Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Peace and Persistence

Peace and persistence were the themes for today. It's been a long productive day, and those two elements have played a very important role.

The peace part has been growing as I focus on praying that everyone connect with their Higher Power; and that, love and enlightenment enter everyone's lives. It's difficult to let go and simply hope for the best, but I'm finding that this hope backed by sincere work produces some great results. I've had a lot of help achieving my peace, and I am grateful. Whenever I find myself slipping, I send a prayer or meditation up; and then, I usually ask for help from friends and/or family. Picking the right person in the right situation is key. I am very lucky to have so many to pick from. So I'm happy to report that I'm at peace, right now. That's good because it's time for bed.

I know that it is time for bed because Ziggy is telling me so. He is very persistent. His persistence is one of his more charming and annoying characteristics. I do love him for it because he makes me laugh all the time with his kavetching. What can I say? He knows what he wants and what role I play in his plans. It's nice to have a smart cat to tell me what to do. I mean it.

I was persistent today when I was asking for an exception to a pre-requistite for a class that I want to take. I'm happy to report that my persistence paid off. I will be taking Scriptwriting Fall 2010 Semester at school - if my Financial Aid comes through. I find out about that on Friday, I hope.

The last bit of the peace and persistence theme is that I got out of the house for a good portion of the day. I was treated to a great lunch at one of the best family restaurants I know of; The Lantern. They had a burger Lunch Special for $5.95 that was great. I drank water with my meal! This evening I drove around deciding if I wanted to go to a movie (no) or buy a movie at Best Buy (no - because Best Buy has diminished their stock considerably). I ended up doing a bit of scouting for a dress shirt to go with one of my suits. Happy to report that Marshall's has a ton of suitable (ha ha - I made a funny) shirts. I'll take my suit with me and go back to decide. For between five and twelve dollars, I should be able to come up with something nice. I was very persistent in my search, and now am at peace.

So, persistently focusing on peace is a good thing. Persistently working to get what I need is a good thing. And do I really need to say it? Being persistently peaceful is a good thing, too. That's my goal. I know I can't possibly be peaceful all the time, but I can be persistent in achieving my goal.

OK, I admit it. This one is rather hokey. I'm on the fly here. I haven't quite finished my tasks for the day, and Ziggy is getting kinda upset. Take care, All. Sweet Dreams. Keep Hope Alive!


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