Saturday, April 10, 2010

40 Year Anniversay

There I am.  Fourth Grade.  10 years old.  I don't look like a sick kid, but I was.  I'd gotten sick when I was 5, and nobody could figure out what was wrong with me.  I just knew I got these 106 degree fevers in like 20 minutes and would kinda do crazy things, if I could move. 

I spent a lot of time in hospitals mainly in Wisconsin, but there was that time in Iowa when I was visiting Grandma and Grandpa, and Mom, Dad and my brother had to drive 10 hours to get to me.  Mom thought I was dying.  Couldn't really blame her, poor woman.  Nobody could tell her what was causing the fevers, and all they could do to bring them down was put me on an ice bed.  I looked and acted like I was dying.

I never thought I was dying or anything.  I just wished they'd stop giving me shots and IV's and CATHETERS!  I hated CATHETERS even more than all the needles.  Blood tests, penicillin shots, IV's and yucky bubble gum tasting medicine - sigh. 

For the most part I was a pretty good patient, but I did have a few classic fits.  It once took four nuns to hold me down, so the nurse could catheterize me. 

"We just catheterized your roommate, and she didn't behave like this at all," a nun chided.

"I DON'T CARE!  I BET SHE'S NEVER HAD IT DONE BEFORE!  I HATE YOU!  LEAVE ME ALONE!  I'M NOT HER!"  I yelled back while squirming, kicking, biting, and scratching. 

I once ticked off a nurse so bad that she threw me out of my bed and back into it while I had an IV in my arm.  I told on her.  I never saw her again.  She was just plain mean anyway.  Don't really know what I did to make her so mad.

Finally after a battery of painful and embarrassing tests in April of 1970, THEY figured out what was wrong with me!

April 10, 2010 marks the 40th anniversary of my "kidney" surgery.  Actually, I had reconstructive surgery on my ureter valves.  I am still VERY HAPPY to report that it was completely successful.  My life got much better after that surgery. 

So here's to April 10th.  I remember it every year.  ... and then I think about the invention that I didn't invent - that little Y that IV tubes have now; so that, medications can be administered via the IV instead of giving a shot.  DANG!  I would've been RICH!  You'da thought .... but no.

On the other hand - 1!  THAT'S RIGHT!  1!  FANTASTIC Costume Design Approved, and on it's way to the - SEAMSTRESS!  Thank You!  I got to design a costume without having to worry how to construct it!  I am happily going Forward @ 50 - and now I'm going straight to my most beautiful bathroom before heading to my most wonderful bed.  You do learn a bit about beds and bathrooms growing up in hospitals with my particular ailment.  :D  Sweet Dreams and Much Love to Everyone.


  1. I would very much like to hear more of this costume design business, either here or that other place. Really!

  2. hey rebecca. thanks for the idea. hadn't really thought of making a business of it. i'm doing a bit of design work for a student film project pro bono. my degree is in tech. theatre, and i spent four years in the costume and set shops, so at least i'm using a bit of my learning.

    the costume design business idea has gotten me thinking. thanks.
