worked. Homes were fun because the ladies would treat Grandpa and me to some home-made treat. On the farms, I was allowed to wander in the barns and around the animals. Grandpa taught me how to fish, and we did that a lot, too. Grandpa Corbin was wholesome, loving, funny, and a rock. He died in his seventies and was imparting his wisdom right up until he decided when they should turn off his machines. He bravely faced his death and changed my mind about being hooked up to machines to extend my life. He did it so that his family could make it to the hospital to say good-bye. It was a selfless act that reminds me how much he loved all of us. My children knew him well and saw him in his last days.

Grandpa Corbin's dad was a hoot! I don't know if he was a Navy man or a Merchant Marine or both; but everyone should have at least one person in their lives like this man. He had it all; the grizzly voice, the tattoos of a ship and Hawaiian hula dancer (that he could make move by flexing his muscles), a stubbly beard, and a genuine love for Professional Wrestling and Roller Derby. Sitting on his knee watching the "Russian Bear" his old black-and-white TV and yelling for our hero to get up remains one of my greatest memories. He was absolutely endearing because he was so rough and manly, yet I knew that I melted his heart; I saw it in his eyes. Great-Grandpa Corbin taught me to enjoy the "characters" in life and to become one; lovable characters add spice to life and are just plain fun.

The grandpas I knew all had one thing in common; they never raised their voices to me. They corrected my mistakes and taught me how to improve. We cheered together. We hugged. I sat on their laps and was safe from the entire world because I knew they would protect me to their dying day. They smiled when they saw me and made me feel special. Isn't that what we all need?

So this is the most revealing bit of information that I think I've ever provided about my four grandpas and two great-grandpas. I share because I think there might be something to learn from each of them. I share because maybe it will do someone else some good, and this would make all of them happy. Six little profiles from one little life that might just make someone else feel a little less alone.

My wish for this Veteran's Day on this very special date is that we can create a world without war. I'd like this to include the wars we wage on each other when we are angry, hurt and scared; the wars politicians engage in while campaigning and politicking; the wars based on religious beliefs; and the wars we create within ourselves as we struggle through our lives.

My wish for today is World Peace. Maybe the power of November 11, 2011 (11/11/11) and a full moon will help with my wish.

Peace be with you.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's My Birthday! - November 8, 2011

It's raining outside, and my homework awaits my continued attention. The house is quiet and dark. The only sound is of an occasional car and raindrops hitting the house. Oh, and the refrigerator buzzing away behind me. This is my kind of day.

This year's focus is simply to choose to be happy and focus on those people, creatures, and things that bring me joy. I'll try to do a better job of staying in touch with the friends who make an effort to stay in touch with me. I'll accept what life has to offer and continually look to the future and how I can improve it. I will exercise self-discipline in more areas of my life. I will have a good year.

I am having a good birthday. It officially started on Sunday and is continuing very nicely.

On Sunday, I was first in line to buy a new, 32" TV for under $200. I got one! It is our first flat-screen TV. We're still working off of an antenna and Netflix, but now we can get rid of some of the huge TVs that are taking up space.

From the store, I went back home to do a bit of cleaning before going to the church for my childcare job. I was able to calm two crying babies and make their parents feel good about our childcare services. I was also able to give an ear to my co-worker who is recovering from pneumonia.

After church I came home to GL and the grandgirls. They were absolutely fantastic. Big Girl was so happy for me. She makes me so happy simply because she loves me so much. GL told me that Little One went looking for me (I was at work when they arrived) and calling, "MeeMa, where are you?" Little One has been more reserved than Big Girl. She'd only said, "MeeMa," twice before Sunday. When I walked in the door on Sunday, Little One greeted me with a loud and cheery, "Hi MeeMa!" This was followed by, "Up. Up. Up, up, up, up," with her arms stretched up to me. Really. Could I ask for a better birthday present? Maybe, but maybe not. The grandgirls did give me presents; two pair of goofy, fuzzy socks and a Santa that moves his feet when he sings, "Here comes Santa Claus." What perfect presents from my grandgirls. Big Girl has noticed that I have Santas up in the house year round, and I know she decided to add her own to my collection. She also broke in one pair of socks and insisted that I put on the other pair. We blew out birthday candles four times because Little One just wanted to do it again and again. There was no cake, but none of us need cake. It was a lovely day.

Later on, GL gave me her present. I was blown away. She picked out a fun, "hippy" bag for me. I'm using it already. She also presented me with a beautiful, green, ring box with a shiny, gold clasp. Inside the box was my baby bracelet! I didn't even know that it still existed. There is was, "Girl ..... 11/8/59." Well, of course, I'm verklempt. How cool. How many people my age have their baby bracelet? It's pink with little flower pegs that hold it shut; old-fashioned and sturdy, just like me, huh.

GL told me that BB thought I needed underwear, so he was actually thinking of buying me some. Ewwww! Good intentions, but, "No." I know his heart is in the right place. I had to call him, tease him, and let him know that what I need is for the laundry to be folded and taken upstairs; there's plenty of "undergarments" in the laundry. Goodness. LOL

When I got home on Sunday, I started in on my homework. I didn't last long. I fell asleep on the love seat, and BB woke me up. I was pretty grouchy and grateful.

Monday morning started with a Birthday Breakfast at a good friend's home. She made me a great breakfast served on fine china. Because these friends have played such an important part in my life this past 18 months, I took them birthday treats of my own. There were symbolic treats; two skeleton keys with a heart-shaped handle and a handle that reminded me of binoculars. Of course, they had presents for me; a beautiful candle purchased from a store that helps Third-World countries, some of those puffy things for the shower, and two cards with surprises inside. After breakfast and presents, we all did a dance to "ABC" by the Jackson 5. Can't tell you how great it was to start the day with good food, good friends and dancing. Their friendship is the best present of all.

I left my friends' home and headed to get some cream. I found a very, very light purple rose at the store. It was the closest thing to a blue rose that I've ever seen, so I bought it for SA. Like her, it was unique, beautiful and appreciated. I took it to her house as a surprise, and we had a little chat before I left to go to the beach. Birthday surprises are the best.

The sky and water at the beach was a soft, fuzzy, light blue. I sat there and thought about Big Girl because her favorite color is light blue. Of course, I thought of all the people around Big Girl, too. I focused on being happy and being a good role model for every one's benefit. I focused on letting go of my anger and hurt; becoming more like my saintly grandma. It was awesome.

When I got home, I started in on the homework again. This is where I stop because my homework needs to be done. It is not as warm and fuzzy as this post, but it is important. I'm learning a whole new way of thinking and communicating thanks to my decision to major in Paralegal Studies. It's good to have a ton of trick in my ("hippy") bag, huh.

My birthday wish for everyone is simple; health and happiness to you all.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Didn't really expect to be posting something tonight or any night for that matter, but seeing as I've popped by to peek; what the hell.

Interestingly, my "Two-Page Rashamon Paper" post is receiving a good bit of attention. I hereby give anyone who wants to use it for some school project complete permission to do so. It's actually nine pages long because I found it impossible to discuss four elements of Kurisawa's directing in that film in two pages. Seriously. Oh, and I'm pretty sure my instructor never read it and lost it along with all the other Rashamon Papers that were handed in... AND HE gave ME a B in the course. As Red Foreman would say, "Dumbass."

I'm so glad I've switched to Paralegal Studies. The best part of the DMD track at CLC is the iMacs; I've got one at home now. Fuckin' $2,700 worth of pure joy. Yippee! Unfortunately, not all courses related to Paralegal Studies work with iMacs, so I'm just going to have invest in a PC, too. Gee darn. So I'll be pretty well trained in both formats. That's gotta help, right?

Here's to the future which is already in progress as is evidenced (oooo - legal term) by the fact that I have already started studying for Intro to Paralegal Studies. I am ending here because tomorrow will start around 5am and end around 11pm. Man, I hope I can do this. We'll see how things go tomorrow, and based on these events I will know more - duh.

OK. To bed with me. To bed with you. Have a wonderful Monday, August 22, 2011. Don't know when the urge will strike me again, so until that time let's all just do our best in a compassionate, kind, understanding, and rather intelligent way. Remember to eat well, exercise, and sleep. Take a deep breath and calmly respond to anything which makes you uncomfortable or seems questionable. Have courage and keep plugging away. What more can I say? - Oh! I know! Good night!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

#1 - "... and now that it's all over..."

by Bernie Taupin & Elton John

And now that it's all over
The birds can nest again
I'll only snow when the sun comes out
And I'll shine only when it starts to rain
And if you want a drink
Just squeeze my hand
And wine will flow unto the land
And feed my lambs
For I am a mirror
I can reflect the moon
I will write songs for you
I'll be your silver spoon
I'm sorry I took your time
I am a poem that doesn't rhyme
Just turn back a page
I'll waste away
I'll waste away
I'll waste away
I'll waste away
I'll waste away
I'll waste away

Here it is, Post 365. Somehow I thought it would feel more special. It doesn't. It feels like any other day. In fact, it feels like one of those grouchy, despondent days. sigh

So to quickly sum up what I've learned after a year of writing, I've learned that I'm still a work in progress. I've improved slightly over the past year. I lost fifteen pounds, started working out and meditating more, am eating more sensibly, and am concentrating on positive thinking more consciously.

