Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Grateful NOT Dead

I am grateful for my NAMI Family-to-Family class. It's proving to be extremely informative and supportive. I highly recommend that anyone who has a loved one with mental health/brain disorder issues or has mental health/brain disorder issues themselves to check out NAMI at www.nami.org and take a class or two. There are classes, support groups, seminars and resources available for everyone. NAMI is a group that I will support for the rest of my life.

I am grateful for my children because I am a better person because of them. Under the category of children, I am grateful for my grandchildren, too. I can go on and on about all of them, but let's just say that I love them, am proud of them, and am happy that I was blessed with them.

I am grateful for many generations of a good family. I consider myself lucky to have such wonderful grandparents and parents.

I am grateful for second, third, fourth... chances. Sometimes it takes me a while to learn what I need to learn, so I am grateful that life has afforded me so many opportunities.

I am grateful that I have a working bicycle because riding is one of my favorite things to do. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

I am grateful for music, dance and all the arts because through them I find joy. I'm looking forward to dancing more. I'll keep you posted on that one, too.

I am grateful that my Unemployment check should be in my account tomorrow because we need groceries, and bills need to be paid. I plan on buying good food specifically focused on eating at least five times a day because I want to lose weight and be healthier.

I am grateful that my Financial Aid should be in my account by next week because there are more bills to pay, and a cushion will be nice to have again. It will also allow me to get the Mac that I need for my school work and future professional work.

I am grateful for this blog because it provides an outlet for my creativity and insight. It has also proven to be an excellent exercise in consistent writing which is proving to be very beneficial.

I am grateful for those who listen to me and allow me to express myself. Today I a few wonderfully nice and intelligent men let me say a few sentences to him that helped me a lot. I have continually thanked them for their understanding, support and patience.

I am grateful that I have decided to treat myself to a movie on Friday night. I am going to see "Secretariat" because he is one of my heroes. He holds a very special place in my heart, and I can't wait to learn more about the people who were around him. I love horses and have started looking for jobs around horses as a result. I need to smell the beasts and be around them again. I'll keep you posted on this one, too.

I am grateful for lots of things, but mostly, right now, I am grateful that it is time to go to bed and get some much needed rest. I have had a long hard day and need to replenish my body and my spirit.

Here's to tomorrow and all it may bring. I am truly starting over in my life. The totality of this event is mind-boggling, but I'm a plucky sort who manages to find a way to carry on even it I do annoy the crap out of a ton of people. :D


1 comment:

  1. ... and I'm grateful so many people from around the world have seen fit to check out my blog since I posted about Thor's World Championship win. It's been a thrilling experience. I'm hoping some will stay around for more posts. I'm going to focus on making that possible. Sweet dreams, All. :D
