Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Right Knee Speaks

KNEE: Hello. I am her Right Knee.

CALF: I'm her Right Calf!

KNEE: Yes, you are, but we're not talking about you, right now.

CALF: What do you mean, "... we're not talking about you, right now?"

KNEE: I mean that the Right Knee Cap, all the associated ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bones and joint are not talking about you, right now. The Right Knee is a conglomerate of associated members who have the floor, or I should say, chair, right now. We are speaking as a collective with one voice.

CALF: Well, thank you for at least switching position, so I feel a little less stress and pain. I represent a collective, too, you know. Don't you think it would've been better if you would've mentioned how your actions or lack of action affects us?

KNEE: You might be right. I guess I was so focused on my own pain that I ignored your numbness and pain.

CALF: Well, thank you. How about we start over from scratch?

ANKLE, HIP and BACK: Hey! What about us?

KNEE: OK. We are the Right Leg, Right Hip and Lower Back. We are in pain. We do not want to be writing this post, but we cooperate because it's important to the Mind, Spirit and most of the Body.

WRIST: Well, speaking for the Right Wrist, I'd like to join your collective of pain; or rather, I am already a member. Personally speaking, I think we deserve just as much attention as the Mind, Spirit and rest of the Body.


MIND, SPIRIT and BODY: In honor of the support that has been shown by everyone towards the goal of posting a post on this blog each day for a year, this post is over. Here's to happy, healthy lives for everyone. Remember to support the weakest just as much as you support the strongest. Bring everyone along and the results will be peace. Have a wonderful night, Everyone. Peace. OK! DANCE! Hands up in the air! Shoulders to the beat! Suck it in Gut! Now wiggle! Oh Yeah! We're outta here!

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