I've met some wonderful new people over the past year and continued friendships with old friends. I've survived another rough year.

I guess I'm sad to see this go, after all. It's been a good run. I'm taking some time off; and then we'll see what happens as far as this thing goes. I know that very few people really read this thing, so I'll be thinking about that, too.

I've learned that thinking positively is very difficult for me. I am continually in the process of telling myself, "NO!", and moving on with forced positive thoughts or at least neutral thoughts.

I've learned that I will survive all the heartbreaks of the past years and all the years to come. I don't enjoy surviving them, but I do survive. It's so hard to think positively in these circumstances. sigh

Things that I knew before I started writing and remained the same are that it is very difficult for me to get started, once started it is very difficult for me to stop, exercise is good for me, eating healthier is good for me, and most importantly; I love my children and grandchildren and wish I could offer more to them financially.

I know that I am still lonely. I know that I don't trust adults. I know that I spend a lot of time not talking to anyone about anything.

I've learned over this past year that I have a knack for taking care of children and animals. I get very good feedback from their parents and from the kids and animals, too. It is something that makes me happy.

AS far as the unfinished stories about being an Extra and the Princess and Gadyen, well maybe I'll write them down on my own for my own. I don't know. The Extra stuff was pretty amazing. The real story of what happened during that time is tragic with a capital T. I still don't know where the Princess and Gadyen headed off to, but maybe some day I'll find out.

In all honestly, while I did get some great feedback on my writing skills and this blog, I don't consider it a grand success. It has served its purpose which was to break my writer's block. Now we'll see if I can do it without having an "immediate gratification" audience. I think I can because I got very little feedback written back to me, so I've established a pattern of writing expecting no input.

I am happy that I accomplished one goal during this year. I've also accomplished a few other life goals this year. I finally took Scriptwriting and Digital Video Editing. I finally took Yoga and T'ai Chi Chih, which is different from the T'ai Chi Chuan that I thought I'd signed up for; yet still good.

I'm still struggling to rebuild my self-confidence and positive attitude. It's been a really rough year, and it's going to continue to be rough for a long, long time. I'm battling heartbreak and grief. I'm in therapy twice a week to deal with some of it. Mostly, I try to stay busy or distracted; so that, I don't think about it. It's unbearable to think about most of the time. I try to focus on the positive aspects, but there are so many unanswered questions, so much meanness and hurt, and so few places and people to turn to as far as really expressing myself.

I am a work in progress. Life is a long journey. Those are the things that have sunk in this year. I wish I could be that angry cheerleader now, but I am tired, sad, and heartbroken. I thought I'd be in a much better place, have many more readers, and have found some amazing thing about me that I didn't know before.

I have to resolve not having money, losing out to people who have money and use it to defeat me and mine, and just being someone who doesn't fit in and doesn't want to fit in. I have to resolve my fears that my grandchildren will not know or appreciate me for who I am, and honestly, that not many people will appreciate me for who I am and what I am capable of if given support. I have to stop sabotaging myself, still.

I've learned that there is still so much to do, and I think I'm just closing my eyes, letting out a scream, and charging ahead. I have no idea if I'll be successful, but I know that if I don't try I might as well die.

Finally, I want the physical pain to stop. I just want to stop hurting because of my emotions or my physical injuries. I just want the pain to stop, so I'm focusing on figuring out how to make it stop, or at least, be able to bounce back more quickly.

To everyone who took some time to read this thing at some point or another; THANK YOU. Take care of yourselves, Everyone. Sweet Dreams. Peace.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

#2: Wrap-Up - Part One

So let's get the dry stuff out of the way first. I started checking my "Stats" on a daily basis as soon as I discovered the tab.

I got very excited when my posts about Thor Hushovd more than tripled the number of people checking out my blog. I posted a link on the Cervelo Team site, the Thor Hushovd Fan Page on Facebook, and I did more marketing with that one, so to see that it paid off was nice.

I got very disappointed when I learned that a Norwegian cousin was studying technology and moved to Australia which coincided with my Norwegian hits disappearing all together and a surprising increase in my Australian hits. I think disappointed isn't quite accurate; I was mad, too. I knew about bots, so I always figured that some of my hits were automated based on buzz words and topics. I just didn't think that my entire Norwegian readership was this one distant relative and maybe a few other people. Ego bust and reality check.

By the time this thing is done, there will be a little over 7,125 hits for the year. That works out to approximately 20 hits/day. I have no idea how many of those hits are people who are reading the blog or are just bots bouncing around.

I do know that SA used to read my blog every day. I also know that GL and BB don't read my blog at all, and neither do 99.9% of my local friends. I've had a few family members read my blog for short periods of time and have actually severed relationships with some family members over what I've written. I've received accolades and compliments from distant friends and strangers about things I've written about. Other than that, I've received very little input on my posts.

My posts changed dramatically somewhere in the late summer/early fall of 2010 because, as I explained, my personal life was in upheaval and there were certain things that I was not willing to do in my blog, ie; reveal the personal lives of those I love in any depth, nor reveal my true thoughts and feelings on a whole slew of issues. I'd say the last half of writing my blog was less enjoyable because of this decision. It would have been nice to have a place to really write about the "real" story of what was going on. I think people sensed this and stopped coming by. One of the attractions of a blog like mine is eavesdropping on someone else's life. The information just wasn't juicy after one certain post that has been taken off the site, yet saved.

That particular post got both good and bad reactions. I decided to not have a relationship with my former-favorite aunt after she made her thoughts known to everyone in the family except me. I can honestly say that my life is getting happier since I decided not to have anything to do with most of my extended family. Most of my extended family decided not to have anything to do with me years ago, so I might as well accept it and move on; take the bull by the horns and decide that this is how I enjoy things. I don't really, but I have no control over other people, and if they're going to be uncommunicative, judgmental, ignorant, heartless people towards me; what do I need them around for anyway. Right? That decision only took me like thirty five years (35). Yeah, I've tried for thirty five years to regain some of these relationships. I've been laughed at repeatedly, called crazy, ignored, and simply been treated extremely unfairly by my blood kin in most cases; but not all.

I have two wonderful cousins who have stuck by my side throughout all of it. Thank you Danny and Joy. We don't really have a close relationship, but at least they haven't joined the rank and file. Should they decide that this is the best course of action for them, then so be it. I've given up caring about what other people think or do any more. See, I finally figured out that I deserve a happy life and if someone doesn't support my happy life, "Fuck 'em", right Danny and Joy? No drama here. Just the facts.

This latest sentiment is a result of a year's worth of writing about stuff. It's a fantastic revelation. While I still get hurt terribly by what damaged people say and do, I'm working on becoming more resilient and hopefully the chest pains and other physical pains associated from being stabbed in the back, maligned and ignored will disappear as I focus on shielding myself from other people's silliness. My time is too valuable to be wasted on fucked up people. At least that's what I keep telling myself. This too is a result of writing every day for almost a year.

I've gotten in touch with my anger and have decided that anger is better than depression, so I'm using my anger to go forward. I've decided to study law. My plan is to study paralegal studies, get a job as a paralegal and if possible continue studying the law by either getting my law degree or doing a fantastic job of research for whatever firm I work with. I want to know the law more than I want to create art, right now. I need to know the law. I will go even deeper in debt as a result of this decision, but so be it. It's my life, and for the first time I feel driven to learn something other than art, as in theatre, dance, fine art, crafts, writing, and whatever else falls into the very general art category. I really want to learn the law. I want to help myself and others with my knowledge of the law.

The motivating factors for this decision are many. Many of the stories that I've heard in my Domestic Survivors Group have fueled my desire. The way I've been treated by lawyers and the legal system has certainly fueled me on. Note to all lawyers who think I'm stupid, etc., "I'm coming out knowledgeable and focused on helping women, children and the disabled with a little dose of Intellectual Property Law insight to boot. Nobody is going to doubt my strength, intelligence, and sanity again; nor will they use it as a way to put me in my place and demean me. Better stuff your arrogance and attitude; I won't take it any more."

It's writing like the above quote that spurred my aunt to say that I have delusions of grandeur. Everybody likes to be an armchair psychologist. I have no delusions about the amount of work it's going to take and the financial obligations that I will be responsible for.

I also know that I'm going to NEED to know the law because of "certain factors in my personal life that I have chosen not to write about." For everyone who know what I mean by that; I'm preparing to spend every day til the day I die making things as right as they can possibly be. Many lives actually depend on things changing for the better, so I'll take up the task and do my best. I'll build a team of support. I know I'm not alone in my thinking and appreciate the support from those whom I admire and love more than anyone else on the face of this Earth.

See, I've finally just admitted to myself that as long as my son and his girlfriend love me, all is right with the world. As long as BB and SA continue to be the wonderful people that they are, I can do what I need to do to help the other people in my life who need more of my help. I am so lucky to have BB and SA in my life. I don't care about any of the mean people when I have a chance to be around them or just talk to them. They will be moving on soon, so I'm going to spend the next year and a half enjoying their presence; so that, when they go on their way I can wish them well and be happy for everyone. I can break it down to one person loving me as enough to motivate me to be the best I can be. I know that there are more people who love me, but for me right now, that person is BB. It has been different people at different times of my life, and sometimes animals have been the one who loved me when all seemed lost. It only takes one for me. I'm lucky.

