Saturday, November 20, 2010


I had a bit of an AHA Moment this morning. It's really nothing profound. It's just that I figured out that there seems to be a lot of back and forth from the same people saying the same things. Back and Forth. Back and Forth. My AHA Moment was that I need to study alternative options for communication and economic development. Like I said, it's not that profound.

Seems obvious to me that most of the conversations and debates that I engage in don't really get anywhere. A lot of people seem more interested in showing off their intellect than solving challenges. Rather than communicating in easily understood words focused on finding a middle ground, many people like to use big words that alienate people and supposedly prove their superior intellect. I guess this is to show that their position is the right position. I could be wrong. It could be that there are just a bunch of people in the world who are very mad, don't agree, and just want to argue. It's probably both of those options and a few more.

My point is simple. Having watched "Harmony" last night, I am impressed with something that I've never heard of before. It is called, "Bio-Mimicry." Seems like such a wonderfully, holistic, and healing approach to sustainability; both economic and ecological. To achieve the successes that were highlighted people had to learn new skills and learn how to communicate in a new way. It's taken many of the people years to achieve their successes, but they can be held up as role models for everyone. Using Conflict Resolution practices, loggers and ecologists found a middle ground that will sustain both the logging businesses and the temperate rain forests in British Columbia. By switching to organic farming, farmers all over the world are improving their chances of sustaining a profitable, earth-friendly business largely because they do not have to buy hybrid seeds and chemicals. Saving the polar bears is not just about saving a majestic animal for the animal's sake; it is also about potentially finding a cure for human diabetes. The idea of "Harmony" is the simplest of its definitions; harmony among all things because all things are interconnected.

"Harmony" is an hour long movie showcasing organic farmers, ecologists, and business people who are creating a new model for our planet. It was made by HRH Prince Charles.

I've always liked Prince Charles because of his interest in and concern for our planet. He was a bit of a rebel in his day and continues to be one. You wouldn't really suspect it by looking at him. Besides, he's the dastardly prince who cheated on his lovely Princess Diana, right? Well, like all humans, he appears to be more than that. He inspired me before, and he's inspiring me again.

I'm going to do some more research and studying on Bio-Mimicry. I'm going to do some more crocheting. I'm also going to do my homework, clean the house, look for work, and get some paperwork taken care of.

While I'm doing all of that, I'm going to also be thinking about how much I want to volunteer with NAMI. A few red flags went up, so I have to evaluate the situation. I need to access my circumstances and decide how I can best help this wonderful organization. You see, I do need to get a job, so over-extending myself with NAMI would be a bad thing. I am seeking balance. To achieve balance, I will have to set clear boundaries.

I'm into Day 4 of not smoking. I've developed rashes where I had the patches. We'll see if the hydrocortisone cream works. I'm prepared to endure 2 1/2 months of rashes to quit smoking. It's not that bad, and I really don't have any cravings. My lungs are feeling pretty good, too.

My tooth/gum infection seems to be getting better. The antibiotics are wreaking havoc on my system, though. There's a bump on the lower left side of my gum. I'm thinking this may be an abscess. I'm still visualizing, meditating and praying that it all goes away with the antibiotics. Haven't had to take an pain meds yet today. I guess things are improving there, too.

Looks like I've got a busy day ahead of me, so this is it for today's post. I'll be back tomorrow with more mundane and boring news; or at least that is the goal.

Take care and good luck in all that you do!

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