Oh, and I guess really, the one is me. Yeah, you read right. That's the most important thing that writing for almost a year has done for me; I've fallen in love with myself again. I'm learning how to support my happiness and health. I'm engaged in my own life after years of putting everyone else first. It's a mixed bag of tricks, but I'm in for the long haul.

Yeah, this blog saved my life and my sanity. That's a bit of all right, huh.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

#3 - "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me."

Yes the title of tonight's post comes from Al Franken's character, Stuart Smalley. Just think, the man who created Stuart Smalley is now one of our country's representatives. I like Al Franken quite a bit. I'm glad he won. I wonder how he's handling Washington, and how Washington is handling him. I'll check later.

Tonight I am with my family and friends in Wisconsin. It is election night all over the country, but my heart and thoughts are in Wisconsin. It's too early to tell what the results will show, so I'll move on to my world.

Yesterday was a mixed day; rough and wonderful. I made it through the rough parts thanks to being able to get an earlier appointment with my therapist, remembering the wonderful moments, sleep, and some great conversation with BB and SA. Day done. Moving on.

Today, I have done many good deeds and been rewarded with nine instances of "You're a good person." One instance was literal and included a hug. I was surprised at first when SA opened her arms gesturing that she wanted to hug me. I thought maybe something bad had happened during her day, but she just said she wanted to hug me because she thinks that I'm a good person; and that, we all need to hear that sometimes. The other eight included at least a "Thank you", and in some instances included hugs and more words. This is pretty great especially after the rougher moments yesterday.

It's funny how life works sometimes. Yesterday I was ready to give up completely, and today I'm re-energized and motivated to go forward with my plans. I do remind myself of these times when I get down, and I'm glad that "The Universe" has been gracious enough to give me so many answers to my requests and examples of good people all around me. I'm going to start bringing the memories of these events to the forefront of my thinking each and every day. It's the least that I can do when "The Universe" is being so generous with me. I really didn't think I'd be having thoughts like this today after having such a difficult time yesterday. There will be more rough times ahead and more wonderful times ahead, so I'm going to just do my bit to nurture every bit of me; so that, I can continue to contribute positively to our world.

That's really about it. I've been having chest pains for a couple days, so I'm going to get myself to bed, do a little bit of reading, and get my rest. That night of getting only two hours of sleep is really slamming me. I really can't do that any more, nor can I continue to neglect my biological needs for food and water. Enough.

So the third post until the end is almost over; only two more to go. I can tell you that when I have posted this blog's final post on April 7th, I will be taking at least a week off to think about my future and blogging. I need to concentrate on school until May 11th. I'd like to add artwork, pictures and video if I continue to blog. I'd like to focus on external topics and/or creative writing if I continue to blog. I'd also like to post on a less frequent basis if I continue to blog. It is also possible that I will start a new blog with a new title. At this point, I don't know if any of this will happen because I haven't decided if I will continue to blog or not.

Now the third post til the end is done. I feel like I should spend the last two posts wrapping up the year; a two-part post, if you will. Sweet dreams, All. I'm off to take care of myself.

Monday, April 4, 2011

4 What It's Worth

I'm so tired I have to remind myself how to type. A little bit of short hand for me:

1 United Center Extra Real Story
2 HP City Council Candidate
3 Hippotherapy/Stable
4 Doing something nice for me
5 Video project due 4/11
6 Boundaries
7 Think Good Thoughts
8 Lost fifteen pounds - Stick with diet and exercise and water
9 Sleep

That's it. If I list a number ten my columns will not be aligned. That's good enough for me. I'm going to bed. It's 6:44pm.

Three more posts to go. "I'm the happiest girl in the whole..." - Really, I am. Here's to a fantastic future.

OH! and "The Princess and Gadyen"! I miss them.

Good night. Peace be with you.

#5 - Ah Yeah... Riiiight.

So it's almost 4am on Monday. School starts back up today. I get to see GL, Big Girl and Little One in just a few hours. I've been up doing my Flaneur video project. I've completed a very rough cut; very, very rough. That's why I didn't post yesterday. I got sucked into the computer and just now am finally stepping away. C'est la vie.

That's all I've got. I'm going to get a few hours of sleep before I head out for a big day. At least I have a better understanding of Final Cut Pro. I'll probably be redoing my whole piece, but at least I know why, I think. We'll see after tomorrow's class. At least I like the music I put together. I used piano pieces by George Winston; The Black Stallion, Lights in the Sky, and Joy. I used portions of each song and mixed them together to create a mood for each part of the video - duh. Deciding on the music took a long time, but I'm happy. I might need to find more, though. I'd sort of like to make my piece longer than five minutes. Again, we'll see what the instructor says.

OK, now this is really it. I do have more to tell, but it's time for bed. Happy week to everyone.

I've learned that sometimes I prefer to be more involved in a different form of self-expression and completely forget about blogging. I'm taking note of it. I'm also taking note of how I can become so engaged in a project and completely ignore sleep. It's a bit obcessive and a genuine high. Oh well, at least I got over my fear and enjoyed myself for most of the day.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

#6 - Lessons Learned Through Activities

Well, it's around 9:30pm on Saturday, April 2, 2011. I've had another full day.

The editing started on my Flaneur piece today. It was frustrating because I haven't done the reading I should have done; so guess what I'm off to do as soon as I post this.

I also needed to get music for the piece, so I headed to the library and got a box set of George Winston CDs that have almost all the songs that peaked my interest. I found "Forest", too; so now I have all the songs that I thought might work. Decisions, decisions.

I also thought I could use some still photos to add to the piece, so I headed to the stable to take a few "artsy-fartsy" shots. It was fun. It was good to be around the horses. The back end of the stable was silent, so I quieted myself and wandered freely taking shots of eyes, ears, hooves, hay, stalls, ribbons, grooming equipment, and more. It was a very nice hour.

I even had one horse bang on his stall after I left him. I seem to catch his eye every time that I'm there, so maybe he recognizes me. I went back to his stall and he put his head beside the bars and showed me where he wanted me to scratch; right behind his left ear. He's a beautiful white and black horse, and I don't know his name. That made me feel pretty good.

I've learned many things during my time at the stable and hippotherapy center. I think I'm learning to spot "wounded" people and not take so many things personally. I'm so used to putting the blame on myself that I forget that sometimes things just come out the way they do because the messenger is "damaged" in some way. I'm learning to step back and take a deep breath then refocus to doing what I can to calm the people who exhibit this behavior.

This is also good when dealing with horses, especially the high-strung variety. The stable is a very good place for me, and I'm going back tomorrow after church. I'm hoping that the lighting will be better; and that I can get more stills and video. From there, I'll be headed home to throw things together the best that I can.

BB helped me load the images on the computer, and now I have to edit them. I'll be using iPhoto for the first time. It looks pretty simple. There are some good shots, but I'm largely disappointed in what I got because they are blurry. I wouldn't use a flash in the stable, and half the lights were off. We'll see what I can conjure up.

I had a very enjoyable evening with friends. Dinner was great, and I got my first dose of The Princess Encyclopedia. Who knew there was so much info on all the Disney Princesses. I was also lifted up as usual. I always leave feeling so energized. I keep trying to remember when I first met these friends, and I think it's been almost a year. It's been a good year.

So now I am home. I want to go to bed and read. Going to grab a large glass of water and go for it.

Thus ends the sixth post before the end. Today I focused on learning to quiet myself, not whine, see what I can do for others, and handle my own worries myself. I'm continuing to confirm that low blood sugar really does change the way I view the world for the worse, of course. Here's to conquering my stubbornness and eating good, healthy, fresh food at regular intervals.

I was a bit of a pain in the arse for BB, but sometimes I get overwhelmed with all this new computer stuff; it's easier to ask him that try to find the info online or in a book. Yeah, I'm finally admitting that I'm a bit lazy, too. I've got to work on that one. Lazy leads to depressed, disappointed, and demented. How's that for a theory?

Oops. Went to look at a possible picture for this blog, and got caught up editing the pics. It's two hours later. I better get to bed.

One thing that I've confirmed that I know about myself over the last year is that I have a hard time getting started, but once I get started, I have a hard time quitting; I get completely lost in creative projects.

Friday, April 1, 2011

#7 - Gentle, Yet Firm or Why Post?

Tonight's post will address the many times during the past year that I didn't feel like posting but did anyway. Sometimes the posts said just that I didn't feel like posting. Sometimes they grew into something else. Sometimes I was feeling sick and/or tired. Sometimes I was uninspired. Sometimes it was a bad day, and I wrote about it and vice versa.

In any case, since tonight is another time when I don't feel like posting, I thought that I'd just sum it up.

Tonight I'm tired and having a few chest pains. I've posted about that before, too. I think it's just stress or maybe the way I was sitting in my chair while I watched the Director's Commentary on "Secretariat." (Everyone should see "Secretariat", in my opinion)

So what have I learned about these times when I posted in spite of my lack of inspiration and/or desire? I learned that posting was better than not posting for me. It may not have been better for my readership, but sticking to my goal of one post a day was a confidence builder even if the post sucked. I also learned that sometimes even though I didn't want to post that something marvelous happened while I was writing that really made me happy that I had buckled down and stuck to my goal.

I started to heal parts of myself that had been damaged throughout the years simply by sticking to a commitment that I made to myself. I know that I deliberately didn't post some days, and for those days I considered it a vacation or sick day. Everyone gets a few of those. I realized that this made my daily posting goal incomplete, and so I revised it to simply be that in 365 days, I would post 365 times aiming for a post a day. Being a bit gentler with myself helped me attain my goal. In other words, being nice and thus gentle with myself meant that I could still firmly guide myself in the right direction and not hurt myself; I also learned how to be like my grandmas who were gentle, yet firm.

This leads me to a conversation that I had with SA tonight. I know that she won't mind completely if I share it.

Basically, dear SA has been told that she is under too much stress and must change her lifestyle. She's very fit, sleeps too little, has terrible eating habits (as in, doesn't eat regularly throughout the day, works many hours, is in school full-time plus, and takes on the responsibility of helping her family and friends whenever possible in whatever way she possibly can. SA is a fantastic woman who takes better care of the people around her than she takes care of herself. Sound familiar? She is also willing to beat up on herself when she doesn't perform up to her own standards and/or lets someone down. Sound familiar, again?

We talked about the importance of eating on a regular basis, getting enough sleep, and generally how to be kind to ourselves. I explained that I wasn't lecturing because I share many of her habits and behaviors. I still cannot make myself eat breakfast, exercise regularly, sleep enough, and generally follow a structure.

I also explained a bit of my internal world of change. As I told SA, I often have to play Mom to myself and am learning to be my own best friend. I described the internal conversations that occur when I'm trying to convince myself to eat and readily accepted that it sounds rather "crazy"; and that, this is the reason that I rarely talk about my internal life. SA listened as I explained that I had taken up the role of Mother when I was three, so changing my thinking and behavior is pretty hard. Given that, I decided that I'd just have to Mom myself as well as I Mom everyone else. I couldn't possibly give it up entirely, nor do I think that I should. I just need to love myself as much as I love my kids, friends, family and pets. It's more difficult to do than write about, that's for sure.

I also explained that I used to beat up on myself more than I do now; and that, I consciously have been working on changing that. The result is that I am happier and being more productive. Shock! I told SA that I know that it's hard to change old habits because I'm in the midst of doing it, and I believe that it's leading to a better life for me and all the people that I love. From my standpoint, the self-abuse that I was good at is a result of the Domestic Abuse that I was party to in my past. My therapy groups have taught me that it is very common for people who have been abused to continue the abuse themselves through the way they talk to themselves. Given this knowledge, I decided that if I won't tolerate abuse from anyone any more that means that I am not allowed to abuse myself, either. This was a revelation and the change in my focus and behavior has resulted in a happier and more productive, less stressed out me.

I was trying to encourage SA through my own experiences and shared struggles. I'm here for her, and I'm sure that she knows that. I also explained that I don't always get it right, but that starting is the important thing because like all things that require practice to improve; things will get better with time and repetition.

I hope that I was able to help her on her way. I know that she will have successes and fall short in her opinion. I just hope that she continues to feel comfortable talking to me about both her successes and short-comings. It's easy to hide the let downs from other people and nurse them into a relapse of self-deprecation. I know. I've done it for years. When I was SA's age, I never heard the things that she's hearing now. The information wasn't out there. People didn't talk about such things to people my age or younger. I wonder what would've happened if I'd had that info. I wonder what I would've done with it. Oh well. What's done is done, and I'm focused on right now and the future.

By the way, I cried about Beau today, too. He always reminded me of a horse the way he pranced when we walked. Watching "Secretariat" reminded me of Beau, my doggie-horse. I know. I'm .... oh yeah .... no self-deprecating comments .... wonderfully imaginative? Yeah. That's it.

So, here we go. We're headed down the stretch. We're in our last week. I can't stop smiling about this one. I wasn't sure that I'd make it. It used to seem so far away. Just like Secretariat; it's gone faster than anyone could've imagined.

"Oh Happy Day... " You People really need to see this film. Take a deep breath, look at the beauty, remember the times or learn about them, enjoy a little bit of history through a pretty good film with some pretty good acting and directing and great cinematography ... and lots of heart and horses. Come on. What's not to like. Put your critic to bed and just relax and enjoy. Share a bit of my love for this great stallion and lady. You'll understand a bit more about me if you do. You might be inspired to do something that you thought that you couldn't. Who knows.

Here's to posting when I didn't feel like it. Sometimes the post lifted me up and my words were the words I would share with a friend or beloved family member; they were always words that taught me something about me and helped me become a better friend to myself. This blog has helped me love me more. I needed that more than anyone knew. I'll leave it at that for now.

Thus ends the seventh post until the end. Six more posts to go. Wonder what will happen this week. Can't wait.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


On March 31, 2011 at approximately 5:30am, Beau died at the foot of my dad's bed. His death was unexpected. The first sign that he was not feeling well came around 9pm on Wednesday the 30th; eight and a half hours later, he was dead. It has been just over twenty-four hours since he first became ill, and sixteen hours since he died.

Our whole family is in shock and has spent the day crying, talking, and staring off into space trying to get our bearings back. We know it will take time. We miss him terribly.

I don't live with Beau, nor do I live in the same town as Beau. I used to live about ten minutes away from him, but now I live three hours away. Except for my children, I've spent the least amount of time with him.

He's lived with my mom, dad and brother since the day he was rescued from a wonderful shelter in what used to be "our" area. Eventually, my mom, dad, and brother moved back to our old "hometown" three hours away. I stayed put. Then my brother found the love of his life, got married and wisely decided that Beau would continue to live with our mom and dad. Beau lived with Mom and Dad for about a decade. He relocated with them.

It's kind of a Marley and Me moment, I guess. I could go on and on about all the times that Beau comforted us, the trouble he got into, the few mishaps he endured because of us, the joy he brought into our lives, what a pain in the ass he could be at times because he was constantly trying to herd us around and be the alpha male, and how good he felt when we laid down together for a nap. I could go on and on about his smile, his bark, his prance, the way he always seemed to be at the door before I arrived for a visit, and how he saved my sanity numerous times by taking off with me on a walk to the lake or just in the neighborhood. I could go on and on, but honestly; it just hurts a bit too much right now.

I'm feeling very selfish. I just can't stop thinking that he's never going to greet me again when I show up for a visit. He's never going to the lake with me again. I'll never see his prance while we're on a walk. He won't lay down beside me and fall asleep with my arms around him ... and ... If I'm feeling this bad, just imagine how badly my mom, dad, brother and sister-in-law are feeling because they saw him every day.

If I had occasional thoughts that he was my favorite family member, imagine how many times Mom, Dad, my brother and his wife may have had a few of the same thoughts and feelings about Beau. Humans and Family can be difficult at times, and Beau was just so damn smiley and bouncy. How did he make everyone feel so special all the time? Beau represented his canine brothers and sisters very well. He represented all pets very well. I wish more humans were like Beau. I bet I'm not alone in my thinking.

It doesn't get any easier to say good-bye, so I'm going to keep you alive through stories and memories. Dammit, Beau, the timing on this one really sucks. Who the hell am I supposed to talk to about this one? You know what? It will be OK. I'll just pretend that I'm you and listen to the people who saw you every day because they may just need someone to listen to them like you used to. I don't know if they'll turn to me, but if they do; I'm at the ready just like you always were. If you don't mind, I might bother you from time to time with a few thoughts of my own, just like I would even if I wasn't visiting. I used to think about you a lot, you know. You sure were a good friend, Sir. So when you see Kamir, Crystal, Zoe, Theo, Harley, Bogie, and Milo please give them one of your more radiant smiles and enjoy their company. You are in good company. Our family has been blessed by great animals. You're all the best of the best in my book. I'll do my best to not miss you too much and think of all our happy times. I'll tell Big Girl and Little One some stories about you. They like stories.

Rest in Peace, Beau.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#9 - Completion and a New Beginning

The number nine has many different meanings and associations in cultures and religions around the globe. In Numerology it is the number of finalization and more. I'd always thought of nine as the number representing completion. The following is a link to more information regarding the number nine than I ever imagined existed:

Properties of the Number 9

The nine planets of our solar system are mentioned in the above link noting that Pluto isn't a planet any more. This was horrifying news back on August 25, 2006, at least to me it was horrifying. Pluto is "MY" planet. I am a Scorpio and Pluto was my reigning planet. My favorite Disney character is Pluto. I was and am still tied into Pluto, but in the interest of accurate science I have accepted Pluto's fate and new classification as a Dwarf Planet. The following link is to a video from the Spitzer Science Center at Caltech that enjoyably explains why Pluto is no longer a planet:

Why Isn't Pluto A Planet Anymore?

Things keep changing, of course, and now there are reports of new planets being discovered that may be able to sustain human life. So while nine may symbolize completion to some, with ever completion there is a new beginning.

This leads me to the real subject of today's post. I have completed one phase of my life and am moving on to another with help from SA and BB. At this very moment or within a few moments, SA and BB are purchasing a new iMac 27" desktop computer and the Final Cut Pro software, Adobe CS5 Production Suite software, Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 software, and the Protection Plan. It is a HUGE step on my part. It is the single largest investment that I have made for my future and BB and SA's futures, too. It took a lot of thought and a GIANT leap of faith, but I've sent them to do their best. If all goes according to plan, we will also receive a FREE printer, if they still have any in stock. I'm still freaking out a bit when I think of the amount of money that I am spending, but it is a wise investment, or so I tell myself. What's done is done, and as a result, I will own a wonderful new computer with all the software and licenses that I need right now to really get going on finishing the Log House project and any other projects that I choose to put together in the future. There are more "gadgets" to purchase like an external hard drive and a break-out box, and I will be ordering those shortly. We will have an office equipped with the latest in video editing and document creation software in a computer that has 1T (1 terabyte) of internal hard drive memory. I am holding my technological geeky self in check right now. This is a HUGE New Beginning. I have completed my days working on PCs with questionable functionality that are prone to virus attacks and stalking programs. One of the beauties of MACs is that Apple is highly security conscious; thus, MACs rarely get viruses. So off I go into the world of proprietary software and heightened security that are both a part of being a MAC user.

I will keep this laptop around for those times when BB and SA are editing, and I want or need to get on a computer. Still, BB has a MacBook Pro, so maybe in the future I will cut my ties with PCs all together. Besides, the PC that I'm working on doesn't have the Microsoft Office Suite, and even though it has the FREE Open Office software; I haven't figured out how to use it completely or how to send documents that other computers can open. Looks like I'm about to become a MACwoman.

So that's it for the ninth post before the end of this blog "as we know it." If all goes well, tomorrow's post will be written from my new computer. It's all about Completion and a New Beginning today.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

#10 - Zen and the Art of Home Deranging

So I'm sitting here trying to decide a new layout for our office. Turning this way and that trying to visualize the gray bookcase over on the wall by the light switch, the desk with the pull-out keyboard tray turned around and placed by the wall where the gray bookcase is now; or maybe putting the desk with the pull-out keyboard tray next to the matching work table over by the window. It's overwhelming.

I walk through our home and think of how I'd like to have it set up. I'm never satisfied. Besides, before I go ripping up the house again with my "deranging" efforts, it's obvious that the whole place needs a thorough cleaning. I know that my thoughts about "deranging" our home are part of my procrastination efforts. I'm very good at procrastinating.

All of a sudden I'm looking for our tape measure. It's not where I remember putting it who knows when. A sewing tape measure is there instead. This is a passable substitute, but now I want our tape measure. I want designated rooms for designated purposes. I want easy access to our tools. I want a full day to myself to "putz" in our home to make changes. This could be the day.

It makes sense to spend today focusing on cleaning and deranging things. I have to focus on cleaning first, though. I six boxes and two garbage bags in our office to go through and organize. Oh, I have two piles, too. Loard. Talk about sapping my energy; the thought of the amount of clutter around me makes me want to go to bed and curl up with my blankie.

"NO!" I think to myself, "Sleeping will not solve the problem. Avoiding the challenge will not do any good. Writing about it doesn't seem to be helping, either."

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense to start in our "back room", the entry to our home, with basic carrying down to the basement. When in the basement I can start more laundry and fold what's there. Then there's the kitchen; it needs a basic cleaning. The good thing is that BB mopped the floor on Sunday, so I'm ahead of the game, so to speak. BB's bedroom is his to figure out. I will keep my thoughts out of there. Moving on to the living room, I want to move the wicker, arched bookcase over by the entertainment center for starters. The whole room needs revamping, but that's not going to happen until school is over this summer. My bedroom is a mess and needs a thorough cleaning. That really shouldn't take too long since it's very small. Which leads me back to the office that I've already mentioned the amount of work needed to be done there. Yep, I'm feeling overwhelmed.

So what have my fifty years taught me about such things? Zen and the Art of Home Deranging; slow down the mind, remain unattached to the amount of work to be accomplished, eat, hydrate, listen to my body, work and rest, put on some good music or a standard movie for enjoyable white noise, breathe and just do the mundane; trudge if I have to, continue to move forward, and push through the pouting. Zen and the Art of Home Deranging can be very, very enjoyable. New ideas, better ideas can crop up as a result. Stay focused and complete each task; so that, at the end of the day the home isn't in worse shape than it started out. Try to work, off and on, for twelve hours, at least. Enjoy the process more than the final outcome. Remain focused on functionality rather than emotional attachment to things; this means "you" limed-oak finish, twin, sleigh bed. Some decisions will hurt momentarily, but clarity will take over and if lucky, increased happiness will result. Oh, and thinking about it and writing about it does not make it happen. I am not Samantha Stevens, no matter how much I'd like to be, so moving in the physical world is a mandatory part of life and accomplishing goals. The goal is to work, focusing on each task while not thinking about the end result; the goal is to stay in "The Now." Don't you hate that term? I do. Letting go of that emotional response while focusing on each task is a goal, too.

I have so many little "demons" that pop up when it comes to working in my home. They're silly, stupid, childish bits of resentment and pain that seem to really make themselves known when I am alone faced with "doing something" about my living environment. The only way I've found to "handle" them is to have an internal dialogue between my "Mom-self" and my "Child-self." Other people do this, too, right? Oh well, if they don't. It's what works for me. A tender, understanding Mom soothing a distressed, angry Child while firmly encouraging action. I'm sure I ran into this practice somewhere during my therapy sessions over the years.

SHIT! I forgot to go to therapy last night! Damn. Blame it on Spring Break and a glorious day yesterday with GL, Big Girl, Little One, BB and SA. Guess that was my therapy, but now, I mean NOW, I have to make a few phone calls; and then, I will start today's version of Zen and the Art of Home Deranging because tomorrow is a very special day, and I want to be ready for it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

#11 - Technology: Good or Bad?

Eleven is a power number in Numerology. I'm one of those people who notice when it's 11:11 on the clock especially if I'm waking up, going to bed, or something striking has happened. There are some who prescribe to making wishes when they see 11:11. The eleventh day of the eleventh month is when we honor veterans in this country because the Armistice between The Allies and Germany (World War I) was signed on November 11th at 11:11. The "war to end all wars" wasn't really; so much for the power of 11:11. In some ways this may be comforting if a person considers that the whole "end of our world" thing that's suppose to happen on December 21, 2012 is to happen at, you guessed it, 11:11. In binary code 1111 represents the number 15 which just another bit of trivial information unless you're into that kind of thing.

It's the last bit of that paragraph that leads me to the rest of my blog today; technology. Well, the last bit and the residue from watching "The Social Network."

Here's the deal. I spend way too much unproductive time on my computer. I do this while smoking. I do this at the expense of my health. I ignore other activities that need my attention and efforts. While I'm not saying that writing this blog is completely unproductive, sometimes it is. Facebook is definitely a "Time Suck." Computer games while mentally challenging produce no money nor any real benefits, so they fall into the "Time Suck" category, too. All three activities are forms of escape for me with my blog being at lest somewhat productive because it at least I'm writing something every day. I consider both Facebook and the computer games I play to be a form of Mental Masturbation. The computer games are pure escape and a way for me to "be by myself in a meditative state", or so I tell myself; which is a load of bullshit. While it is great to keep up with friends from days past and places far away, Facebook is losing its appeal for me. I keep thinking, "There was a time before Facebook."

After watching the FICTIONALIZED story of Mark Zuckerburg's rise to billionaire status last night, I was struck by many things; but one of the most notable was that "This thing is addicting" and "A drug dealer couldn't give away free drugs at this rate." Aaron Sorkin is a brilliant writer. Those two lines are among many, many gems in "The Social Network." They are cutting like diamonds.

For a person who struggles with addiction issues personally and through a long family history, I have to wonder if Facebook is adding to the quality of my life or if it is taking away much of my life; or I should say, "Is my choice to spend so much time on Facebook ....." I acknowledge that I spend too much time on Facebook; and that, it really isn't adding to my productivity. This leads me to thoughts about what choice to make for my future which I'm still mulling over. At the least, I will be modifying and reducing the time I am on Facebook. At the most, I will be closing my account and leaving Facebook. I'm still thinking.

Another part of the movie that caught my ear was that there was a "coolness factor" that involved NOT having advertising on Facebook in the beginning. Well, that's changed. In fact, many of the posts I see, including mine, are some sort of self promotion. It is a "FREE" venue for self promotion, now. Shoot, the Dalai Lama even has a Facebook page, or at least his representatives are keeping one for him reporting his activities. Does the Pope have a Facebook page? I think the "coolness factor" has disappeared. At least it has for me.

It has given rise to immediate reporting of events and news articles and lent itself to information sharing that has played a part in history as evidensed by the amount of news I've gathered through Facebook about the Wisconsin protests for example. Facebook is a tool for "mass marketers" simply because of the number of people who are members. Facebook is a tool. Remember that derogatory comment from days gone past? Being a "tool" was not a good thing and probably still isn't. Again, I think and continue to re-evaluate.

I have to mention that I've had a tumultuous relationship with Facebook. I've added and dropped friends. My Blocked List is longer than my Friends list now. This tells me a lot. I am not "Friends" with my best friend in the area, nor am I friends with my children, other members of my immediate family, and a whole slew of other people with whom I have "real" relationships.

Speaking of which, Big Girl and Little One just arrived. We're headed to the Children's Museum! What a great surprise! Off to live my REAL LIFE!

Thus endeth the eleventh post until The End.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Dozen Reasons

I've just finished watching "The Social Network" and am filled with thoughts. This is exactly what a movie is supposed to do. Even that raunchy little comedy with a heart, "Cedar Rapids", left me thinking. The one thing that is common among the thoughts is my love for film as an art form. It combines so many art forms. When it's done right, as in the case of these two very different films, it is all I need for breakfast, lunch, dinner and any snacks in-between. Film is my favorite art form.

1. It takes collaboration.
2. It combines art forms.
3. It is tangible, as in; you can hold the film in your hand.
4. Music
5. Lighting
6. Acting
7. Every subject under the sun can be presented in some form.
8. Dance
9. A whole group of people showing up each day and working together.
10. Messages
11. Writing
12. Escape

Those are just the brief beginning dozen reasons I love film. Like I said, maybe some day I'll write more about it all; but for now I'm just catching up on my blog posts again. I want to finish this thing on April 7, 2011.

I'm off to think some more while listening to Aaron Sorkin give his commentary on "The Social Network." Man, I love DVDs with Special Features. I eat them up. You'd think I'd be losing more weight than I am. Bad joke, I know.

TTFN Tigger!

#13 - Forgive Yourself

Not much to say really. I went to work this morning, stopped by Toys R Us and the grocery store afterwards, came home, unloaded groceries, made a surprise for Big Girl and Little one on the frig with letter and number magnets, drank a lot of raspberry lemonade, finally laid down and watched "Red." That's just about everything.

Think I'll head back to bed and watch "The Social Network" and "Despicable Me." My left foot hurts pretty badly. If I rest now, I can be up early in the morning to clean and get ready for another visit with Big Girl and Little One.

Sounds good to me. Sounds great to me.

So endeth the 13th post til the end. Thirteen (13), my kids lucky number. God Bless my kids and their kids and their loves. I am a better person because of my kids, or so I tell myself. Guess I'll believe it and see what the power of grandchildren does. So far, grandchildren are proving to have the same affect on me; I am a better person than I was even yesterday. Of course, I choose to continue to improve myself; the children and grandchildren are just a happy excuse. I think I've discovered a bit of my core; my purpose in life. Not so unique, huh.

Sweet Dreams, All. We're down to "The Dirty Dozen", now. The Baker's Dozen is done. Remember, Jesus forgave Judas. Thirteen isn't such a bad lucky number if you remember that it's all about forgiveness, huh. Go forgive someone; why not start with yourself.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

14th Post Until the End

This is the fourteenth post before the end of this blog in its current form. Fourteen is a special number to me simply because once upon a time when I was a little girl, I won two cakes by landing on the number fourteen twice during an elementary school fundraising Cake Walk. Some memories in life stay with a person, and the memory of winning something twice certainly stayed with me. Of course, it was so much sweeter because I won cake; two cakes. I remember that I got to pick the cakes after each win. With my first win, I picked a cake with chocolate frosting, of course. The second time I picked a cake with white frosting that was shaped like a bunny. For this reason, I think the fundraiser must have been held some time before Easter which means it was right around this time of year. My parents were flabbergasted that I had won two cakes. They tried to convince me to give one away. Of course this wouldn't do, and I successfully convinced my parents to transport our family and my two cakes home that evening. I also remember that even though the bunny cake had coconut on it that I liked it very much. We ate lots of cake for the next few days. I was very, very happy.So you see, fourteen is a special number for me. It is twice seven; thus, making it twice as lucky, literally.

In two weeks I will have decided if I will continue writing this blog. If I decide to continue writing it, I will have decided what shape it will take for the future. At this time I have not decided. I'm leaning towards stopping all together for a while or forever. If this is the case, I will still be writing for a portion of each day, though. I think my writing will be more personal and aimed at documenting portions of my life for my children and grandchildren. I also think that it may be more professional with a goal of earning a bit of money. The latter scares me, still; but off to the library I will go to finally do that research I need to do on query letters, publications, and publishing. We'll see, I suppose.

My mind, like many people's minds, is a goofy creature. I associate strange things with odd events sometimes. For example, with Kentucky beating Ohio State in this year's NCAA tournament, I am reminded of my children's paternal great-grandmother because she was from Kentucky. She didn't like me from the first day that she saw me. I ended up taking care of her for a year and a half and during all that time she was only nice to me one day. More correctly, she was only nice to me one day in all the years that I knew her. I thought that she probably had a stroke. Still with all of those memories, one of the things I remember is that she was fierce and loved her grandchildren. My goofy mind thinks that maybe she smiled down from Heaven or up from Hell and helped to grant me just one simple request because it suited her desires, too; a Kentucky win over Ohio State. It's simply fantastical to think this way, yet it amuses me. In some way, I can sort of forgive her for being such a miserably nasty person and have some pity on her as a result of this win and my imaginings. Like I said, my mind is goofy some times, but I go with it and laugh quite a bit as a result most of the time.

Part of my goofy mind's behavior pattern isn't as silly. It is downright disturbing, and I'm working to retrain my goofy mind. Since I've given it so much reign (pun intended), it is a bit difficult to redirect the more disturbing aspects of self-loathing and berating that is common place. It's an exercise in throwing out the bathwater and not the baby for certainly the happy, silly behavior that my goofy mind engages in is of more value than even I realize. The going is tough. My goofy mind is a worthy adversary in this area. Still I persist and have gained some ground in convincing my goofy mind that life and "we" will be far better off if a few bad behaviors are eradicated. I may be gaining a very strong ally. At least this is the goal.

Sometimes I feel like an arbitrator trying to bring my mind, body and spirit together. They have been at war or not talking for a long time, as I recently discovered, so this process is sometimes tedious, disappointing and frustrating. At other times the process is like talking to preschoolers after a disagreement which I did gently, compassionately, educationally, and focused on everyone getting along in the end. My more productive times of reunification are achieved with compassion, patience and understanding. Even when various parts resist my attempts, I proceed forward in a steadfast way. I feel as though I'm on some sort of gentle and firm military campaign; each bit of ground gained is staunchly held and plans are made to gain more ground, hold it, and gain supporters along the way. I guess this could be likened to other types of campaigns, but military is what comes to mind for me. It's a military process that does not include propaganda, nor does it include violence. I suppose a more accurate metaphor would be Gandhi's campaign for a free India and the Civil Rights Movement that Martin Luther King, Jr. led. I am looking for civil rights and freedom through unification of my mind, body and spirit. I've gained a lot of ground and have more ground to gain to achieve my goals.

So that's a bit of my goofy mind's analytical side. I spend a lot of time with my goofy mind. I'm very conscious of all parts of my being these days which is why I will now end my fourteenth post ramblings and go eat something before I leave for the evening. Have a wonderful night.

"On the First Day of Spring Break..."

LOL & OMG! I just had the best time! Went to see "Cedar Rapids" with a friend who always makes me laugh. She inspires me, motivates me, and grounds me, too. Besides all that, she likes "stupid" comedies! Yippee! Thanks for getting together with me, Young! I always have a great time with you. Here's to many more!

I highly recommend "Cedar Rapids." I'm not going to go into the whole "movie critic" bit except to mention that it stars John C. Riley, Sigourney Weaver, and one of the guys from "The Office" ... and more, of course. Great cast. I happened upon it because I had no interest in seeing any of the other movies playing now. It was the only one that even slightly peaked my interest. Man, did I/we hit the jackpot. Awesomely funny - and it has heart, too. Go see it if you like bawdy, ribald, slice-o-life, "stupid humanistic humor. It rocked my world tonight. It was a great way to end a wonderful day. (Since I added a link about Lent, here's the link to the Fox Searchlight "Cedar Rapids" homepage)

"Cedar Rapids"

Also a "shout out" to GL for getting me to yoga class today. It was great to take a yoga class with my daughter. If it hadn't been for her, I would've blown it off. Had a great class and hit Plow Pose for the first time in years. Absolutely Fab, Darlings. Thank you, thank you, thank you GL for spending a wonderful day with me. I sure hope we get to take more yoga classes together. That was just terrific.

While I'm at it, a "shout out" to BB for feeding me tonight. Kudos to you, BB! Chicken Pesto sandwich was yummilious!

To all the people who called me today - WOW! It was great talking to you all. Keep it up, and I'll do the same. It was wild how much my phone rang today. Thanks for thinking of me and letting me know. Love you!

Here's to Spring Break and my many friends and acquaintances who are traveling. Safe journeys, People. See you when you get back.

I'm going to thoroughly enjoy my Stay-cation. Looking forward to keeping the Spring Break ball rolling along as delightfully as it started out today! 1 WEEK of ME-TIME! YIPPEE! Whew. ... and I was worried I wouldn't make it.

Here's to fun. Simple, genuine fun. It's so nice to know that I can still laugh and enjoy life "no matter what." Oh, and a part of it is spreading the joyfulness to anyone who will take it. I did my good deeds today and was also the recipient of other's good deeds. I'm enjoying the "circle of life" thing. Gives me enough energy to face the tough times and decisions.

(contented sigh - chuckle)

Sweet dreams, All.

(another contented sigh)

OH! ... AND I've lost eight (8) pounds! Whoo Hoo! All I'm doing is cutting out soda, sweets, and fast food. I started on the Thursday after Ash Wednesday (March 10, 2011), so that has been two (2) weeks. Nice stable weight loss. Just what I like to see.

I've been telling everyone that I'm pretending to be Catholic for Lent. So far, it's a great bit of pretending that is producing great results. Who knew "being Catholic" could be so fun? :D

Here's a link on other things that can be given up and actions that can be taken:

The Holy Season of Lent

I see at least one that I'm going to have to do. Not quite sure how to approach it, but I'm sure it will come to me.

First things first, though. Tonight I go to bed, make sure my alarm is turned off, and sleep until I wake up ... which will probably be 5:30am if tradition holds. No worries. The point is to get up when I feel like it and do what I feel like doing when I feel like doing it which does include going somewhere special at 5:45pm.

(yet ANOTHER contented sigh)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

AM Abstract

In a few moments my home will be filled with laughter and joy. Filled with anticipation, I sit waiting like almost every Monday and Thursday morning. I live for these bi-weekly visits. Every visit is good. Every visit adds insight. Every visit is fun. What will we do today?

Last night after class was over, I was too hungry and "head-achey" to do anything but eat and go to bed. I even woke up in the middle of the night with a raging, burning headache. I don't know why, but I suspect that the lack of caffeine and food had something to do with it. Three ibuprofen solved the problem, and this morning I'm feeling pretty good.

Yesterday I did have one experience that I don't want to forget. I was driving up to school and did my usual, "Visualize Parking" experiment. I "vision" of a white car and a blue car in the first row by the theatre popped into my head, so I went with it. Pulling into the school parking lot, I drove towards the first row looking for white cars. As I drove down the first row of parking by the theatre, I saw a brilliantly white car. There was my empty parking space. There was a big red truck on the other side of it, but I figured that like most "visions" I only "saw" a bit of the picture; so of course, I pulled in and parked. As I thanked "the Forces that Be" and chuckled to myself, I looked in my rear view mirror; there was the back of the blue car bright as could be. I chuckled more and shook my head. It was a vivid experience.

I love when things like this happen. I had to call BB to "share." When we talked later, I asked him if anything like that ever happens to him. He confirmed that things like that happen to him. I'm glad. I hope everyone has little bits of experiences like this more often than not. They're a part of what makes life magical.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day Off

Well, I took another day off. It was a conscious choice. I decided to finish a scarf for SA and made a little beanie for Little One instead of writing.

I had a busy, productive enjoyable day. Got to spend some time with GL besides all else.

We had a wonderfully weird experience on our way to lunch. We went to an old hangout because GL wanted cheese fries. Amazingly, we found parking right in front of our old haunt, so we considered this to be a sign. We walked in, looked around, read the menu and discovered that our old haunt was gone; it was now a healthy barbecue place. We didn't want to eat at the healthy barbecue place and were shocked that a community institution had disappeared without our knowledge. We left. As we drove down the street, GL saw the name of our old haunt at a new location. Amazingly again, we found parking immediately. We also considered this a sign. We couldn't stop laughing while we walked in. We were so relieved and overjoyed to discover that our old haunt was alive and well in a new location. It had changed, but the owner was working the order area and talkative as ever. He's a Badgers fan, too. I was wearing my Badgers Rose Bowl hoodie, so we started talking all things Wisconsin. Another customer even chimed in that he remembered having a wild weekend in my hometown which I told him was pretty typical and chuckled. With cheese fries for GL and veggie burgers for both of us, we headed to a table and had a very nice lunch discussing our classes. It was a very nice lunch.

Later I headed to my group session only to discover that it had been cancelled. I was bummed and decided to go "furniture shopping." I don't really have any money for furniture, but I hope that something in a Clearance room will be affordable and the right piece. I found a lovely chair and ottoman for $250 in one store and a love seat in a matching color in another, but neither was in the Clearance room; and both don't fit in my budget. It was a nice escape, though.

While I was at the second store, SA called and asked if she could come over to our house even though BB was working. She's so silly. I've told her over and over again that she can go to our house anytime she feels like it. She knows how to get in, and I trust her completely. I'm always happy to spend a some time with her, or at least provide a quiet space for her to get away to. Of course I told her that she was welcome; and that, I would be home shortly.

When I got home, I didn't want to read, write, spend time on the computer, or do anything but knit or crochet. I thought I might finally start the finishing work on Little One's baby blanket, but instead I responded to GL's comment about the yarn I used on a scarf I hadn't finished. I decided to finish it for her the way she wanted it finished. It was easy. SA had to get her rest, so she left before I finished it; but it is ready for her now. Well, almost ready. I have to sew in two strands of yarn.

Since I had a bit of yarn left over, I started playing with that, and my playing turned into a small beanie. It's big on Ziggy, but cute to see on his head. I have no idea if it will fit Little One, but if it doesn't, I'll take a look at it and figure out how to add on to it or make it a doll hat or something.

So after all my activity during my day, I ended up staying up way too late crocheting. It was fun and creative. It felt great to do something just for me and the people I love. It felt great not to write.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mission Accomplished

A fitting end to a very long day is a very short post.

Happy to report that all scheduled activities were successfully mastered. Started out this morning not sure I would be able to check everything off my list, so I took each activity one at at time. The system worked. I now have two happy girls, a Career Counselor, three happy dogs, an approved Flaneur piece, a happy classmate, a memory of a serendipitous meeting, all the benefits of a great yoga workout, another memory of a serendipitous meeting, a Psychological Counselor, and a belly full of burrito and sixty four ounces of water. I started going at 5:30am and got home about twenty five minutes ago. Sixteen hour day is done.

To bed I go. Sweet dreams, All.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday's Report

Spent the day researching music for my Flaneur piece. Six hours to be exact. Sometimes I overdo it. In this case, I heard a lot of music and have many options. We'll see how it all pans out. From Booker T & the MGs to George Winston to Ricki Lee Jones to The Chieftans to Grieg to Adam Ant and more, I've listened to a ton of music to put with my footage of the stable. I'm still excited about it all. I better get my proposal written.

After all the hours spent in my own little music world, I took a break, ate and watched the stupidest documentary I've ever watched, "Paul McCartney is Really Dead." You can definitely skip this piece of shit.

I've got an extremely busy and fully scheduled day tomorrow that includes meeting with a Career Counselor, my first individual therapy session, and taking a friend to a class field trip location. There's a lot of other stuff included that requires that I leave the house at 6:45am and keep running until around 9pm. Oh lucky me. Argh.

At least I've been pretty restful all day. I'm feeling a bit better. The oscillococcinum is working. I'm going to hit the sack early; so that, I'm still in better shape for my busy day.

I'm going to get ready for tomorrow. Have a great week, All.

SMASH Guile, CEDE Bite - A Poem ... and more

SMASH Guile, CEDE Bite

It went by like a flash
Included one clash
Made my teeth gnash
Wanted something to smash
Or at least to bash
Cried through wetted lash
Because he made a dash

Ignored it for a while
Absorbed all my bile
Soon began to smile
Forgave his guile
For taking a mile
Cleaned up the pile
And switched the dial

Got the help I need
He did a good deed
I'm glad he agreed
Allowed himself to cede
Followed my lead
Fueled my creative seed
For editing video steed

It's time to say, "Good Night"
Forget our silly fight
We're good at making light
We bark, but we don't bite
Now we're tight
Forgiven the slight
And reached a new height

Yeah, it's a pathetic poem, but it does tell a bit of a story about today. It's the best that I can do after ten hours of logging and capturing video for my Flaneur piece. I did it, though - with help from my Two Tutors. I am grateful and relieved.

Sweet dreams, All. I'm headed back to bed. Been feeling like Ca-Ca Doodle Doo all day. Still have sore throat, aches, and headache; but at least I got some editing done.

It doesn't take much energy to sit and cut up clips for .... TEN HOURS! Gees.
OK, so only eight hours were spent cutting up clips. One hour was spent doing the Batch Capture, and another hour was spent organizing the one hundred and sixteen clips. (rolls eyes) ... and I'm worried that I need more footage or different footage? Goodness. This is for a five to eight minute piece, mind you. I wanted "extra" footage for overlaying sound and video and doing multi-frame edits. You know, like window panes and split screens. I still have to figure out how to put words in and make them move. One step at a time. One step at a time.

OK, now I go rest my weary head and back and arms and neck and tuchus and hair and fingers and ... oh yeah, eyes.

Good Night and Good Luck.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Too Good It's Friday!

OK, so it's Friday night. I am tired. I'm a little fluish, but I'm taking the "silly stuff" (oscillicocinum) to prevent a full flu from descending on me.

Some good news:

1. I picked up my Financial Aid check and deposited it.
2. I got a bike for Big Girl. It's a hand-me-down that needs training wheels and is purple, yellow and red.
3. I have resisted all my cravings for sweets, soda and fast food.
4. I handed in my paperwork to have our rent adjusted.
5. I got to take a nap.
6. I'm going to go knit or sleep, but probably knit. I have the urge.

That's it for now. It's an obligatory post, but at least there's a bunch of good news like I got the toilet unclogged and cleaned up.

Take care, Everyone.

So Much Time

How is it that I can come home and disappear into my computer? Hours pass and it seems like minutes. The only thing that gives me any solace is that my time is not spent dilly-dallying around. I really am doing school work, writing, researching, or following a creative thread somewhere wonderful most of the time. I do play computer games and check in on Facebook, but for the most part these days my time on the computer is spent looking up something for some project. Still, how do hours seem like minutes? It's the strangest sensation.

My big news for tonight is that I'm pretty sure I'm doing my Flaneur piece on the horses because I've discovered that there was a famous stud stallion named Flaneur. He is quite famous and has contributed to the Australian Warmblood horse line with two distinct types of horses, Holsteiner and Ta-something ... I think. I'm still researching it all.

I also found a great quote about being a Flaneur that references horses, so that will be good to pop in with graphics. I'm now thinking graphics and more shot selections.

I've had a busy, school-oriented evening after a wonderful day. I really do think it is time to go to bed now. I've spent another 180 minutes on the computer after I said I was going to bed. Don't know how it happened, but it did. Besides, my body is telling me that I need to do things that can not be done while sitting and typing.

So much time, and yet, it wasn't a waste.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Warm Weather Well-Being

Today was absolutely gorgeous. It was so nice outside that I did some yard work. Picked up a bunch of branches and did some raking. You know, the usual Spring Clean-Up kinda thing.

Of course I did more good deeds. I'm liking the habit of doing good deeds. Still making me feel great. Today's good deed consisted of giving a couple rides and doing a little babysitting.

I woke up without any pain this morning which was a welcome surprise. Yesterday my knee, leg and back started burning, tingling, and sending shooting pains all over the place. I don't know what I did to them, but they made their displeasure so known that I didn't go to school because sitting and driving was just too painful. So you can see why waking up this morning without any pain was a very beautiful thing.

Got to see Big Girl and Little One today. They were fantastic, of course. Poor Little One had dried up boogers all up inside her nose, so MeeMa had to get out the sucky thing and a warm wash cloth which made Little One cry. I'm sure her nose felt better, though.

GL, Big Girl and I went outside to play, too. Big Girl wore the play clothes I bought for her. The pants are gray and much better for playing outside than the beautiful turquoise pants she wore over to the house. I'm tickled that I found something for her to get dirty in. We had fun. MeeMa Monster chased Mommy and Big Girl until they hid in the invisible cave, the invisible tunnel and the invisible volcano. They sure could disappear quickly. All good fun in our yard in the beautiful weather.

Much to my surprise, BB took video of Big Girl and Little One. He's already edited it together along with a song from "The Life Aquatic." It's great, and the music fit serendipitously with the footage. It's so nice when a project comes together easily and sweetly like this one. It's really pretty funny.

It's been a good night. It was 8:45pm before I poked my head up from my computer to see that BB was busy finishing up his editing. Kinda nice to be sitting with the windows open, enjoying the weather and playing with our own projects in our office.

I was doing a bit of research and looking at the footage I shot today at the stable. I didn't want to shoot new footage for my Flaneur project but took the camera to the stable today as a back-up plan. Flaneur means "stroller" in French. It's a style of filmmaking. The concept is to take the audience to a location and immerse them in it as though they are taking a stroll through it; to be a part of it, yet separate. I think I have that right. Well, taping a few riding lessons, strolling through the stables, playing with the cats, the rooster, the hen and horses seemed to be just what I needed. We'll see how good it is. I can always shoot more footage. I wonder if I can have the camera over Spring Break. I haven't taken any stills, yet though. Flaneur can include still photography, too.

Anyway, it was fun to shoot, so I guess I owe my instructor a huge apology on Monday. I've been a whiny diva too many times already this semester. Don't know where it came from, but Demon Diva reared her ugly head this semester, and I'm really rather baffled by it all. Well, not completely. I know how her cage was unlocked. I was told that I wouldn't have to shoot footage for Digital Editing, and every assignment has included a shooting element to it. I'm working on letting it all go. It's getting easier especially after days like today.

Just a nice, playful, creative day has been greatly appreciated. I'm off to watch "The Mentalist" and get some ZZzzzz's. Might as well end on a high note.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Beauty of Doing Good Deeds

It is officially Wednesday, March 16, 2011. We have all survived the Ides of March. Congratulations!

My day was pretty OK. Got a lot done.

I told a bunch of childhood stories to a captive and appreciative audience prodded on with comments like "go on", "you were saying" and "OK, finish your story." It was great to have a new audience especially since she reacted so well to my stories. She laughed and grimaced right on cue. That made me feel pretty good. In fact, I think I amused her so well that when it came to playing Foos Ball, we just played a very non-competitive version. She usually takes great delight in beating me. I stink at Foos Ball. I'm very good at Bumper Pool, though.

I also did a few good deeds along the way today. I knew I was doing one good deed around noon today, but I didn't expect to have it snowball into my own little bit of Heaven.

It started out when I gave a fellow student a ride to school and listened as she told me about her first day of observing classes at a local high school. She's studying to become an English teacher. She was very talkative, and I enjoyed hearing about all the different classes that she observed. She observed English, Math, and Science classes. It was fun to share her enthusiasm.

After I dropped my fellow student off at school, I stopped at a flower shop before my group therapy session and found a bunch of wallet cards with inspirational sayings geared towards women. I bought a few, put them in envelopes, and had my group mates each pick an envelope. Everyone was pleased. They were even more pleased when they discovered that not all the cards were the same. Each woman got a different card and felt as though each card was perfectly suited to what they were going through in the moment. I was hoping it would turn out that way. I sat and shuffled the envelopes during the beginning of group thinking about what each person was saying and hoping that my surprise would give them not only a smile, but also something that they can refer to when they're feeling low, troubled, or doubtful. It's hard to move confidently forward after years of being beaten down be it physically or psychologically. I'll have to dig in my bag and pick on for me, too, I suppose. I wonder which one I'll get.

After group I stopped at Walmart (My Secret Shame - so many issues about shopping at Walmart, but continue to shop there, I do) to see if I could find a Peace Sign backpack like the one I have for school because my Sunday School co-worker told me that her daughter loves Peace Signs; and that, she would pay me back if I found one. Unfortunately, I didn't find a backpack with Peace Signs on it, but I did find a little purse that only cost three dollars; I bought it.

I also figured out that Big Girl and Little One will be at our house on St. Patrick's Day, so I looked for something green for them to wear. I was pretty successful. I found matching sweatsuits in gray, pink and green and added matching long-sleeved shirts with two kitties on the front and "Made You Smile" written on them; the long sleeves have hearts on them, too. I never thought I'd be a matchy-matchy kinda person, but the prices were right; and well, what the heck. Maybe it's rather rare to find outfits in the right sizes that fit my budget and the occasion. Might as well grab the opportunity and see what happens. I also found a Tinker Belle shirt for Little One and a Tiana outfit for Big Girl. Everything was on the Clearance racks, of course. I added four pairs of pants that only cost a dollar each; two dark green pairs, a turquoise pair for Little One and a hot pink pair for Big Girl. As I was leaving, I saw a couple of green outfits that were only six dollars each, so naturally I bought those, too. The green outfits don't match, but they go together nicely. They have short sleeves, so maybe they'll be for Easter. I don't know. What I do know is that both GL and I hold green as our favorite color, so might as well get something green for the girls to wear.

I did get myself a treat during all of this; a "How to Train Your Dragon", 3-D backpack for only ten dollars. I couldn't resist. Besides, everything that I bought of the three girls fit inside of it, so I didn't have to use any plastic bags. Ta Da! I don't exactly know what I'll do with that backpack. Maybe I'll pack it away and save it as an investment. Maybe I'll use it for school to lighten my load some days. Maybe I'll just play with it. Maybe I'll keep treasures in it. Maybe I'll keep the "How to Train Your Dragon" blanket in it. The possibilities are endless, and I can't stop smiling.

When I finally got home, I discovered that my new house key doesn't work. Figures. I was the one who bought the locks for the side and front doors and had them re-keyed; so that, they would both open with the same key. As far as I know everyone else's keys work. I had to chuckle while I walked back to my car to get my phone; so that, I could call BB and wake him up.

I also discovered that the recycling hadn't been put on the curb, so I had to get BB up, not only to let me in the house, but to bring down our recycling. It's getting to the point that if we don't take it out once a week that it is overflowing by week two. We share our bins with our downstairs neighbors, and I'm happy to report that this is a committed, recycling household. Unfortunately, even though BB and I tried to be very, very quiet; we managed to wake up our neighbors's baby. Oops.

So that's been my day. I had no idea that I would end up doing so many good deeds when I woke up this morning. It sure felt good. It's a great example of taking life by the reigns and living it the way I want to. With all the serious news I've been keeping up with lately, I was getting mighty down. Today was a fine example of continuing to live a good life no matter what. I'm going to count this as my contribution to balance in the universe.

It's going to take a lot of good people doing good deeds to balance out all the silliness that is going on. It's one thing to have leaders wreak havoc on our world. It's so very humbling when Mother Nature rears up and makes her power known. I'm not very unique in my realizations or observations about how to live life; in fact, I'm really rather slow. I'm starting to think this is a part of the aging process, and I'm really digging it. It all kind of reminds me of a couple of things my parents used to tell me:

1. If you go looking for shit, you'll probably find it.
2. If I had known at thirty what I know at fifty, I would've mellowed out a lot.

The only thing that I've really learned through my life is that when I am focused on helping others, I am a happier person. So here's to spreading some joy and thinking of others; be they human or any of our other co-inhabitants on this sphere we call home. Here's to remembering we're all in this together. Here's to preserving a happy and healthy habitat.